
Lost Love Rekindled: My Charming Ex-Husband

Ethan thought his marriage was perfect, happy, until one day his wife Victoria coldly asked for a divorce. Married for three years, Victoria's career had skyrocketed, and her family had long disdained Ethan as a husband. However, what they didn't realize was that without Ethan Gray, they would be nothing! The revenge starts now.

Jrwut · Urban
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84 Chs

Chapter 4: Desperate Plea for Help

On the flat coastal road, a Bentley was speeding along.

Inside the car, Sophia handed Ethan a cell phone, "I think this call is for you, Mr. Gray."

Ethan took the phone, and a deep male voice came through, "I am Will Barner, Mr. Gray. Today is the third anniversary with your wife, I believe. I've carefully selected a gift..."

"Mr. Barner, hello. It's very nice of you, but from now on, I do not need to celebrate any anniversaries. Please state your request directly," Ethan spoke calmly.

"A... alright, Mr. Gray," Will coughed lightly, "An old friend of mine has contracted a strange disease. His family has consulted with doctors all across North America, but they cannot cure him. His granddaughter had no choice but to come to you..."

Ethan glanced sideways at Sophia sitting next to him, "Interesting, so I'm being coerced? Mr. Barner, you should know my rules."

Will hurriedly explained, "Of course, no one is forcing you. She personally came to pick you up because her grandfather's condition is critical, and we really are out of time. Additionally, I have found a Snow Lotus Seed that you have been searching for; I will arrange for someone to deliver it to you as your compensation."

Ethan was momentarily stunned, "Are you sure it's genuine?"

"Absolutely! Also, please call me Will, Mr. Gray."

Ethan finally nodded, "Then I'll take this job, thank you."

Will hung up the phone with profuse thanks.

Ethan looked at Sophia again, "Impressive to get Mr. Will Barner, the president of the Riverstone Chamber of Commerce, as an intermediary."

Sophia respectfully took back the phone, smiled, but said nothing.

The car was quiet; she could hear everything said just now. Mr. Barner, wealthy and powerful as he was, spoke to this man with such caution. This made Sophia incredulous.

Yet just earlier, this man had been entangled with several ignorant fools, and had been insulted by those people at will.

Who exactly was this man?

Ethan looked out the window, unaware of Sophia's inner shock. He was lost in thought about the Snow Lotus Seed. If it was genuine, then he was one step closer to his goal.

Thinking of this, his tightly furrowed brows finally relaxed a bit.

This long day finally had some good news.

Just then, Ethan's phone rang with a call from Victoria.

Ethan looked at the caller ID and frowned slightly.

Still, he chose to answer it.

"Ethan, I need a reasonable explanation." Victoria's cool voice came through the receiver.

"An explanation?"

"Yes! Why did you hit my brother, why did you push Ian to the ground? He's just a child! Are you going to deny what you did?"

Ethan sighed, "I won't deny it, but..."

Before Ethan could finish, Victoria sternly interrupted, "I'm very disappointed in you. You vented your anger on my family! I never thought you would be such a violent person!"

Ethan was taken aback, then chuckled bitterly, "So, in your eyes, I am someone who can stoop so low. I thought you had a basic understanding of me. Don't you want to know the reason?"

"The reason?" Victoria scoffed, "You did something wrong, and now you're looking for excuses like a child?"

Ethan fell silent.

He felt bitter and helpless. Yes, she would naturally choose to believe her family over him. It had been like this for three years.

"You can call the police or sue me, or you can have someone beat me up, Ms. Conrad." Ethan finished and hung up the phone coldly.

Victoria stared at the disconnected call, a mix of emotions swirling within her—anger, grievance, bitterness, sadness.

She never wanted things to reach this point, but everything had become unrecognizable.

Milly observed her expression, "Ms. Conrad, he..."

Victoria raised her hand, "Clear my schedule for The West Family's charity dinner. If all goes well, we might have a chance to become their partners next quarter."

"Right away, I'll make the arrangements!"

Meanwhile, Ethan followed Sophia into the VIP ward of St. Peter's Hospital. The elderly man in the bed was gaunt, his complexion blue, lips purple, spirit weak, and his breathing faint.

A beautiful girl under twenty suddenly stood up, tears in her eyes, "Soph, you're finally back! Grandpa, he..."

She was Sophia's younger sister, the second daughter of The West Family, Davina West.

"Mr. Gray, please help my grandpa." Sophia barely had time to soothe her sister before urgently speaking to Ethan.

Ethan was about to step forward when the young girl spread her arms to block him.

"Soph, is this the miracle doctor you found? Are you sure you weren't deceived?" Davina eyed Ethan warily.

Sophia quickly said, "This is Mr. Gray, don't be rude, Davina!"

"I don't believe it! What if he's a fraud and ends up harming grandpa? He must prove himself to me!"

Ethan observed the girl and spoke gravely, "Miss West, you had stomach pain again last night, didn't you?"

Startled, Davina blinked, "What?"

"Your complexion is sallow, but not from lack of sleep. The sides of your nose are red, foundation couldn't cover it, and your lips are cracked and peeling, no lip balm seems to work. It suggests you are hot-tempered, easily agitated, and you likely skip breakfast."

Davina's face turned red, "You must have investigated me..."

Ethan stepped closer to Davina, "Hmm, even though you rinsed your mouth, it didn't cover everything. You secretly smoke and like to drink chilled alcohol."

Davina, panic-stricken, was about to loudly object when Ethan covered his nose, "And one more thing, your breath smells; you need to treat your stomach condition soon. I can prescribe some medicine for you free of charge."

At this, Davina was utterly shocked and speechlessly embarrassed.

How did he know?

Who is this man?