
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Arena fights

Alina was standing in the participants room waiting for her turn to get into the arena. After a few minutes, she got called and it was now her turn to fight in the ring. Her first enemy was called john, this person had won 4 of his consecutive fights and was at the ranks of marquis. He was holding a spear and was ready to charge towards alina.

The match started and John charged towards her then performed some random cleave, gash and thrust. Afterwards he used a skill named spear soaring through the heavens. This spear art was executed with the use of wind elements. This attack was fast, swift and precise. Alina observed his enemy and was happily playing with him. She dodged the incoming spear and was giggling and making fun of john.

Seeing this, John was angered. He exploded with force and activated another skill called Spear smashing hell, but before he could use the spear art towards alina. He was flung through the sky and went up and down, left and right and merry go round. Alina got bored looking at the man and swiftly kicked her enemy towards the air and caught the man's feet and tossed him up towards many directions. The cheering crowd suddenly got quite, then they showed a dumb and funny expressions in their faces.

The speaker, after the upset, had woken up from his stupor and announced the winner of the fight saying. " The fight between John vs Cutey master. The winner is Cutey master". Alina created a new name for her use in the arena, she used cutey master to register herself for the competition to win the bionic stone. Alina walked out from the stage and went back to the waiting room.

When she was in the waiting room somebody approached her and said," good morning ma'am, i am laurel a master when it comes to income. I had seen your fight great master and saw that you have a great potential in winning this competition. I would like to propose great business for easy money maam"

What is it? Alina said with a curious look in her face.

Great madam in the next fight can you lose on purpose?.. I would be betting against you for 3000 gold, and if I won. It would be an easy money for the both of us. And for your participation in my plan, I would be compensating you with 1000 gold coins. Laurel explained to alina

Alina just kept her silence and gave an evil smile. She looked at laurel and did not say anything. This made laurel impatient and tried to add more gold to tempt alina to participate in his plans. Alina just laughed at laurel and said, " I got a great proposal for you. Why don't you scram and get the F**k out of my face. I'll count for 5 seconds and if you're still here after my count, I will make sure that every bone of your body will break and I will also make it sure that you can never walk in this city again".

Laurel felt that he was disrespected and looked at Alina menacingly. Afterwards he went away and said," you stupid moron, just you wait. I will give a reward of 1000 gold coins to your opponents and will ask them to humiliate you, abuse you and mortify you in front of the many audience watching your fight".

Alina looked at laurel and laughed at him, then she started counting 5, 4, 3 . Laurel heard that Alina was counting and he quickly ran away.

In the main office of the arena, laurel was bowing his head and was making a respectful expression to someone. He started explaining what happened to his offer towards the participant called alina. Afterwards, the great figure at the office clicked his tongue and said," That little girl doesn't know what is good for her, don't worry i will make an arrangement so that she would suffer from a humiliating loss" after that the man in front of laurel made an evil smile.

Alina learned from laurel that there are betting stations in the arena. He went to one of the stations and bet 5000 black gold to herself and got a ticket confirming the transaction. The betting percentage was 10 to 1. Alina was x10 and her next enemy was x1. When the clerk learned that she will bet 5000 black gold, she quickly called the main office and explained about the bet. The figure in the office laughed at the situation and made a corruptive smile.

Alina went back to the waiting room and after another minute, her name was called. In the stage, Alina was facing a giant whose record was 50 wins and 4 losses. The watching crowd was chanting his name " Goliath , Goliath , Goliath". The giant looked at alina and asked alina to surrender, he also explained that this match and the next coming matches, if she won, were already arranged by the management. They planned for her to lose and be humiliated, and even die in the arena.

Alina gave her thanks to the giant and said," thank you very much gentle brother, i know you are being forced to fight this kind of battle's, but don't worry. I can take care of myself. And as for your compensation for telling me this information. I will do one thing for you, even if you ask me to kill the strongest person in this city, I would do it without a doubt. My promises are as heavy as the heavens itself." afterwards she smiled at the giant then the fight started.

After a few breaths, Goliath was thrown outside the arena. He looked at Alina and said," Is what you said earlier still valid? And if it is still valid, can you please save my brethren from being slaves in this arena. If you do that, I would surely make it that we, the giant clan of the humans, would serve you with all of our might and all of our strength. We would also make an oath to be loyal and be devoted to you and only you" Afterwards he bowed towards Alina and went back towards his cage. Alina looked at the giant and said " WISH GRANTED, just sit down and relax for a while, after i got the bionic stone, i will make your yearnings come true"

After the fight she went to the betting station and got her price. Afterwards she put all of her earnings in the betting station and gambled for herself. A few more minutes later, she was called to the arena for her fight. This round she was facing a bloody assassin that reeks the aura of carnage. The fight started and Alina directly punched the assassin causing his body to explode and burst without warning. The watching audience was stupefied of what happened.

This cycle continued for the entire day and was now on her 96th match. She was now facing one of the arena's mentors. He called himself the butcher, he was holding 2 large knives and was producing the aura of an archduke. The butcher released his second soul and they started attacking alina. Slashes, slits, hacks and cuts could be seen on the stage. Alina played with him for a while, then she swung her hands crisscrossed. Afterwards the body of the butcher was now butchered like a pig by Alina.

Alina looked at the management and asked them to continue the fight. She told them that her remaining fights can be fused to one and let her 3 remaining opponents fight her side by side on the stage. The head of the arena was very happy with the decision Alina made. Afterwards he planned on sending 3 of his strongest combatants to the arena.

He picked his right hand man and left hand man to participate in the fight, he also went to a secluded cage where a man was being held and being tied by chains. The Chains were trying to control, limit and overpower the mind and body of the sealed creature. The head asked the man to fight in the arena and promised him his freedom if he won the bout with alina. All three of the combatants were ranked kings. So the head was very confident in his percentage of winning.

Alina Was whistling on the stage while waiting for her opponents, when suddenly 3 men came out from the gate and were very haughty. The first 2 opponents could be seen as a part of the nobles, while the last one could only be described as a ferocious and savage beast. Alina looked at the last participant and gave an expression of awe. He looked at the savage man and communicated with him through a different language. The man was shocked to see someone trying to communicate with him in this era.

The savage man introduced himself and said that his name was Krantos, he also explained that he was discovered by these people at the ruins near the royal city of MU while he was sleeping.

Alina thought deeply and said,'' Krantos, I will kill those two old men in a few minutes, afterwards I will break the seal on your soul that controls you, makin you a slave. This may cause your strength to drop from the ranks of a king to the ranks of a duke. If this would be successful, I only have one thing to ask for you? And that is to serve my master for 3000 years, after that you would regain your freedom. Don't worry Krantos, we would not hold you on your freedom while serving our master. The only thing you need to do is help him in his daily necessities and protect him during dangerous moments.

Krantos thought deeply then agreed.

The announcer introduced both of the parties; " The man in the right which is wearing a pure white robe is called King Gerald. He is the right hand man of sir billy, the owner of the arena. They have been brothers for almost 600 years and can be called partners in life. Towards the left, Wearing pure black robe, He is called King Yatar and at the same time brothers with sir billy, the head of the colosseum and brothers with king gerald. They had been through many battles and wars in their entire life. The three of them were known for their Savagery and cruelty during the era of turmoil and were given the nicknames The Schemer, The Savage, and The barbarian.

Next would be the man who looks like a ferocious animal. He was discovered by the 3 brothers in the ruins near the royal city of Mu sleeping in a capsule full of water. Afterwards, they brought the kid back to kaldita and tried to control him by making him a slave and imprinting a soul curse on this man. But failure after failure was the only thing they got in their attempt. The will and stubbornness of this creature is too strong that made the 3 brothers give up on their attempt..

After the fighters of the coliseum, let us get to the other side. I would like to introduce Cutey master; She joined the competition today and won all of her fights consecutively. If she triumphed from this last match, she would take the rewards for winning the competition. Now that all the introductions are done, it is the time to place your bets and let the fight begin.

When Alina heard what the announcer said, she released her power and made the stadium and the city tremble. It made the gravity and the atmosphere in the arena so heavy that it made all the present people watching the fight breathe and move heavily. Afterwards she slashed her hands and the two old kings died without a fight. Next she went towards Krantos and pressed her forehead then broke the slave seal and the soul curse within his soul.

What happened in the arena made each and every person watching the fight tremble with fear, and suddenly they remembered what happened to the chens the last few days.

Alina released and let go of the pressure she made and asked the announcer to declare the winner of the fight.

The announcer woke up, and declared Cutey master as the winner of the competition.

After winning she asked Krantos to follow her and they went to the betting station to get their reward. Alina won a whopping 20,000,000 black coins and almost got the stadium for closure.

The head of the arena was trembling non stop from what he witnessed. Afterwards, he calmed himself and waited for the winner to come to his office and get her prize.

Alina and Krantos were now at the office facing a buffed and old man. Alina stretched her hands forward as if she was asking for something. The old man named Billy said," excuse me ma'am but are you one of those people who killed the chen ancestors?".

Anna replied and said," Stop asking questions or else you would die from your inquiries, we came here to get the prize for the competition. Hand it over and this farce would be finished".

Billy trembled and presented them the bionic stone. He wanted to ask why these crazy women desired the stone, But he did not have the guts to ask the question and just keep quiet.

After Alina played and fumbled with the stone she looked at Billy and asked him where he got the stone.

Billy answered and said," We discovered the stone at the same time when we discovered the ferocious boy besides you. The stone was discovered at some ruins near the royal city of MU. We have been doing some tests on the stone but got nothing in return, so we made it as a prize to the colosseum to attract people into joining the fight, but we did not expect to attract some monsters that we can't win from" Then Billy made a weary smile and was feeling regretful in making the stone as a prize for the competition.