
Lorien Legacies New Dreams

Damian's favorite fantasy worlds are becoming all too real Supl, I wanted to try my hand at writing I think this will be a very AU Lorien Legacies fan fic with some harry potter and pjo those three series were the fantasy trifecta growing up I may add some random stuff tv shows and anime stuff to keep it moving we will see I don't own anything but my oc

Andrew_Alsbrooks · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Camp Jupiter

"Hello, Lady Hestia," I said. as I bowed. She looked slightly surprised. Her face contorted a bit and she had a show of pain on her face. I put my arm out in worry.

"No I am fine but in this land please call me Vesta," She said. I realized my mistake and quickly bowed again. she patted on the seat next to her ushering me to sit down.

"I am very sorry I didn't mean to cause you any discomfort," I told her." So what brings the hearth to this lonely beach, "I ask her.

" I should ask you the same thing don't you think you were a little rough with that mortal?," She asks.

"I don't think so, his actions would have led to many people being hurt. It's like your hearth you can invite those you trust to feel the heat from the fire but if you choose the wrong person to come into your hearth as you stoop to stoke the flames there may be a knife to your back" I tell her. She Smiles Brightly at that comment.

"As for your question I came on a favor to a Certain Goddess, You know there was a bet going around whether you would be able to identify me," She told me. She said eyeing me up and down.

"That's a little worrying to hear did you win?" I ask her. She Shakes her head.

"Almost no one recognizes me immediately, I was so sure that you wouldn't, Though I am not very angry at my loss, The bet was placed for your benefit, and once we are finished talking I will give you your rewards. There are a few things I must tell you young one."Hestia says. Gifts from a goddess would be nice maybe I can ask who my mom is.

" You will only Find your lineage when You go to Camp Jupiter there is a prophecy you are meant to receive. The gods are not Overjoyed by your existence but the fates have decreed that you must be tolerated. Though if you directly confront a god or goddess your fate will be sealed." she says. I'm happy about not being disturbed by the gods is what I need if I'm going to be a part of all three worlds. Though I'm not really looking forward to going to Camp Jupiter( might have to wear a t-shirt).

I start to nod that I understand I Couldn't think of a question that she would answer with a straight answer without being all vague. The way she looked at me was nice the way that uncle Simon looked at me or the way I looked at Ella it was a look full of care compassion and a touch of curiosity.

"Is there something else my lady?" I ask.

"No, I'm just a bit curious how did you know it was me?" she asks. I thought about that for a moment sure I had past life knowledge but I had known instantly from a glance. It was like it was attracting me. Then when I looked at her it almost seemed as if she was radiating warmth to the fire, not the fire radiating warmth.

"I don't know it was like the warmth of the hearth called out to me, "I told her honestly. She smiled.

"I was going to give you only one gift and a bit of advice because of the bet but I've come to like you, your intelligence is as of a child of Athena and you have an edge of coldness like a child of hades but your heart is full of fire warmer than any hearth. I will give you the eyes to see the warmth and the ability to take the heat from those who do not deserve the hearth. I felt an intense heat coming from my eyes for a moment. I pulled my head back up after a moment of discomfort. I pulled out my phone and looked at my reflection on the black screen my eyes they were glowing this red hue. I blinked and they turned back to the light brown color they usually were.

"Thank you, my lady," I tell her. She smiles just as widely as she did earlier and then hands me a watch. The watch is beautiful all black. I instantly place it on My wrist.

"Its name is Lamina Magia Noctibus," She says.

"The blade of Magic Nights" I repeat back with a whisper the watch snakes its way into my hand. It turns into a slightly curved Kopis blade the handle a masterpiece of a snake's head.

"The blade was made of stygian iron and wolfram steel it will damage both mortals and Immortals. It was created by Lord Hephaestus and Enchanted by Lady Hecate Because of this blade, a law was formed that no blade would be made from a metal of man and immortal Because in the process of merging the metals a soul must be used it sat waiting a thousand years attached to a prophecy never to find its owner." She told me as I studied the blade. The dark past gave me pause for a second was it a cursed blade like back biter. for a moment I thought how does it turn back into a watch. The blade turned back into my watch.

"Is it sentient," I asked. She Smiled a little shocked that I'd found out so quickly.

"I swear I'll never bet against you again, she swore," she said playfully under her breath."It's semi-sentient it's bonded to you as you are the first to ever wear it."

I smiled at her a little cocky that she had lost the bet, She Smiled at my Shamelessness.

"I think it's about time I go," she says. I start to complain truly liking her company plus it's only around 9:30 sunset was at 8:30."But before I do I have some advice, make sure to use the embers of the hearth for the meat." Then she disappeared in a flashy explosion from the bonfire. Immediately it died down almost to embers. I wonder what she meant? what Meat?

I took out my phone to tell Uncle Simon I'd be back tomorrow. I knew he'd worry but he knew I'd be fine. As a bunch of pings in response piped up I sent one final " going radio silent" text and turned off my phone and then took the battery out.

Asi did that I Heard a deafening roar from under the pier I turned away from the hearth to see. The biggest monster I'd ever seen it looked like the dragon from harry potter's goblet of fire but it also had a tail that was a basilisk. I know this from greek mythology amphisbaena now what she said about cooking something made since because of the myth with this particular monster.

I thought Blade and turned to run from it but I knew I'd never make it this thing had wings and if it could almost catch harry on a broom it can definitely get me on land. I turn on the eyes and all it does is glow red it does nothing to this monster. So it seems the only weapon I have in my arsenal is the sword and martial arts. Though I doubt if I can somehow use its own weight against him. Either way, I started running towards it fight or flight has kicked in and there is no chance of Flight the sword is outstretched backward I'm running like Kakashi with a Chidori in my hand's blade pointed towards the grown. The basilisk look at each other in question. with a look like 'Is this kid serious'. It takes a swipe at me with its wing I slide under and slash at the edge of the wing.

Then the serpent head tries to take a chomp at the same time the other wings tries to grip me I tries to get out of the range for both but only miss the wing the serpent takes a bite at my shoulder It tries to readjust its bite to get a more solid bite but I cut the serpents head off with the blade as its fang rips into my shoulder. The dragon part falls back in agony I guess it can't survive without its other head it makes a few last swipes to take me with it but ima a few feet away and it's already on its back pulling its tail between its wings. I look down at myself I would say from the waist down I still look ok but that bite was gushing blood a little I tore off my sports jacket and wrapped it around my arm.

"This suit was expensive you scaley bitch," I say to him and start kicking the dead monster to be sure it was dead and to get a little frustration out. I then start to feel a little woozy. I guess that Snake must be venomous. Hestia's words ring in my ear I grab my sword and a stick and start cutting a piece of meat from the head of the snake I put it on the stick and walk over to the hearth. The legend of the Amphisbaena comes to my mind.

I sat a little angry that Hestia didn't tell me a monster was on its way but I understood she was probably restricted. The meat soon cooked a bit and I let it cool off a bit before taking a bite. Instantly my wounds started to heal. I knew that the amphisbaena was used as a powerful medicine but I didn't know it would be this quick. That lasts about 30 seconds of happiness then an icy burning feeling went all over my skin and it ended as soon as it started. Another myth Popped in my head about how slaying and eating one would give them the power and the ability to attract the opposite sex. I pushed that thought out of my head there was no way I was pure of heart even with the moon gleaming in the sky.

I took off my jacket and wrapped the head in it my black dress shirt wasn't too torn up just the sleeve. The Draconic body of the amphisbaena started to shrink. I walked over and when it was all the way done I picked up a leather trench coat. I think the devil is messing with me a bit for starting shield. I start to chuckle it doesn't look bad I think it's going to be too big but it automatically readjusts to my size. I know that in the myths if you wore the skin of an amphisbaena is would increase the speed of your healing and ward off illness and poison. It's not Neiman lion skin but it is an amazing artifact.

I took my phone back out it had managed not to break into the fight. I turned on my phone and called a cab to take me to the Caldecott tunnel. He said he'd be thirty minutes so I took another slice of the head and moved the embers to another log to eat while I waited. I never knew I liked cooking outside but something about the night sky and the air of the ocean I wasn't even bothered at having to fight a monster. I walked up the steps to the road after twenty minutes.

The cabby started sweating bullets I could tell he knew who I was and was probably confused about why I was in his cab. I silenced him immediately.

"I'll give you 5,000 dollars if you can get me to Caldecott tunnel quickly and ask no questions," I told him. His eyes turned to dollar signs as if he was a cartoon. He did ask as instructed and I took the head and walked toward the access point for camp Jupiter.

"Halt identify yourself " as I walked down the tunnel a voice called out to me.

" Hey, New Demigod just wanted to come over and say hi get a stamp of approval to prophesy maybe find out if I have some siblings around here," I tell them I have my hands up with the jacket with the head in one hand.

He walks forward and takes the head and pats me down. His face is really serious so I start to mess with him a little. I turn on my eyes. He shoots back a couple of feet. I notice that I had seen something with them it was like I can see a little fire in their chest for both of them like a match.

I chuckled The dude next to that guy chuckled but that made him upset. He stormed off towards the camp. We followed in his footsteps.

"Hey, Damian Swift nice to meet you," I told him. He looked a little bewildered.

"Of swift co.?" He asked incredulously."I'm Michael Kahale, I hope they let you into camp."

We get in a little row boat and cross the little Tiber. Michael is looking at me like a celebrity and the other guy keeps looking back and glaring at me both of the have to be at most 12 years old. as the ship touches the other side we see an army looking at us. I step out of the boat and look at the two dressed in a purple road dressed in purple.

As my feet touch the ground, A Black Star and a crescent moon appeared above my head, and next to it was a smaller Symbol of two crossed torches. I knew this was a "claiming" from my knowledge of Percy Jackson the cohorts all kneel. The preator's watch in awe but eventually bow.

"A new son of the Mighty Primordial Goddess of Night, Mother to Sleep, Dreams, Strife, Revenge Compassion, Death, the Fates, and so many more gods and titans that make up the fabric of our world The Great Lady Nox. and a legacy of Trivia the goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, and Crossroads."

Name: Damien Swift Age=6


str:79 agi:86 vit:110

Int:250 charm: 450

Powers and Abilities=



increased intelligence-Super Big brain Stark Who?

increased learning/training speed-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Smarter?

Devilishly Handsome- women want you, men want to be you(beware some men will want to be with you as well)

Devil's secret gift- Bridge between Worlds The First Hybrid of Loric, Greek gods, and Wizard.

Son Of Nyx- Legacy of Hekate

Awakened Accidental Magic

Beginner Occlumency: Mind defense magic can stop Severus snape for one second before he looks into your mind

Billionaire: Money is Power-Throw money at small problems it goes away

Great Hand-eye coordination- can catch and throw a ball

Intermediate Earthly Martial Arts- Anybody under ten should fear you

Intermediate Lorien Martial Arts- Ten-year-old Mogadorians Beware

Common sense- Don't walk into traffic

Beginner Lorien Technology- Put a Lorien cord into a tablet

Hearth eyes- Can see the warmth that is in a person and take it from them temporarily(kinda like getting hit with a genjutsu except just a feeling of hopelessness and being alone.)


Lamina Magia Noctibus- The blade of magic(turns into a watch)

The skin of the Amphibeana- Helps healing/Ward of disease/illness/poison(looks like a trench coat can change the style.)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Andrew_Alsbrookscreators' thoughts