
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Future wargod, future saint, arena of fortune and misfortune

After eating Mars and marry asked where the place was. Hubert asked the kids to go out of the house and said, " Mars, Marry welcome to lost paradise, this would be your new home from now on. This place is deep in the forest of kaldita. A place where people are afraid to go because of monsters loitering around but don't worry, all monsters that are capable of hurting us in this area are either gone or either driven away by your two sisters. We also concealed and protected this place by creating spells and traps that would make any people entering our vicinity be afraid and confused of their surroundings. So be at ease and live here comfortably"

The kids were awed by what they saw and heard, Huge and beautiful waterfalls that creates rainbows everytime the water goes down the river, river so clear that you can see what was happening at the bottom of the waters, skies that are blue and brightly illuminated by the sun where birds are flying freely, small and cute creatures with different colors playing at the trees and at the waters, and atmosphere that is very pleasant, relaxing and warm. This place makes your soul and mentality calm and serene.

The kids were very happy to see this kind of place and asked hubert and the ladies if they could really live in this place, tears could be seen in their eyes while reminiscing what they have experienced in the city. Hunger, pain, sadness,coldness and discomfort were the things they remembered going through while trying to keep their lives in the city. The kids bowed towards hubert and the ladies and thanked them while happily crying. Hubert and the ladies were touched by what mars and marry did. Afterwards they went near the kids and hugged them warmly saying," welcome to our family, mars, marry".

After the touching scene, Anna explained to the kids to never talk about this place in front of other people and make it their own secret. Next she explained to mars and marry that their race had changed and they are now called lost human's. She also explained to them the need to obtain and develop their own power. Afterwards she explained the details on how to attain their own strength. After which, Anna gave each of them 2 different books to read, memorize and understand.

The first book explains how to circulate and store mysterious energies coming from the atmosphere. The second book for Mars was a book showing the use of different techniques in using weapons to defend or kill your enemies, it also shows different forms, martial skills and different patterns when battling different quantities of any living beings. The book also discusses tactics, maneuvers, stratagems, schemes, tricks, disposition and leadership when it comes to war.

The second book for Marry explains on how to use the energies and the elements in the surroundings to support her companions making their strength go up for at least 20 percent of their current power, it also discusses a certain kind of energy used for healing and treating people who are sick, ill, injured and impaired.

The book also discusses curses, bane, calamity, disasters, jinx misfortunes and debuffs. If both of the books given to Mars and Marr were to be fully mastered and applied on a battlefield, it would cause a huge devastation towards the opposing team or opposing camp.. It was like a war god and a saint going and sweeping the entire battle field.

Anna inspected the kids and gave these books based on their characters, aspects, traits, talents, gifts and aptitudes.

Marry and mars received the books with a questioning gaze and told anna to teach them how to read and how to write before they could start learning the content of the books. Anna forgot about this issue and slapped her forehead. Hubert and Alina laughed at Anna and then went on their own to discuss some important matters regarding the things that happened in the city.

Alina told hubert what happened after he passed out and said," Master, our faces and our identities are already well known in the city of kaldita. Some people would surely try and get close to our group and use us in their schemes. They will also try to drag us on their politics for their own benefits. So what we can do now is to avoid these people and lay low for a moment". Hubert nodded and asked how they could avoid the prying people and stay low while roaming the city freely and undisturbed.

Alina brought a jade out of her storage item and said," master press this jade towards your forehead and it will explain the usage of the skill stored in the item. Afterwards try studying and practicing the disguise art stored in the jade. If you mastered at least 20 percent of the skill, we can go in and out of the city without problems."

Hubert put the jade on his forehead and got the information he needed. The skill explained how to change your bone structure to appear like some else, it also covers and masks your aura and your presence changing them to a different person. Afterwards Hubert tried practicing and memorizing the sequence and after an hour he mastered almost 50 percent of its content. Next he tried to change his appearance and was successful in his attempt. After hubert learned the art they were now ready to go back to the city and resume their activities.

Huber called alina and asked her to get ready because in a few minutes they would be going back to the city of kaldita. When anna heard this, she quickly went to hubert and asked when and what time they would depart and go back to the city. But to her disappointment, hubert answered with, " Anna stay here for the moment and teach the kids about the things they need to learn. Guide them properly and make it sure that no harm would be done against them during their practice" Anna pouted and puffed her cheeks then looked at hubert with a sulky expression. Alina got to see this and teased anna until they bickered back and forth. Hubert stopped their argument and said," anna please teach the kids well and i would give you a gift when we got back from the city". Anna smiled and kissed Hubert on the cheeks, then looked at Alina in a mocking way. Afterwards she happily marched going to where the kids were playing.

Alina and hubert prepared the things that they needed, afterwards they changed their appearance and activated the portal and went back to the city. After arriving at the city, they saw traces and evidence of people trying to force their way and investigate the building that merchant tim had given them. Traps and elemental attack and burned corpses are scattered at the entrance of the second floor. After observing what happened, Alina made a mocking expression and laughed at those people trying to investigate their group. Afterwards she casted an invisibility spell and both of them walked out of the building without hindrance.

Hubert and Alina were now walking in the market trying to look for material used to make furniture, kitchen wares, blankets , armors, weapons, clothings and anything that would help them in their daily necessities.

They went inside one of the black smithing stores and bought all the ores and metals they could use to craft useful items for their daily necessities . Next, they went to a woodwork shop and alina looked at the quality of the shop's items and bought some items that could inspire her in creating and inviting things that could help them in their essentials. After That they toured all the shops buying different items they could use in their house at Lost paradise and at the new building merchant Tim gave them. When doing so, they can't avoid listening to conversations about the fight that happened yesterday. They also heard that the chen family was wiped out from the city of kaldita and other forces went to claim and swallow their business.

Hubert just sighs and thinks that the city was also like a wild forest, where the weak would be eaten by the strong. He also thought that every place has its own law's of the jungle. and if you can't protect yourself you would be the one to die and perish miserably.

In the process of looking for items and listening to rumors, they were guided to a place where they could buy and trade for slaves. They could also watch, bet and participate in a fighting match and get rewards when fighting and winning in the arena. This place was very famous in the city and was named the Arena of fortunes and misfortunes.

Hubert and Alina got curious and went inside the building. They saw different kinds of people coming and going in and out of the building, some were here to bet, some were here to fight, some were to entertain themselves and watch a good show, and some were here to buy slaves.

At first Hubert was not interested in this type of events, but when he thought about the new building that was given to him, he changed his mind and planned to get some slaves to manage his new property.

Alina was looking interested in the fight that was happening in the arena when suddenly she saw the reward for beating 100 people succeedingly. It was a rare stone called Bionic metal. This metal if placed in an environment full of energy would reproduce itself and create an environment good for rearing other types of metals. The environment that the metal created will make other metals grow at a very fast phase making it very valuable and very expensive. Maybe the organizers did not know the use of the metal that is why they used it as a prize for the arena.

The Bionic metal was also in the same category or even higher than mythril thorium and adamantium. It has the hardness of some metals, it also has the flexibility and sharpness of other metals and it also has the energy conductivity of some special metals. If crafted and nurtured properly, it would make an item at the level of a pseudo supreme item.

When Alina saw the reward, her eyes lit up and was very excited to gain that precious stone without paying high compensations. She asked hubert if she could join the arena and fight to obtain that precious stone as a reward. Hubert answered and said," it is ok for you to join, but don't be too ruthless and create a massacre just to obtain that stone" then hubert patted her head.

Alina went to the registrar and put her name on the list of contestants competing for the bionic stone, While hubert went to see some slaves he could buy to maintain and manage his new property.