
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Undergound facilities

Succeeding in setting up the underground floors, Anna went up and checked all the things whether it is in the 1st floor or in the 2nd floor, and saw that there are a lot of things they needed for their daily necessities. especially things they need in everyday life. For example kitchenware, furniture and things needed for a bath. But for hubert, these things are not important. What he only needs is a safe place to stay at rest. However, Anna is a woman and she is at her peak. So she went to his master's side and asked hubert if they could go in the city to buy the things needed at their house.

Hubert was teasing Anna by saying, " you are still a woman after all, then he made a grinning face" and next he agreed to Anna's request. He said that they would go to the city after they settled everything that needs to be done. Anna blushed but still smiled happily at hubert.

In addition to what Anna asked, she also told hubert to check the underground facilities of their house, particularly the training facilities and meditation room at the ground floor. Hubert went to check the training facility that they have and was delighted to see the gravitational room.

He went inside then activated the array which doubled the gravitational force in the training room and practiced the lightning ghost movement combining it with his martial art stances, While dashing and going around he punched and kicked performing shadow boxing. Hubert imagined he was fighting monsters and elementals in the area.

While hubert went to check the gravitational room, she brought the materials used to make an elixir bath out from her ring. Then she casted and mumbled some words, "Grigom Prastoris ahk Tom Mashik" the blood from the snake beast they hunted at the forest floated and went to the mini pool that anna created, next he pointed on some earth elemental crystals and turned them into dust and mixed it on the pool, afterwards she pointed at the fescue and Luna plants and extracted their essence, later on he pointed on the elixir bath that was forming, then the essence and the water mixed and shined, producing a bright light that blinded the common eyes.

Anna waited patiently for the mixture to cool down. Then she made the bones of the monster's they killed and hunted to float, and grinded them to dust. Next he mixed the dust made of bones to the water solution, then a mini explosion was heard " boooom".

A sparkling silver like liquid was produced in the mini pool. It was thick and was producing a very odd scent, this scent would make anyone want to protect their nose from its odor. Following that she released all the flowers she collected from the pocket dimension into the pool. Subsequently she casted a spell which produced a black fire, and made it burn the liquid for about hours, and within a period of time, changes can be seen in the pool. The silver liquid was now becoming golden, and the fragrance was like a perfume created from thousands of different flowers.

And for the last stroke, she again mumbled some mysterious and strange words " Mraks Hitar Halpalen Himatishing Priprotishin" and the golden water began to circle around and created a whirlpool. This made the elixir bath more effective and more potent. Afterwards she stopped casting and mumbling and the elixir settled down.

Anna named the elixir bath, Thousand medicinal pool. She was planning to add more mysterious plants , medicinal herbs , blood and bones from higher species and anything that would make the pool stronger and more powerful. Anna would execute this plan when she would see her master reach the starting line of the higher species, and can take the torture of bathing in a pool made up with different types of medicine.

But for now the concocted elixir bath was enough until hubert would be promoted and be evolved until the ranks of an Elektor.

Anna finished what she was doing and was full of sweat, her clothes were now wet and was showing her womanly charm. When suddenly hubert came out from the lower ground and saw a sexy and seductive anna.

Hubert was practicing for hours now, and he already adjusted from x2 gravity and was now at x5 gravity. Bones cracking were heard at the training room, and loud rumbles like the sound of thunder were being produced inside the chamber.

Every movement of hubert would produce some rumblings, Even his normal steps would make the sound of a thunder. This was caused by the gravity which is now x5 that of the original gravity. This caused his every movement to be very slow and very heavy.

The training room was making the foundation of hubert more solid and more stable, each of his muscles, bones, innards and cells were developing and growing in an extremely fast phase. But in exchange, hubert was now suffering from torture. Broken bones, muscle tears and internal injuries were forming and then healing inside of hubert' body..

After a few more hours, hubert stopped training. His endurance had already reached his limit and was ready to pass out, so he stopped the array and meditated on the spot. He performed some hand gestures and mumbled some words, and then a miracle transpired. His bones, muscles and internal organs were now connecting and healing in a very fast manner. Besides that, his lost energy was being replenished. And the energy that was going inside of his body was now helping in nourishing and mending his broken bones and injured muscles.

After 20 minutes he stopped his meditation and went upstairs, and he saw an extremely seductive and exceedingly gorgeous anna. He swallowed his saliva and was looking at her for about 5 seconds.

After his attention was drawn to Anna, he snapped and was embarrassed. He went to anna and said, " Go take a bath and change. You are now full of sweat, even your clothes are wet". Anna was ashamed and answered, " master i will go change later on, but you also need to go and take a bath. You also are very sweaty and even some of your clothes are ripped and showing some parts of your body" then she suddenly blushed.

While blushing she added, " master do you want to go together with me and take a bath? It would be in my honor if you wanted to?" smiling she asked Hubert.