
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Thank you for your information, as for my next question. Do you remember your fighter goliath and his race? He told me that he is a slave for the arena and I fought this man in the second round of the competition. Alina inquired

Oh goliath of the giant race, they were sold to me by a mysterious man that came from the west. That man came to the arena 3 years ago and said that he has a great business for us, so we accepted the deal and got the race of the human giants as a slave. At that time I was curious about the man's information, so I tried investigating and casted my perception to probe the mysterious man and to my surprise. I couldn't even see his strength, when the mysterious man noticed what i was doing. He looked at me then made me tumble on the floor with only the use of his presence. Billy explained to alina.

Hmmm, alina thought for a while who that man was and after a few seconds , she stopped thinking about that man and went back to the topic of the giant race. Alina asked and said,��� About the giant race, how many people do you have with you? And are willing to sell those people to me? "

Billy got curious and said, The arena has around142 of those giant humans, they are very peculiar about their attitude. so only goliath could be useful to the arena. Goliath made a deal with the arena's management and told them that; If he won every fight that he would face , we would not sell any of his people. But if he loses even 1 bout we can start selling his tribesmen. That is how confident and strong goliath is. He was and still one of the crowd's favorites even after 3 years of stay in the collusion . And for the duration of his stay in this arena, Goliath did not lose any of his fights. But earlier this day he lost his first fight after 3 years. Then Billy looked at Alina with a tinge of fear in his eyes.

I understand. I know that goliath is very important in your arena, he is one of those slaves who produced money for you in the colosseum. But I want to buy him and his tribe, so give me a proper price and sell them to me. Oh i forgot to tell you, don't try to negotiate with me about their tribe or else i will destroy your entire business. Alina explained to Billy while making a light threat.

Billy made an expression that could not be painted by any artist and said, " madam i can only sell them to you for a high price of 10,000 black coins each. But for goliath, that is a new transaction. He is one of my cash cows who provide income to my business. so it is really hard to determine his whole monetary value. Madam if possible can you offer me a prize for the life of goliath?. Afterwards Billy made a weary smile. He was trying to increase the monetary value of Goliath, Because Billy knows that the money he would receive from this transaction came from the winnings of Alina in the gambling section of the colosseum. And for god sake, Alina almost made the arena go bankrupt. She won 20,000,000 black gold coins from her bet towards herself. This was almost 80 percent of the colosseum's entire wealth.

Alina understood what Billy was trying to do and said, Ok I will buy all the giant humans you have. I will give you 2,000,000 black coins for them. Make it sure to prepare all those people before we would be going away from the arena. Next about Goliath, I will pay him for about 2,000,000 black coins. It is the same price as his entire tribe. This would be your compensation on the money you lose towards me. By the way, if you have some more quality products that are not murderous in nature I would like to buy them.

Hearing what alina said, Billy was alleviated from his feelings of depression. He said to alina not worry about the giant tribe. Because he would ask the guards to fetch all the giant humans, and put them in one section of the arena for them to have an easier departure from the colosseum. For Goliath, he would put him at the same place as his tribe's men. He would manage his people and explain the situation for them not create havoc or chaos in the arena. And for the other slaves, he would browse his category of products and choose people with a less dangerous background and sell it to alina.

Alina was satisfied with what Billy did and added 2,500,000 black gold. 2,000,000 for the additional slaves she would purchase and 500,000 black gold as a tip for preparing the necessary things for the transfer of the slave's ownership.

At the time alina and hubert just separated with each other. Hubert went to see the slave's present in the different areas in the building. He went to see one of the staff and asked that staff to guide him to see the products that they are willing to sell.

Good morning, can you kindly show me around and present me your products that you are selling. I would like to see them personally so that I could decide which person or people I would buy. Said by hubert.

The staff looked at Hubert and asked him to present his Id to make sure that he has the capacity to pay for what he chooses and not to waste his time in showing the guest around the slave market. Hubert presented his Id to the staff and they started going around the slave market.

Sir, I apologize for asking you to present your information and thank you for understanding. My name is Glendon and I would be your guide for today. Let us stop wasting our time and go to cell number 1. After a few minutes they got to a wide confinement room and glendon explained the ones inside the cell.

Hubert saw at least 200 people in the room, some are old some are young but all of them are males. In the corner of the room hubert saw a young man looking at them full of malice. He asked for that young man's information and was surprised by what he learned.

The staff explained to hubert that the young man was a part of a group of 50 people sold to them by the royalty of Mu just 2 weeks ago. These people who have black hair, golden eyes and fair skin called themselves Dark lurkers. They specialized in assassination and killng missions. Hubert got interested in the young man and asked glendon if how many people in thier group were still present in the slave market. Glendon answered and said that they still have 50 of the said people. Afterwards he asked glendon to present him the young man for a bit of self introduction. Glendon agreed and asked the guard to drag the young man and asked the lurker to be presented to hubert. After a few minutes the young man was on his knees and was introduced to hubert.

Hello, my name is Hubert. I know that you don't like to be sold and tossed everywhere as a slave. So here is the deal: I am willing to buy all of your kind so that you would not be separated from each other and in exchange you need to serve me and my group properly. Do not worry, for I will not mistreat you and your group of people. I know that it is hard to trust what i'm saying, but just follow me and you will know what I meant.

The young man was startled by what Hubert said and he replied with," Are you sure that you are going to buy all the people in my group? This place has put a great amount of price on each and every head of our people? If you do buy our entire group, we the dark lurkers are willing to serve you as your eyes and ears everywhere in this world. By the way sir my name is Kazu, and we came from a far away place in the east. My village got conquered and slaughtered by the royalties of Mu.Then kazu flashed a killing intent remembering what happened.

I do understand your anger, but maybe one day if you serve me and my companions well. You and your group would be given a chance for revenge. Then hubert smiled at Kazu, afterwards he asked the staff to gather all the Dark lurkers present in the slave market and gather them in one place.

Hubert asked glendon on how much they would sell each person of the said group. Glendon was thinking that he had hit the jackpot today, and replied to hubert and said that each person, because of their skills would cost a little bit higher compared to the other slaves present in the market. They would be priced with 1000 black coins for each head, but a 10 percent discount would be removed from the total price for a group purchase. Hubert nodded and gave the vip card Tim gave him as a payment for the monster carcass.

When glendon saw the card he quickly changed his stature and gave a meaningful look at hubert, afterwards he said to hubert to keep the card for the moment and just pay all of his purchase after choosing all the slaves that he wanted in the market. Hubert said ok and asked glendon to gather all of the dark lurkers in the market and prepare them to depart at any moment. Afterwards glendon communicated with his higher ups and explained the situation.

After a few moments, glendon finished his report and asked hubert if he wanted to see the other cells in the market. Hubert said yes and they went to inspect the other confinement room. Glendon presented the people in Cell number 2. In this area, there are about 210 slaves and they are all composed of females. Hubert saw their situation and pity could be seen through his eyes. He asked Glendon if he can separate the females with unpleasant personalities to the other females with clean records.

Glendon checked his records and said yes, afterwards he explained to hubert the necessary informations about the female slaves. Out of the 210 slaves 90 of them have criminal records.40 of which have been in and out of the jail because of thievery, 21 got a record because of fraud, 8 people killed someone to defend themselves and the remaining 12 killed someone because of revenge and grievance. The remaining 9 people killed someone because of selfish desires or unknown reasons.