
Lost Love Rekindled: My Charming Ex-Husband

Ethan thought his marriage was perfect, happy, until one day his wife Victoria coldly asked for a divorce. Married for three years, Victoria's career had skyrocketed, and her family had long disdained Ethan as a husband. However, what they didn't realize was that without Ethan Gray, they would be nothing! The revenge starts now.

Jrwut · Urban
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84 Chs

Chapter 6: The Living Creature!

"Grandpa!" Davina screamed, pointing at Ethan's nose, "What have you done to him? Who hired you?!"

She wanted to hit Ethan fiercely and also rushed forward to pull out the silver needles torturing her grandfather, but she was stopped by Doctor Hart nearby, "Miss West, please stay calm, don't do anything rash."


The speaker was Sophia. A bodyguard in a black suit opened the door and came in, "Yes, Miss."

"Make sure she stays right where she is, don't let her disturb Mr. Gray." Sophia was naturally referring to her sister Davina. She could have asked the bodyguard to take her out, but she preferred Davina to stay and watch.

Because she had a feeling that she was about to witness something incredible.

Ethan was already checking Old Mr. West's condition.

He lifted the old man's eyelids; Old Mr. West's eyes were yellowed, his pupils gray, devoid of focus.

He immediately checked Old Mr. West's pulse, while simultaneously turning his head and issuing instructions with composure,

"Doctor, come and hold his right hand!"

"Miss West, immediately have someone fetch a porcelain bottle, the lid must be silver, hurry!"

"Also, you and your sister need to step back, do not come near here!"

Sophia, without time to be surprised, quickly opened the door to give orders to her subordinates and then closed the door again.

Doctor Hart held down Old Mr. West, whose body was convulsing wildly, and said seriously to Ethan, "Mr. Gray, looks like my expertise can't be of much help to you, but I will do my best to assist you."

Ethan nodded, picked up a silver needle, and accurately thrust it into Old Mr. West's forehead.

"Unbutton his shirt!"

Doctor Hart immediately complied.

Ethan, with three silver needles pinched between the fingers of his right hand, moved from the navel to the chest, inserting the needles swiftly and forcefully. Each insertion caused a bulge to move under the old man's belly, as if there was a living creature inside him.

Sophia and Davina gasped in shock. What was that inside their grandfather's stomach?!

Ethan used his left thumb to press and massage an acupoint on Old Mr. West's abdomen, the creature inside moving around, fiercely resisting.

Each subsequent needle insertion was harder, meeting more resistance. He began to feel the energy and blood in his own body surging, sweat drenching him!

Ethan quickly pressed a point below his own left chest with his left thumb, then traced a '7' across his chest with his index finger, ending above his navel.

Doctor Hart swore he heard a sound like joint compression from the pressure on the acupoints!

"Miss Sophia, would you mind wiping my sweat?"

Sophia immediately took out a handkerchief, stepped forward, and carefully but quickly wiped the sweat off Ethan's forehead, then stepped back to her original position.

"Doctor, hold his right foot!"

Doctor Hart immediately complied.

Finally, after Ethan inserted the last silver needle into the tip of Old Mr. West's right little toe, the old man finally stopped struggling.

But his moaning did not cease; instead, it became even more painful!

"Where's the porcelain bottle? Give it to me!" Ethan had already returned to Old Mr. West's side, his left hand pressing on the man's chest, his right hand pinching the chin.

This time, Davina responded, "It's here!"

She hurriedly handed the porcelain bottle to Ethan, who glanced at her. Doctor Hart took the bottle from her.

Davina blushed, not knowing what to say. At this moment, she finally understood. The healing techniques this man possessed, even ten Doctor Harts combined couldn't match!

Only he could save her grandfather's life!

Ethan looked seriously at Doctor Hart, "When I give you the signal, immediately give me the porcelain bottle and then step back. Did you get that?"

Doctor Hart's heart pounded, and he nodded quickly.

Ethan's left hand began to press fiercely on Old Mr. West's chest, pushing up to his neck, then he swiftly pulled the silver needle from the old man's brow and jabbed it harshly into his mouth!

"Now!" he shouted.

Doctor Hart handed him the porcelain bottle and quickly stepped back.

He saw Ethan pull out the needle, swiftly flick a black object into the porcelain bottle, and screw the lid on tight.

All this happened in just a few seconds, yet to those in the room, it felt like time had slowed down immensely. Everything that unfolded before their eyes was so magical, yet it all seemed reasonable because of Ethan Gray's presence.

"What is that…" Davina asked with a trembling voice, referring to the black object in the porcelain bottle.

It was a short, thick worm, its body slime-like and seemingly emitting black smoke.

The worm writhed madly; Davina couldn't bear to look any longer, yet she felt as if she could see the creature's sharp teeth!

"My God, what is this? A curse? An alien?"

"This is 'Gu Poison,' an ultimate poisonous insect created from the combination of five poisonous creatures in southern China. You can think of it as the king of all poisons, refined in a lab from the toxins of different species."

Davina involuntarily stepped back, hiding behind her sister.

Such a terrifying thing, why does such a creature exist?

Just then.


A feeble moan suddenly came from the bedside.

Sophia had been closely watching her grandfather, and at the sound, she immediately went up to him, grasping Old Mr. West's hand. She had not yet called out "Grandpa" when tears already welled up and overflowed.

Davina did the same, her eyes red, as she moved to the other side of the bed.

Accompanied by a bout of coughing.

The long-unconscious Old Mr. West finally opened his eyes!