
Lord of Darkness Boyfriend Scenarios

An evil, sadistic, chaotic demon. He's one of the Over Lord's in Hell. But why is he such a gentleman or... gentle demon towards you? Can you love this chaotic demon?

MidnightMoon8888 · Movies
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27 Chs

When He Sees You Cry

The one time you visited your home back on Earth is when you received one of the worst news of your life. You ended up finding out from one of your old friends that one of your friends was involved in a drunk driving accident and didn't make it.

Now, you're in your old room and sitting on your bed, looking back at the old photos you've had of her.

She was one of your best friends and now she's gone... you never even got to say goodbye since the funeral was a couple of weeks ago. You haven't seen her in weeks before you met Darkness. You guess you just thought that she'd always be here.

Then a blood-red portal opens in front of you. You know it's a portal back to the castle with Darkness for whenever you feel like going back. Knowing that there's nothing out here, you stand up, and taking the photos with you, you walk through the blood-red portal.

You feel a great wave of regret. Why haven't you talked to her? You had plenty of times when you could have called just to ask what's up, but you didn't. All you could do is quietly cry as you walked through the portal and it transported you back to your bedroom in the castle.

The portal closes, leaving you in the bedroom. Taking a look at the photos again, you began to tear up again.

Crushing on the bed, you let out your cries while burying your face in the pillow. You know her death isn't your fault, but you keep thinking that what if you had just kept in contact with her? What if you called her while she was home and even if it was for only a minute, that would have saved her from going out on the road?

You lay there crying for a few minutes before you exhausted yourself from crying and had fallen asleep with dried tears on your cheeks.

It wasn't long before Darkness had finished what he needed to do before he walks into the bedroom and sees you asleep. At first, he thought you were just taking a nap until he got closer. Upon getting closer, he sees you've been crying. He was more than concerned when he saw the dried tears on your face.

He then sees the photos in your hands and takes them to get a look for himself. In the pictures, he sees you and a human girl around your age smiling together while making a funny pose. He doesn't know exactly why you're upset, but he now knows it may have something to do with this human girl.

He places the pictures on the nightstand before gently getting you into a more comfortable position and covering you with the blanket.




A Couple of Hours Later...




Slowly, you open your eyes. But when you did, you see that Darkness held his arm over you. You do feel a little bit better by his action, but instead of continuing to lie down, you sit up and get out of bed which causes Darkness to open his eyes and sit up as well.


Darkness: Y/n? (Gets out of bed) Are you alright?



You walk outside to the balcony instead of answering his question. This only made him more concerned as he follows right behind you. Placing your arms over the edge, you just look below at the rose garden. Standing next to you, he raises his hand and places it gently on your shoulder. As you look up at him, you can see how concerned he is about you. He's always the one to not only listen to your problems and emotions but he's also the one to fix your problems. But there's nothing he could do about this one.


Y/n: You uh... you saw the pictures right?

Darkness: Yes. Who was she?

Y/n: An old best friend. (You began to tear up again) A-And well...(Sighs) I didn't even get to say goodbye. And it sucks... (Sniff). It really fucking sucks and...


He finally gets the idea. Though he knows he can't bring her back or do anything to fix the problem. He goes forward with the next best thing to help you feel better. Then he steps closer to you and lets you rest your head against him.

Letting out another sad sigh, the tears silently flow out of your eyes as you embrace him, accepting his hug. Rather if he knows this or not, this is actually helping you a lot. Then, without you noticing, with his powers, he causes a strong wind for the roses to bloom into the air, but gently enough so that you wouldn't get cold. The petals danced their way up to the balcony where you are, and once you finally noticed them, you take one of them.

With the rose petal, you wipe away your tears before it letting go for the wind to carry it away. You and Darkness watch the wind carry that rose petal further and further away from the castle, and over the castle walls, it goes until you can no longer see it anymore.



Mr. X grabs that rose petal and places it under his nose to get a smell of it. Such a sweet smell from where you touched the petal.


Mr. X: Hm, I can't remember the last time I smelled human tears.


He licks the rose petal, tasting your tears, he smiles with glee.


Mr. X: It's also been a while since I've tasted human tears. But this... taste different. Aw well, it's only a matter of time before I can execute my plan. Just you wait, my little sweet human. (Laughs) A human, oh what a crime. I honestly couldn't care any less.