
Lord of chaotic pupil in Peerless Tang Sect

From the Nine Heaven Ten Earth Great Thousand world a invisible golden light flow through the Space, Xu Hann, the exiled son of the prince of the Sun and Moon Empire, found himself in a desperate situation following the palace change that occurred within the empire. However, amidst the despair, a ray of hope emerged as an unexpected turning point presented itself. The prince's father, who was previously a high-ranking minister, embarked on a daring mission to rescue his son from his life of exile.

DaoistHI4fqd · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Battle Situation

The battle between the two Contra level powerhouses was on the verge of breaking out, and the dark night seemed to be cut apart. On one side is the deep, lightless darkness, and on the other side is the flash of thunder. The two people in the state of martial spirit avatar, every time they collide, there will be shocking air waves and roars. Even this small island, which was originally small, trembled slowly. The waves swept in one after another, gradually diluting the remaining blood on the port city wall.

And the more than 20 soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Squad who followed Wang Xiao also fought with the gathered soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineer Squad.

In terms of the number of people on both sides, it is natural that the Xihai Soul Engineer Group has the upper hand.

As one of the elite soul engineer regiments of the Sun Moon Empire, the number of soldiers is a full 200. Even if a small team was wiped out by Wang Xiao and others on the city wall, there are still at least 160 people left.

Excluding the more than twenty soldiers guarding Xu Hann in the castle, the strength of the Xihai soul engineer group at this time is still almost seven times that of Wang Xiao and others.

However, in terms of overall cultivation, the Xihai Soul Engineer Group is obviously much inferior. The elite of the Emperor Dragon Soul Instructor Group brought by Wang Xiao are all soul emperors with a cultivation base of sixty or above, while for the Xihai Soul Instructor Group, there are less than ten people above the sixtieth level.

The battle between the soul master and the soul engineer is different from the confrontation between the two armies. The number does not represent an absolute advantage, but individual strength is more important. After all, the martial arts among soul masters are all kinds of strange things, and the soul skills are even more varied. It is not as easy as imagined to cooperate with each other.

For example, in the group soul fighting competitions that have been passed down for a long time in the Douluo Continent, the members of both teams usually do not exceed seven people. And even for such a seven-member team, if they want to cooperate tacitly, they often have to go through several years of running-in.

The more than 20 people on the side of the Emperor Dragon Soul Instructor Group were all divided into small teams of three to five people, dividing the soldiers of the Xihai Soul Instructor Group. While fighting each other in small teams, they also echo each other. With strong personal strength and perfect cooperation, the Xihai soul engineer group that was killed was retreating steadily.

It is enough to get a glimpse of the powerful combat power of the complete imperial dragon soul engineer group.

"Don't get confused! They only have more than 20 people, and their consumption must be greater than ours. As long as we continue to consume like this, the advantage will gradually tilt to our side." A steady voice sounded directly in front of the Xihai soul engineer group.

The panicked Xihai soul guide soldiers subconsciously looked at the source of the sound with joy when they heard the familiar voice.

"Deputy Head of the Armed Battalion!"

It was a red-faced middle-aged man who also wore a dark blue armored stomach. She looks much older than Hai Xiao in age. Its height is only about 1.6 meters, and its body is extremely thick, but what is strange is that its limbs are thin and small, which is completely out of proportion to its body.

The red-faced middle-aged man's body is stooped, and his whole body is covered with regular pentagonal white-gray scales, extending from the face to the back, forming a hemispherical stomach behind him. This huge hemispherical armor stomach even almost completely covered his limbs.

The person who came was Armed Camp, the deputy head of the Xihai Soul Engineer Group. His cultivation level was only lower than that of Hai Xiao, and he was a genuine soul saint level powerhouse.

The appearance of the Armed Battalion was like a reassurance, and the Xihai Soul Engineer Group, whose formation was about to collapse, was quickly integrated.

And the faces of the three soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineering Corps who were closest to the Armament Battalion became gloomy in an instant. A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of one of the thin young men holding a blue soul guide rapier in both hands, and the only black soul ring ranked sixth beside him shone, turning into more than a dozen blue afterimages, attacking from behind. To the neck of the armada.

"Sixth soul skill, Qingyingji!"

"Aoki! Don't be impulsive! That old thing's martial spirit is an armadillo, and it's not so easy to break through!" The apparently stable middle-aged man beside Aoki hurriedly tried to stop him, but unfortunately his martial spirit was not Good at speed, there is no time to stop it.

In an instant, the more than ten cyan afterimages had arrived behind Armed Camp. The soul guide rapier in his hand was like fine raindrops, pouring towards the neck of the arm camp.

"Hmph." Armored Camp looked sideways at Aoki whose face was covered with blue scales behind him, and smiled coldly. Immediately, his limbs including his head were completely retracted into the hemispherical stomach behind him. The originally hunched body bent again, and the head and feet fit together tightly, finally forming a complete spherical shape.

Immediately afterwards, this sphere covered with white-gray pentagonal scales suddenly exploded, jumping up from the ground, directly crashing into more than ten afterimages formed by Aoki's sixth soul skill, Qingyingji.

As the sixth soul ability, but also the ten thousand year soul ability, Qingyingji is definitely not just a simple avatar skill. Each of these clones has 50% of Aoki's own strength. But in the same way, if the avatar is killed, it will bear a considerable price accordingly.

Afterimages were smashed into pieces one after another, Aoki's face changed slightly. With a ruthless heart, he controlled the afterimages to scatter around.

On the other side, the two of the Emperor Dragon Soul Instructor Group with Aoki would also happily repel the soldiers of the Xihai Soul Instructor Group around them, and came to meet them.

"Boom boom boom—" A series of sonic booms of soul skills and soul guides colliding sounded one after another, and the two stopped all the attacks of the soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineer Corps. Behind the two, Aoki panted heavily with a pale face, full of shame.

"Brother Tang, Uncle Fu, I was reckless this time."

The man Aoki called Fu Shu was the middle-aged man who dissuaded him earlier. At this time his complexion was very ugly, but he did not teach Aoki a lesson at this moment. He just scolded sullenly.

"Get up! Who taught you to face the enemy with your back in battle?!" Before he finished speaking, an arm-thick Soul Guidance Concussion Cannon shot out from his wrist, and passed close to Aoki's ear .

A soldier of the Xihai Soul Engineering Corps fell down, warm blood splashed all over Aoki.

Aoki stiffened his body and glanced at the soldiers of the Xihai soul engineer group who had turned into a puddle of flesh behind him. He quickly got up and clenched the blue soul guide rapier in both hands, adjusted his breath and assumed a defensive posture.

Seeing that Aoki could not be left behind, the armadorn camp felt somewhat regretful, but did not take it too seriously. He believes that if it wears off slowly, it will be their Xihai soul engineer group who will win in the end.

The only premise is that their division commander can hold back Wang Xiao.

With this in mind, Armor Camp looked up at the strange fish and giant two-winged tiger wrestling with each other in mid-air with a changing expression.

At this time, he was shocked to find that his division head had been retreating steadily.

But to the surprise of the soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineering Corps who were fighting, there were more than 20 other people quietly approaching the central castle on the south side of the city wall.

It was the other twenty or so soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group led by Yaoyang.

Although the soul power of these soldiers is only over fifty levels, relying on the surrounding stone houses and the dark environment, coupled with the fifth soul skill that can conceal the figure of Yao Yang, they can easily pass without being discovered. approached the surroundings of the castle.

This is also the weirdness of spirit attribute soul masters. Without the assistance of a special soul guide that detects spiritual power, even a Contra-level powerhouse can hardly perceive the abnormality.

Yao Yang observed the battle between Wang Xiao and Hai Xiao in the air, and then glanced at the armament battalion that was entangled by four or five soul emperors from the Emperor Dragon Soul Instructor Group.

Everything went as planned.

"At the moment, it seems that the vast majority of the elites of the Xihai Soul Engineer Group are fighting. There should not be many people staying in the castle. After rushing into the castle, follow the previously drawn battle plan to kill the Xihai Soul as quickly as possible. The strength of the mentor group left in the castle. After rescuing Zihuang, use this commanding height to use the fixed-mounted soul guide cannon to cover the firepower and annihilate the Xihai soul mentor group."

Xu Hann's identity is too sensitive, it is impossible to let the news here leak out. Even if there will be a heavy price to pay.

"Yes!" Everyone agreed.

Although Yao Yang is not a member of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group, his formidable strength has already convinced everyone. Besides, this was originally Wang Xiao's order.

More than a dozen soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineer Corps guarding the front of the castle are watching the battlefield on the east port side nervously, and are ready to support at any time.

The leading squad leader subconsciously swallowed his saliva as he watched the huge casualties on his side.

It was hard for him to imagine that the mere twenty or so soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Regiment possessed such terrifying combat power. If the complete imperial dragon soul engineer group arrives together, I'm afraid it will really be their disaster.

And just when his mind was full of thoughts, his body tensed up instantly, and he suddenly moved his gaze to the southeast of the castle.


But before he finished speaking, his eyes seemed to lose focus, and his knees knelt down on the ground weakly.

More than twenty figures gradually appeared around the flower garden at the main entrance of the castle. The leader, Yao Yang, frowned slightly, and the third purple soul ring beside him was shining with a strong light.

He obviously couldn't understand why the team leader in front of him, whose soul power was only over fifty levels and couldn't even release his mental power, could sense their existence.

But what he didn't know was that this team leader just had a special spirit and was more sensitive to changes in the surrounding temperature. No matter how strong the mental strength is, it is impossible to isolate the temperature of the human body.

Yao Yang just subconsciously flashed this idea in his mind, but he didn't get too entangled.

He gave a slight signal to the people behind him, and immediately rushed into the hall on the first floor of the castle.

The spacious hall under the light of the soul guide is resplendent and magnificent, but everyone obviously doesn't have the time to pay attention to it.

Looking around the hall for a week, looking for the direction, everyone went directly up the stairs.

The sound of dense footsteps continued, and the whole castle instantly became chaotic.

It won't take long for the situation at the main entrance to be discovered, and there is no need to hide at this time. Their primary goal now is to rescue Xu Hann in the shortest possible time.

Before everyone reached the second floor, a series of footsteps and the crisp sound of metal clashing against Jia's stomach could be heard from far and near.

"You take them to other floors, leave it to us here!" A white-haired old man who was only half a body behind Yao Yang, with a glimmer of light in his cloudy eyes, led the five of them past the crowd.

Two yellow, two purple, and one black, five soul rings suddenly emerged from under his feet, and the whole body exuded emerald green soul power light.

The black fifth soul ring gleamed at the same time as he opened his mouth, and countless verdant sword bamboos soared from the ground at the entrance of the corridor, piercing deeply into the granite of the ceiling, making the surrounding walls stretch out. Irregular cracks.

There were even a few soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineering Corps who had just rushed over who were directly pierced through their bodies, blood spurting out mixed with broken internal organs.

"Enemy attack!" The other seven or eight soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineer Regiment who survived the disaster all shrunk back, and quickly released their martial souls and various soul tools.

Yao Yang nodded silently, passed the old man, and led the rest of the people to the third floor along the stairs.

A similar situation also happened on the third and fourth floors, but the strength of the Xihai soul engineer group staying in the castle was enough to stop everyone. After killing the soldiers of the Xihai soul engineer group, everyone also searched for Xu Hann's figure carefully on each floor.

"Old Yu, all the soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineer Corps on the second floor have been killed." A young man in the dark purple armored stomach of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Corps came to the white-haired man who was panting heavily with respect. behind the old man.

Known by him as Old Yu, it was the old man who took the initiative to stop most of the soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineer Corps on the second floor.

"I still have to accept the old man. If I was young, how could I be so tired after killing these little things?" Old Yu blushed, and his right hand covered the scratch on his abdomen from a concealed angle, using the corner of his eye Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced back.

"It was almost lost at the end of the festival. The image that was finally erected cannot be ruined like this."

Seeing that the young man was still standing behind him, Mr. Yu said angrily, "Why are you still standing here? Why don't you hurry up and find the young master?!"

And he himself walked quickly along the aisle, searching carefully.

"Card——" The door at the end of the corridor on the second floor was suddenly opened, and the nerves of the people who were looking for Xu Hann were instantly tense. They hurriedly came behind Mr. Yu, and pointed their soul guides there.

But to everyone's surprise, it was not the soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineering Corps who came out of the room, but ten girls with outstanding looks. The girls looked at Mr. Yu and the others who seemed to be ready to fight at the first glance, and they couldn't help holding each other's arms a little harder.

Only the glamorous blond girl walking in the front noticed the deep purple dragon-pattern armor stomach of Mr. Yu and the others, and clenched her fists excitedly.

"Sure enough, it's the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group."

"Zi Yue—" A blue-haired girl with a proud figure shook Yin Ziyue's arm awkwardly. Although they were all born nobles, they were spoiled and spoiled since they were young. Looking at the soul guide gun barrel exuding a dangerous atmosphere, it is inevitable that they will feel a little fear in their hearts.

Yin Ziyue showed a flawless smile, stroked the blue-haired girl's arm and comforted, "Don't worry, it's fine."

It's just that when she said this, an imperceptible coldness flashed in the depths of her eyes.

Immediately, Yin Ziyue raised his head to look at Mr. Yu, who was the leader, and introduced in a soft and decent manner: "We have nothing to do with the Xihai Soul Engineer Group, we were only selected by His Royal Highness today, can we wait to meet His Highness? "

Everyone cast a questioning look at Mr. Yu.

Mr. Yu hesitated for a moment, then walked slowly to Yin Ziyue and the others, and said with a smile: "I will convey it on my behalf, but before that, ladies, please go back to your room and rest for a while."

Although his expression was very gentle, the tone of his words could not be rejected.

"It should be so." Yin Ziyue took a deep look at Mr. Yu, and then led everyone back to the room.

Someone couldn't help lowering their voice, and reminded Mr. Yu: "Mr. Yu, the head of the previous division said that no one would die."

"Everything is subject to the young master's decision. Do you still need me to teach you?" Mr. Yu looked at the ten girls sitting on the sofa in the room, and responded lightly. There was a bit of knocking in the eyes.

"You two stay here, and the others will continue to look for the young master with me."