
Lorien Legacies New Dreams

Damian's favorite fantasy worlds are becoming all too real Supl, I wanted to try my hand at writing I think this will be a very AU Lorien Legacies fan fic with some harry potter and pjo those three series were the fantasy trifecta growing up I may add some random stuff tv shows and anime stuff to keep it moving we will see I don't own anything but my oc

Andrew_Alsbrooks · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Happy Birthday

I opened the Car door of the Black SUV. As soon as I sat in the seat and saw his face I knew I was in deep shit. He looked angrier than I ever had seen him.

"Heyyyyyy, Big Guy," I said trying to take his rage down a notch.

"Hey, your self tell me what's going on?" Uncle Simon says. His tone left no room for argument. I sigh. I look at my wrist and call forth the blade. I have a Hunch that he'll be able to see it change because it's made of wolfram(tungsten steel) as well as stygian iron.

"I got a gift from my mom," I told dead serious." I know she's supposed to be dead but she's a part of a whole different kind of crazy than the kind we've been fighting these last few months. Aliens is just scratching the surface of what's out there."

" I promise I'll tell you everything about the last few hours sooner or later but for now let's just focus on helping the Loric," I tell him. He still looks angry but this time not at me. Along with anger, there is a bit of sadness.

"So, She is alive," he says angrily.

"yeah I know you're angry but she's got a pretty solid reason to disappear," I tell him. He groans doubting that but he didn't want to say anything bad I mean she's still my mom even if he lost a brother.

"A few other things about tonight I have a few recruits they'll be put on mandatory watch when they enter our ranks and unless a level of trust is built they wonk ever be but over Level 7 but they are strong." I pause and look at him he seems to have accepted my change of topic smoothly." ooh I also got a new ability," I say then turn my eyes on I look at his flame it's strong very strong compared to the others I've seen. There is also this blue quality around it. He looks shocked at the red glow.

"This doesn't have anything to do with my legacies It's like what happened before he got on the ship. With a bit of training, I'll be powerful even before I get my legacies." I tell him.

"What do they do?" Uncle Simon ask after the initial shock settled.

"I can kind of make people feel hopeless it will knock people down if they have weak wills but it can slow strong people down," I tell Him. He looks like he has mixed emotions about that I mean I'm a kid who feels kind of irresponsible that a kid has such power but is also happy that I can protect myself.

He looks like he's in thought for a moment and comes to a decision he doesn't tell me what but he what about but he smiles as he changes the conversation.

"well Forgetting your little Houdini act Happy Birthday," He says." So anything you're wanting to do today after we go passes out for a couple of hours of course."

" Maybe go to the beach today though it will be cool to hang out with one a bit more how did your talk with Hilde go?"

"It was ok she tried to shoot me but when she saw Janus she calmed down. Then she accused us of playing games when number one came crying saying that you told her about her death. she's a pretty uptight woman though it's clear she loves One. "He tells me. I Knew on Lorien That seeing the future was such a rare Legacy that it was thought to not exist Even if they escaped because the Loric knew their fate I'd have a tough time. Convincing them would be a rough experience. Though it will be easy for some like Henri because he knew the elder's plan closely and Sandor who met 9's grandfather that could see the future.

" I don't think we should wait to slowly tell the garde about our support," I tell him." I know we had a plan to tell the Garde slowly but we might have other problems sooner or later. There are too many variables's now if we don't get organized now we won't be able to later. Instead of having The Old man Find them all we should raise his clearance give him access to recruits and let him pick and train a squad to find them. I know Lexa vetoed that last time when she found out about her history but we need to bring it up again. He's trustworthy and we are going too slow. I'm worried the mogodorians might get anxious now they haven't caught the greeters and one. they might get desperate once we slow their political growth." I tell him. He looks to consider it.

"We can't disagree with her outright this early in a partnership might seem we are controlling the loric rather than fighting alongside so if she makes an ultimatum we will have to be the ones to back down but we can try to ask if she can compromise maybe make Alexander and Lexa pick the recruits together." He says then he goes silent for a moment and pulls out his phone. I assume he's going to text one or the other. I turn away from him. Since I got into the car I've been discreetly hiding a small bag with a bit of the Amphisbaena meat and ambrosia. I had given them the head when I got to camp it turns out Markus's co-Praetor had taken of the liberty of cooking it immediately. Though that did seem to help their attitude towards me it was still negligible at least I'd gotten some leftovers. I pulled out the amphisbaena meat and gave it to him.

"Eat It, "I told him. He started to shake his head but I guess my seriousness gave him some pause.

"It's not poisoned is it," He asks chuckling.

"exact opposite, "I tell. Curiosity killed him after a few seconds and he ate the jerky. I wasn't a 100 percent sure that it would have any effect on him but hopefully, it would give him something from poison resistance or to heal faster.

" tell me if you have any weird effects over the next couple of days but it's supposed to have some positive effects," I tell him.

"gee, Thanks I thought I was supposed to get you the gifts on your birthday." he said with a touch of sarcasm." He said. The car stopped after a bit Richard opened the door and we walked into the hotel.

"What time do you want to go see one?" He asked me.

"Let's head out around noon I want to sleep in," I tell him. That's partially true but I also want to check out whatever gift my mom had given me in my jacket. It had killed me waiting that whole time in the car. as soon as I heard the room door close behind me in the adjoining room off of the room uncle Simon was staying in I put my hand in my jacket.

As soon as my fingers reached into the pocket there was this cold sensation. I got my whole hand inside and didn't feel the fabric around my hand it felt like I had just put my hand in an ice box after my whole hand was in I felt the edge of three books two of them thin one of them thick. I pulled them out one by one I reached back into the pocket and stuck my arm up to the elbow before reaching the end. I guess I'll be able to store things in the jacket that's pretty cool. Though I don't know how long that will last I'll have to experiment.I looked at the books

Putting them to sleep: Beginners Somnokinesis By Hypnos

Illusions of the Mist: Beginners Mistokinesis By Hekate

Children of night: All known abilities of the children of Nyx and how to train them if you have the aptitude. By Nyx

Mom really hooked me up maybe this is her way of saying she loves me. Then a darker thought crossed my thoughts. Or she thinks I need to be ridiculously powerful to survive. I know somnokinesis is the manipulation of sleep that'll be handy but manipulating the mist that will be even more so If I could understand the Mist I may even be able to make higher-level agents of shield be able to see through it.

I opened the third book first. I looked at the table of contents. It had each ability in four categories.

All: abilities that all Children of NYX have

Common: abilities that are common most Children of Nyx have several

Uncommon: Most of The children of Nyx have one or two

Rare: about one in five Children of Nyx has one rare ability

I flipped the page brief descriptions of each ability was crossed over two pages



Circadian Control: Control one's own circadian rhythm. Be able to fall asleep or wake from sleep at

will, as well as control the depth of sleep. Provides resistance to other sleep related abilities, as well

as substances that would influence sleep or wakefulness.

Death Sense: Sense when death is near, find one's way to a dying individual, become aware of how

close someone is to dying, and potentially predict when an event will certainly result in death. Also

have an increased awareness of the lives of those one has a strong connection with.

Night Empowerment: Gain strength and energy at night, but lose strength and energy during the


Sacred Vocalist: Speak to and understand all nocturnal animals and Hellhounds.

Umbravision: See perfectly in complete darkness and take no eye damage from being in complete

darkness for extended periods of time.


Fear Empowerment: Gain additional strength, energy, and courage through the fear and

intimidation of others, making it pair well with Intimidation Aura.

Haven: Turn one's home, temporary or otherwise, into a protected space where oneself and one's

chosen family can't be harmed and guests must be invited in. Also can cause any harmful intent

aimed at a protected individual to be turned back on the aggressor and force their expulsion from

the home.

Hellhound Summoning: Summon and communicate with massive black dogs from the Underworld,

known as Hellhounds, but be responsible for maintaining control over them.

Intimidation Aura: Surround oneself with an intimidating aura in order to make others fearful or


Mistiokinesis: Summon and manipulate the Mist, or the magical barrier separating the mortal and

mythological realms, as well as be able to vanish into it. Also be able to temporarily craft seemingly

very real, physical objects from it, known as Mistforms.

Somnokinesis: Control and manipulate sleep and waking.

Smother: Inflict a curse to bring about emotional darkness for an intended target. The curse will drain feelings of positivity and warmth and replace them with agony, misery, hopelessness, and coldness.

Umbrakinesis: Summon and manipulate shadows and darkness, and also be able to Shadow Travel, or move long distances by travelling through shadows.


Cryokinesis: Summon and manipulate ice and frost.

Eclipse: Bring about nighttime anytime, regardless of the position of the sun and moon. This will block out most or all of the light, awaken nocturnal animals, and influence mortals to believe that night has truly come regardless of where they are in their day. It will also trigger Night Empowerment and other nighttime related abilities. If the ability has not been voluntarily or forcefully reversed by the time the sun actually sets then the night will continue on for its usual

period as well.

Flight: Sprout wings to fly.

Gravitation: Manipulate gravity.

Living Shade: Animate one's shadow and enable it to physically interact with others, usually

complete with its own personality.

Voidwalker: Open a pocket dimension of shadows that can be manipulated at will and cause one's

shadow to become animated without the use of Living Shade, but only be able to exit where one



Chronokinesis: Manipulate time, though usually on a very small scale and primarily for oneself.

Creationism: Bring forth a miniature pocket-galaxy into existence that one has complete control


Cryonics: Heal oneself or others through the use of ice and the regenerative properties of the water

within the ice.

Divine Punishment: Cause an intended target to feel immense searing pain.

Necrosis: Cause necrosis, or rapid decaying and death of living cells, usually through physical


Prophet: Receive visions, dreams, or prophecies of the future, both mundane and extreme. Also

have a very generally very accurate awareness of when a plan is unfavorable or an action won't end

well and be naturally skilled at making the best choices when presented with options.

Sacred Shifting: Turn into any variety of nocturnal animal or Hellhound.

Umbra Shifting: Turn all or part of one's body into shadows.


God everything looked so cool. It was no wonder Zeus feared my mom making kids this powerful. I Mean this was even more powerful than kids of the big three. It would take years to train but I'd be Op way before my Ximic awakened But it'd be even better Than john because sekatras ra can take legacies not my magic or god-given abilities(pun intended). I set them aside and then looked at the night sky I was overjoyed but a part of me wasn't happy that I had a way to protect myself it was happy that My mom cared about me.

"Thanks, mom, Good night," I said. I could feel the cold in the air I knew she'd heard me.