
The Prophecy

"A new son of the mighty Primordial Goddess of Night, Mother to Sleep, Dreams, The pleasures of love, Death and even the fates, The great lady Nox. and a legacy of Trivia the goddess of Magic, Crossroads, and Witchcraft."

I stood there awkwardly for a second and noticed something on my fingertips the Black energy from earlier accidental magic coated them but it seemed to be reacting to my watch as if smoke was circulating around it but that'd be something to figure out away from here. I knew I Had magic but I bet if I stayed awhile I could probably figure out how to use any specific demigod gifts. Sure I could figure them out on my own but Percy didn't fully figure out his gifts until he went to Tartarus I at least wanted a head start.

I put my hand in my jacket which didn't work as well as I hoped the shadows licked at my heels I guess my mom's symbol was acting like an amplifier Looked like It looked my shadow was trying to grab me for a second and then I kicked it and it stopped. I took a step forward the preator's were standing.

"Hey Vestia sent me to get a prophecy," I told them the more steps I took I looked down There were icy Foot Print following me. It's like stopping the shadow that had turned on the ice.

Name dropping a goddess is a bit sketchy but I mean Percy literally came with a goddess and got the second degree even if I came with a gift like healing meat that supposedly made you pretty of the amphisbaena. But Percy also came after a war and the disappearance of their number one guy Jason.

" Hello, My name is Markus Abernathson of Apollo Preator of Camp Jupiter we have waited for your arrival," one of the guys dressed in Purple said. That made me happy that means the no smite thing extended to demigods. Sure accidents happen so I'll have to keep my guard up but that brings me a little hope.

He moves to the side a bit to let me walk beside/ behind a step. The legionnaires kind of go and mind their own business. The other praetor shoots me a glare. I guess whatever they heard about me isn't so positive.

"so did the gods tell you I'm not staying?" I ask." also if I'm already claimed to I move straight from probatio to getting my tattoo? because not to be a bit pushy but I'm going to be pretty busy for the next ten years or so and probably won't be able to join the legion."

"Well, There might be some sideways glances but Mars Ultor was the one who came down himself to tell us that you were exempt from Legion duties Training with Luna and straight shot your acceptance into The Twelfth Legion Fulminata as a full-fledge member of the fifth cohort," he says with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

Wow I kinda feel like the gods are trying to show their support for me in a way to alienate me from the camp I'm 99% sure I could have made a deal the way that Nico made a deal with Reyna and she let him have pretty much free reign to visit the camp just by offering extra protection to demigods and legacies that choose to live in different places I could have formed a great alliance but now having the same status as kids that have been in the legion for several years. The Claiming and Hestias's gift could have been doing it for my benefit but there were too many gods involved in my destiny. Especially since I'm not really supposed to have one. God sent me to send life the way I wanted to but a prophecy makes me think there isn't any free will.

"There is a legacy of apollo that has the gift of divination we are going to him for divination. Then you'll get your prophecy." He tells me. I sigh knowing it has to be Octavius he's around the same age as me Right now guess He was already making moves at this time. Then I think for a second this is the perfect time to test out my eyes. I then remember he's 7 and that maybe that would be a step too far.

Markus is confused by my changing emotions Sad, happy, angry, and then calm acceptance. He probably thinks I'm insane and he seems a little stunned by it so I started walking faster to get to where I would get my prophecy.

As we enter the building Octavius does his show and dance. I pick a stuffed animal that looks like Stanly. he cuts it open dramatically which is almost cute since we are little kids. Octavius frowns when he looks at the stuffing. I grow a little anxious.

"Hey what do you see?" I ask him.

"Nothing," He says sounding incredulous." and I don't mean I can't see anything it actually says the word nothing." I started to laugh thinking he was joking.

"I guess heaven has no words for me," I say. I shrug my shoulders. He sighs at my nonchalance. He handed me a slip of paper. I guess it must be from a scrap of the sibylline books that the camp still had.

The Prince Of Night with a Legacy of Magic

Of Handsome Beauty with a Fate so Tragic,

The Fates hold has no grasp as they Ignore,

What they soon saw they would greatly Abhor,

Three worlds hang on the brink of collision, his decision of destruction by inaction or his incision,

Though Fate's wrath shall be known, A lover's last breath shall be sown,

Even if he can escape this deaths tome, Only he will know when he has Atoned

I paused reflecting on the words, The two stared at me waiting for my reaction and I tried hard to not show them one. I moved around the alter and tucked the page into my jacket pocket. I knew the way Marcus had been shooting looking at me like he was analyzing but he thought I was a normal 7-year-old that I wouldn't notice. I would never be safe if I stayed in the camp like this. Sure I might find a few trustworthy friends but sooner or later id have a knife in my back saying et tu "insert name here"

"Hey is there an alter for my Mom?" I ask. He smiles a little crookedly at that.

"Yeah, There is but are you sure you want to see it. It must have been hard not knowing your mom. Lots of the demigods here know that" He says bending his eyebrows trying to show a look of compassion. So that must be why he's so nice even though everyone else hates me for skipping ranks. Camp Jupiter fights a war here in the bay area just like Percy Jackson versus Kronos in the last olympian. This must be Camp's Jupiters' early recruiter for the other side of the war like Luke.

"Yeah, It's hard I just want to get a few things off my chest Maybe ask why she ignored me all these years," I Say mostly for his benefit I'll probably use him to spread S.H.I.E.L.D. Contacts among the camp if he thinks I'm on his side of the war. I mean I am a bit upset at my mom but I mean if she's really primordial then she did kinda a lot for me Tartarus and Gaia are primordial and in the books, they speed thousands of years sleeping but she also didn't one night stand him sure my uncle only say her once but there were pictures of them together for years before I came along she loved him.

I do remember her a Little. I think god may have been a bit wrong about me not being able to make parental connections.

"I'll lead the way," Markus says. As we walk out I ask Octavius for a pen and paper and he stumbles around a moment before he hands it over. I run after Markus. He's tapping his foot impatiently but he still has that huge phony smile. It's that customer service smile as if I just knocked down a display that took hours to put up.

The little obsidian building that serves as the alter to nox is not grand but it is a pretty good size. I take a fruit from the front of the building. Put it in the alter bowl, Markus is waiting outside I don't want to let him know what I talk to my mom about so I start writing on the paper. I know that My mom and hecate/trivia are watching me closely they also have a bit of a close relationship so that should make this a bit easier, I write on the paper

'sup mom' with a smiley face

Underneath a glow goes over the paper and words burn out it with black fire.

'Hi sweetie' also with a smiley face. Like Son like mom i guess. I take it out of the alter. I write a bit more on it this time.

'It's been a long time I don't know if you heard but I'm going to take over dad's company'

'Yeah your father always wanted you too'

'Thanks for the watch' I write not knowing how to reply. I kinda wanna ask for help on like godly gifts and magic but like how can you ask a strange mother for anything.

'so the gods aren't super stoaked to here someone can defy the fates huh?' i asked.

'Not particularly.' I bet it made her chuckle that I figured it out here. I decide to not beat around the bush.

'Is there any way you could help me with my godly gifts from you and maybe magic a bit ... I can't stay here' I write. I wait a good thirty seconds I figure that she left or something and then a pillar of shadows comes from the middle of the alter. it shoots out at and sticks to my jacket. Then it kind of melts into the jacket. The paper is turned all but the end.

'Don't check your jacket Until you've left the camp, Happy birthday my little prince, Your grandma and I are always listening, love you

I fold the little scrap and put it into my pocket it's a nice moment of this day. I guess midnight has passed. before I step out of the building I fix my face into a grimace. From there I kind of go through the motions I listen to his pitch about how the gods don't really care about us and nod along encouragingly but he knows not to sell the hard sale with Chronus on our first meeting. I give him the number for S.H.I.E.L.D. for if some demigods want high-paying secure jobs and he thinks I'm in the bag for his army. sure I'll deny any die-hard loyalist trying to sneak in but I will definitely recruit a couple of solid people from this dumbass.

The tattoo hurts like hell but I fight through it the jacket makes it heal almost immediately after it brands my skin so it only hurts for a moment. As I leave the camp I have my jacket over my shoulder sleeve rolled all the way up and I receive glares from every single person I pass. Well Until Markus catches their eye then about 15-30 percent of people grow a smile. God, it's ridiculously easy who Marks has recruited I've been here six hours I already have 5-6 faces of who going to jump ship and join the titans.

Markus Smiles crookedly as I make my way back up Caldecott tunnel. I pull out my phone and call my uncle. He sounds upset to be awoken at 2 Am but he sounds a bit relieved that I'm safe a lot more angry than relieved though. I sit in the tunnel and watch the few cars drive down the stretch counting red cars. This has been the longest day Since Giza. I guess I might take my Uncles Simon's advice for a break.

As soon as I figure out what my mother gave me.


Vote for 3:

Big book of Greek curses for the children(and legacies) of Hecate:

Gifts and Abilities of children of Nyx/Nox and how to train them:

Ice magic:

Summoning magic:



(seeing as the first three have been chosen I will give him those three the nyx book will have instructions on how to but like how not every Zeus kid can fly not every nyx kid can make the day into night time. so if he tries hard enough he will still be able to use ice magic and summoning magic)