
Lord of Fire

It all happened so fast. One typical late evening while working late, Victor was met by a tragic accident. Expecting death, he was surprised to find himself in the body of a certain fire nation prince. While trying to find his feet he quickly gets caught up in a conflict that threatens to destroy not only his new life but his entire world. [A/N: Mind the grammar as english is not my first language. Also the mc is a bit stupid and naive at the beginning. He gets smarter as it goes on I promise.] [Disclaimer: I do not claim to ownership of any of the characters and plots and events parodied in the story. All the characters and all related information regarding the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra and any related works belong to their respected owners. This is simply a parody of a great adventurer on a different take. All the rights of the original plots and characters and any elements related to such media belong to their respective owners.]

thesaiyanprince99 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

45. Battle at the Beach (III)


The sun cast long shadows across the beach, painting the sand in hues of orange and gold. On the deck of the flagship, Captain Tsu, a towering figure with a weathered face and steely eyes, stood overlooking the scene below. His brow furrowed with concern for his crew and his friend, Zuko.

Beside him, Katara, a waterbender of almost unlimited potential, gazed out at the horizon, her thoughts swirling like the waves below. She worried not only for her friends but also for Zuko, knowing the weight of his burden as he stood on the shore surrounded by the Earth Kingdom army.

Zuko, with Aang slung over his shoulder, stood tall amidst his pirate allies, his determination unwavering despite the odds stacked against them. Nearby, Sokka, his expression hardened with resolve, approached Zuko, demanding Katara's release from the pirates.

"Zuko, you have to let Katara go," Sokka insisted, his voice tinged with urgency. "She doesn't belong here with you. She belongs with us."

Zuko met Sokka's gaze, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within. "I can't, Sokka. I made my choice."

Meanwhile, First Mate Katori, a stalwart ally of Zuko's, approached him with a furrowed brow. "Zuko, the odds are against us. We may not make it out of this alive."

Zuko placed a reassuring hand on Katori's shoulder. "We've faced worse, Katori. Remember what happened on whale tail island? Trust me, we'll find a way through this."

Their conversation shifted to a more intimate tone as Zuko confided in Katori. "I trust you, Katori. With everything."

Katori's eyes softened with gratitude. "And I trust you, Zuko. Whatever happens, we'll face it together."

Of course Victor used the memories of Zuko to get to know of Tsu. They formed quite the bond when Zuko had his crisis. Although he wished it not, the will of Zuko still had an effects on his own way of doing things. He some how trusted these rogue group of pirates almost as much he trusted his uncle.

"I need you to take the Avatar," he said to Katori. "I cannot afford to be compromised if I am going to get us out of here."

With no hesitation Katori received the limb body of the young Avatar. As the tension mounted, General Tamutae of the Earth Kingdom leapt from the towering wall of earth, his presence commanding the attention of all. He strode towards Zuko with a menacing air, his voice dripping with contempt.

"So, Zuko, the traitorous prince," Tamutae sneered, his eyes ablaze with disdain. "You dare to stand against the might of the Earth Kingdom?"

Zuko met Tamutae's gaze, his jaw set with defiance. "I may be exiled from the Fire Nation, but I will never surrender to you."

Tamutae scoffed, his voice booming across the beach. "You're a coward, Zuko. Too afraid to face your own father, let alone challenge the might of the Earth Kingdom."

Zuko's fists clenched at his sides, his resolve unwavering. "I may have faltered in the past, but I will not falter now. The Avatar must come with me, no matter the cost."

Tamutae's expression softened slightly, a hint of cunning gleaming in his eyes. "Then surrender the Avatar to me, Zuko. You and your pirates can go free. You're not one of them, you're not Fire Nation."

Zuko's gaze flickered with uncertainty, his mind racing with the weight of Tamutae's offer. But deep down, he knew what he had to do.

"I will never hand him over," Zuko declared, his voice resolute. "Not to you, not to anyone."

With that, the tension on the beach reached its breaking point, as the fate of the Avatar and the destiny of the Tsu Pirates hung in the balance.

Prince Zuko stood tall, his amber eyes locked in a fierce stare-down with General Tamutae, the leader of the Earth Kingdom forces. Tamutae, a formidable earthbender, subtly signaled Jet, a skilled fighter with hook swords, to move in and retrieve the Avatar from Katori of the Tsu Pirates.

With a nod from Tamutae, the Earth Kingdom army surged forward, attacking the 23 pirates on the beach with precision and force. Swords clashed, fireballs erupted, and earth trembled as the battle unfolded.

But just as it seemed the pirates were overwhelmed, Captain Tsu, towering and formidable, landed on the scene with a thunderous crash, rallying his men. With effortless grace, he fought off the Earth Kingdom soldiers using their own weapons against them, his surprising agility allowing him to dodge their earthbending attacks with ease.

As the battle raged on, Captain Tsu couldn't help but reminisce about the favor he owed Prince Zuko from the mercenaries at the start of Zuko's exile. Drawing his sword, he prepared to strike, causing a momentary hesitation among the Earth Kingdom soldiers.

Tamutae, ever vigilant, noticed the hesitation and intervened before Tsu could make his move. "Tsu, we've been chasing each other across the continent for years," Tamutae said, his voice thick with memories of past battles. "But this ends now. Surrender, and we can end this without further bloodshed."

Meanwhile, Prince Zuko began on his trump card, drawing upon his massive reserves of chi to heat the air around him. With intense focus, he started creating fire out of nothing, compressing it into a blazing ball of energy between his hands.

With a mighty roar, Zuko raised his arms into the air, the fireball hovering menacingly above him. Using his immense chi reserves, he expanded the ball into a massive sphere, ten meters in diameter, casting a terrifying glow over the battlefield.

Katara, still aboard the pirate ship, watched in horror as the fireball loomed overhead, memories of the devastation Zuko could have caused on Kyoshi Island flooding her mind. Determined to stop him, she leaped into the sea and began swimming around the earth wall, her heart pounding with urgency.

Katara moved with fluid grace through the water, her heart pounding in her chest as she circled around the massive wall of earth that stood between them and freedom. The weight of her responsibility felt heavier with each stroke, knowing that her actions could determine the fate of those she loved.

As she emerged from the water, she was met with the sight of Zuko, his eyes ablaze with fury, a sphere of fire swirling ominously above him. The air crackled with tension as he threatened to unleash destruction upon them all. Katara's breath caught in her throat as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"Zuko, please," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. "Don't do this. There's another way. We can find a peaceful solution."

But Zuko's resolve seemed unyielding, his gaze locked on her with intensity. "There is no other way," he growled, his flames flickering dangerously. "I will not let anyone stand in the way of my destiny, not even you."

Tears welled in Katara's eyes as she felt the weight of his words. She knew what she had to do, even if it meant sacrificing herself to save her brother and their allies. With a heavy heart, she made her decision.

"I surrender," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the roar of the flames. "I'll do whatever you want, just please spare them."

Zuko's expression softened slightly, a flicker of hesitation crossing his features. But before he could respond, a rumble echoed through the air as Shatori, the earthbender among the Tsu Pirates, intervened, sinking Manori into the earth with a swift motion.

Zuko used this opportunity. He shot the massive sphere at the great wall that it shattered. He dropped to his knees from the sheer toll the technique had on him. It didn't matter though. There was now an open way for not only him but his allies to get away from the massive army that continued to pour on to the beach in droves.

Katara turned to her brother, her eyes pleading for understanding. "Sokka, I have to protect you. I can't let anything happen to you."

Sokka's expression was a mix of concern and determination as he grasped her hand tightly. "We'll get through this together, Katara. I won't let anything happen to you either." His mind went unconscious as he felt a sharp pain at the back of his neck. Katori inflicted the blow using the hilt of his sword.

As the chaos unfolded around them, the Tsu Pirates murmured in surprise at Shatori's unexpected display of earthbending. But there was little time to dwell on it as Zuko, with Katori carrying Aang on his shoulder, led them through the now open escape route to the waiting flagship.

On board, they were met with the remaining pirates who quickly helped them aboard, their expressions a mix of relief and apprehension. But as they turned to Captain Tsu, still on the beach and poised to face off against General Tamutae, the gravity of the situation sank in.

The tension on the beach was palpable as General Tamutae of the Earth Kingdom stood face to face with Captain Tsu of the Tsu Pirates, their gazes locked in a silent battle of wills.

"You know why we're here, Captain Tsu," General Tamutae spoke, his voice commanding yet tinged with sorrow. "Your alliance with Zuko threatens the stability of the entire world. We cannot allow you to continue down this path."

Captain Tsu's expression remained stoic as he met Tamutae's gaze. "We seek only freedom and justice," he replied, his voice steady despite the weight of the situation. "Zuko offers us a chance to reclaim what was taken from us."

But Tamutae's patience was wearing thin, his fists clenched at his sides as he spoke with a hint of desperation. "You're playing a dangerous game, Captain. One that will only lead to more bloodshed."

With a heavy heart, Tamutae finally took a fighting stance, the lines of conflict drawn in the sand. The fate of their allies hung in the balance as they prepared to clash, their destinies intertwined in the dance of earth and water.

[A/N: Read 30 chapters ahead available on my patreon right now. patreon.com/saiyanprincenovels ]