
Lost Love Rekindled: My Charming Ex-Husband

Ethan thought his marriage was perfect, happy, until one day his wife Victoria coldly asked for a divorce. Married for three years, Victoria's career had skyrocketed, and her family had long disdained Ethan as a husband. However, what they didn't realize was that without Ethan Gray, they would be nothing! The revenge starts now.

Jrwut · Urban
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84 Chs

Chapter 5: Was she crazy, or had the world gone mad?

"How… how did you… guards!"

Davina stared at the plainly dressed but handsome man in front of her, wanting to call the guards to throw him out and beat him up.

"Enough, Davina, have you forgotten what you promised me?" Sophia couldn't help but angrily confront her sister, not caring that there were others in the ward.

Davina felt both anxious and angry, her face and ears reddening as she looked at Sophia, "I quit smoking and drinking already, he is lying! Sophia, he is a fraud! Even the most famous doctors in North America couldn't improve Grandpa's condition, how could such a young man possibly have a way?"

Sophia was taken aback. In truth, she didn't fully trust Ethan Gray's abilities either; it was only because he was referred by Mr. Barner and they had no other options left.

Ethan took in the sisters' emotions.

"Did you bring me here just to question my capability, Miss West?" Ethan smirked, his gaze shifting to Old Mr. West on the bed, "If you don't trust me, then I must excuse myself."

Ethan indeed needed the medicinal herb offered by Will Barner, but that didn't mean anyone could question his competence.

The Conrads might have looked down on him and despised him in the past, but that was because he wanted family harmony and chose not to quarrel with them. This didn't mean Ethan wasn't a confident and proud man.

His strength was his confidence!

Just one glance at Old Mr. West told him this was no ordinary illness!

Seeing Ethan turn to leave, Sophia quickly stepped forward to stop him, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Gray, I meant no disrespect. Please don't mind my younger sister, treat my grandfather. I assure you, I will not question your methods."

Ethan stopped, turned around without another word, "Please have all non-essential personnel leave the ward, I will begin the treatment."

He didn't want to trouble this family; as long as he received the respect he deserved, he naturally would treat the patient.

Everyone except Sophia West was asked to leave, including the fuming Davina.

Ethan pulled out a small black velvet box with gold trim from his coat, Sophia catching a glimpse of a 'G' embossed on the box.

When the box was opened, it revealed a row of silver needles of varying sizes; Sophia was stunned but dared not show any emotion, fearing Ethan might walk away again.

No wonder Mr. Barner valued Ethan so highly—his method of treatment was silver needle acupuncture! This treatment was exceedingly rare here, an ancient and mystical Eastern therapy.

Sophia held her breath, not daring to make a sound that might disturb Ethan's actions.

She was worried that any distraction might cause Ethan to misplace a needle, potentially worsening her grandfather's condition...

But soon, she realized her concerns were unnecessary. Ethan swiftly uncovered Old Mr. West's collar, cuffs, and bedding and quickly inspected before rapidly inserting the first needle.

The silver needle flew from Ethan's hand, landing on Old Mr. West's chest, the tail of the needle still trembling slightly. As this needle landed, Ethan's hands moved non-stop, inserting several more needles swiftly like lightning into various parts of Old Mr. West's body.

Sophia watched, spellbound, as Ethan moved with the grace of a dragon in flight.

Rather than a treatment, it looked more like a performance.

Ethan's expression was serious, his demeanor focused. Yet, his movements were incredibly fluid, without any hesitation.

Twenty minutes later, Ethan finally stood upright. His forehead was covered in sweat, but he let out a deep breath, "All right, now, all we can do is wait."

"Wait?" Sophia didn't understand, only feeling worried that her grandfather was being poked with so many silver needles, which might be painful.

Ethan nodded, "Miss West, what your grandfather is facing is not an illness, but something more dreadful than that. You should think carefully, has he offended someone who might want him dead?"

Sophia's heart tightened, and she frowned. Just as she was about to ask a question, she was interrupted.

"What have you done?!" Davina burst into the ward, seeing the silver needles on her grandfather, her expression turned to anger as she spoke, "Doctor Hart, please help my grandpa!"

Following her was a middle-aged man in a doctor's uniform, with a serious expression and meticulously combed hair. As he entered the room, his eyes fixed on the silver needles on Old Mr. West without saying a word.

Sophia frowned, "Davina, I asked you to wait outside, why did you barge in?"

"Soph, this is Riverstone's most famous internist, a professor from the world's top five Hailsmith University's Medical Department, Doctor Hart! He is the one you should have called!" Davina urged.

Sophia was naturally aware of Dr. Hart, who might have been summoned with a high fee, but Hailsmith University was hundreds of kilometers away, and it would take time to arrive.

Will Barner recommended Ethan Gray, and without time to hesitate, she had to trust the person who could treat her grandfather faster.

Davina looked at Ethan provocatively, waiting for the fraudster to panic. However, Ethan just shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice to Doctor Hart, "You are undoubtedly an expert in your field, but this gentleman is not ill, but in critical condition due to other reasons."

He respected other doctors, but that did not mean he would allow anyone to disrupt his treatment.

If the person was arrogant and ignorant, he would not be polite in stopping them.

But Doctor Hart stepped forward and respectfully extended his hand, "I apologize for the interruption, but if you allow it, please let me assist you from the side. I can help clear the silver needles and give you a hand, sir."

Both Sophia and Davina were stunned by this.

A professor from Hailsmith University's Medical Department, renowned in his field, Doctor Hart, was showing such respect to a young man in his twenties, even using a humble tone to request to assist Ethan!

Sophia observed Ethan, who was neither humble nor arrogant, looking at Doctor Hart with a calm gaze, as if he was evaluating whether the man was qualified to assist him.

Was she crazy, or had the world gone mad?

Who exactly was Ethan Gray?

The ward fell into a brief silence, when suddenly, Old Mr. West on the bed let out a painful moan, his body uncontrollably twitching!

Sophia and Davina were shocked on the spot!