
Lord of chaotic pupil in Peerless Tang Sect

From the Nine Heaven Ten Earth Great Thousand world a invisible golden light flow through the Space, Xu Hann, the exiled son of the prince of the Sun and Moon Empire, found himself in a desperate situation following the palace change that occurred within the empire. However, amidst the despair, a ray of hope emerged as an unexpected turning point presented itself. The prince's father, who was previously a high-ranking minister, embarked on a daring mission to rescue his son from his life of exile.

DaoistHI4fqd · Fantasy
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11 Chs


In the luxurious room on the fifth floor of the castle, Xu Hann, who was dressed in purple, was sitting on the table, calmly tasting the mellow black tea in the porcelain cup.

Compared with the two soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineering Corps behind him with tense faces, he seemed much calmer. The inner turmoil in the center of the island and the castle seemed to be different from the world he was in.

It's just that his right hand, which is tightly gripping the handle of the porcelain cup and with bulging veins, can tell that his mood at this time is not as calm as it seems on the surface.

The noble and clear purple eyes shone with light, and the corners of his mouth outlined a slight arc.

"I didn't expect Mr. Wang to escape your pursuit. It seems that your control in the southern part of the empire is not as deep as I imagined."

When Wang Xiao and Hai Xiao talked earlier, they deliberately mobilized their soul power to make their voice spread throughout the island. Xu Hann, who was in the center of the island, naturally heard it too. From the conversation between the two, he basically understood the current situation.

He couldn't be more familiar with Wang Xiao. Wang Xiao's character has always been cautious, since he came here, he must be fully prepared.

If it weren't for his strong control over his emotions, he would have burst into laughter at this time. For the past three years, he has spent all the time in despair, and now there is a sudden turn for the better, how can he not be happy?

With his talent, as long as he escapes from birth, there will be a chance to make Xu Tianran and his son pay the price in the future. The position of emperor of the Sun Moon Empire is not difficult to reach. He has complete confidence in himself.

The twin martial souls, Golden Boy and Zihuang Mietianlong, are not just all of his trump cards.

The mood of the two Xihai soul engineer regiment soldiers standing behind Xu Hann was completely opposite to Xu Hann's. Noticing the castle becoming silent again, the two couldn't help but reveal their close-fitting soul guide cannons, staring at the door.

"Damn! What's going on in the castle now?! Why haven't any of the people who went down before come back?!"

"how could I know?!"

In this extremely tense situation, the emotions of the two seemed to be on the verge of being detonated.

The order they received was to guard Xu Hann's side at all times, and it was impossible to go out to check without authorization.

"Huh?" Xu Hann, who lowered his head and sipped the rim of his cup, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the door.

"What a terrifying mental power!"

He also became a little nervous for a while. He can be sure that no one in the Xihai Soul Engineer Group can possess such terrifying spiritual power, even Hai Xiao, who is a Contra. But the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group led by his father back then also did not have such a person.

As if responding to his gaze, the door in front of him was pushed and rattled, and the two soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineering Corps behind him also fell to the ground one after another, lifeless.

A pair of blood-red eyes are extremely conspicuous in the dark corridor outside the door, facing Xu Hann's eyes.

Looking at the owner of those blood-red eyes, Xu Hann's heart skipped a beat. It is really this extremely cold breath, too similar to those weird evil soul masters.

But he quickly let go of his breath, because he saw the soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Corps who were following behind him, which made him very familiar. Many of them are familiar faces.

"Young Master!" A group of soldiers from the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Corps knelt down on one knee before Xu Hann excitedly. A series of clanging sounds of metal collisions echoed in the huge room, as if explaining the agitation in their hearts.

Just two words, but it seems to contain countless emotions.

Mr. Yu, whose hair had already turned gray, had slightly red eyes, and Xu Hann was moved by his hunchbacked body.

Xu Hann had a deep impression on Mr. Yu.

Yu is over eighty years old and retired from the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group more than ten years ago. After retiring, he went to his family's mansion as a guard. Although he did not follow his father to Mingdu to protect the palace to save his life, but these years must have gone through many trials and hardships in order to avoid the pursuit of Xu Tianran and his son.

In Xu Hann's memory, Old Yu's complexion was ruddy, but not the old one now.

"Mr. Yu, please get up."

Xu Hann got up quickly, helped Mr. Yu himself, and gestured to the others at the same time.

"Everyone, get up. We'll talk about the old days later. It's not safe now."

"Let me tell you about the current situation."

Seeing Xu Hann who was acting extremely calm, everyone's eyes lit up. From the familiar outline between Xu Hann's brows, they seemed to vaguely see the shadow of the Prince.

"It's me who was pretending." Yu Lao looked at Xu Hann, who was only eight years old but mature and unreasonable, with a gratified smile on his face, and then moved his eyes to Yao Yang who had withdrawn his martial soul and had a refined temperament.

Yao Yang's smile like a spring breeze, doesn't have the half-cold feeling before.

"Zihuang, you are very similar to Uncle Zhengxuan."

Zhengxuan is the name of Xu Hann's father, and his full name is Xu Zhengxuan. Titled King Zihuang, he governs the four most affluent provinces in the south of the Sun Moon Empire.

From the title of King Zihuang, it is not difficult to see how much the old emperor of the Sun Moon Empire favored him. It is the first time in the tens of thousands of years of the Sun Moon Empire's history that one of the several martial spirits inherited by the Sun Moon Empire's royal family is directly titled.

Xu Hann's name also came from this.

Xu Hann met Yao Yang's gentle eyes in astonishment. He had no impression of Yao Yang at all, but he could feel the closeness of Yao Yang from the heart.

"It's probably the first time we've met."

Yao Yang nodded, a flash of reminiscence and annoyance flashed in his eyes.

"I haven't seen Uncle Zhengxuan for almost ten years. I didn't expect to see him again after this farewell."

"What you said before is good. Now is not the time to reminisce about the past. Some things should be discussed after leaving here." Yao Yang quickly calmed down his emotions, patted Xu Hann's shoulder affectionately, and then dismissed Wang Xiao's plan at all Repeatedly.

Of course, it was mainly to let Xu Hann know.

"Everyone, check the fixed-installed soul cannon in the soul tool first to make sure everything is safe." After speaking, Yao Yang seemed to have thought of something, and smiled slightly at Xu Hann.

"By the way, my name is Yaoyang. Don't leave too far away from me, otherwise it may be difficult for me to take you out of the coverage of the fixed-mounted soul guide gun in the first place."

Xu Hann frowned, and had some guesses in his mind, but he didn't ask too much. Using a headband to bind the mid-length hair hanging on the shoulders into a capable wolf tail, he was surrounded by Yao Yang and soldiers from the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Corps to the rooftop at the top of the castle.

The open-air flat-roof terrace has a very wide line of sight, and from here you can clearly see the scorching battlefield in the center of the island.

The battle between Wang Xiao and Hai Xiao over the island has also reached a critical stage where the winner is about to be decided. Haixiao's purple thunder manta ray's white belly is full of deep bone scars, and his breath is sluggish. On the other hand, on Wang Xiao's side, the more he fought, the more courageous he became, and he had the absolute upper hand.

Xu Hann slowly retracted his gaze and looked around the island. The city wall was affected, and many places collapsed in disgrace.

But he just felt unbearably excited, because outside the wall was the freedom he had always yearned for.

Can you finally get out of this cage?

The soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Corps around him took out black gun barrels about two meters long from the soul guides, aimed at the battlefield in the center of the island, and waited for the order to fire.

Just when everything was ready, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from behind.

"Are you all living for nothing?! Can't you do this well?!"

At the same time, there was old Yu's angry reprimand.

Mr. Yu frowned and looked at the cool blonde girl brought by his two subordinates.

The girl's white dress and hands were covered with blood. Although her soul power was sealed, he stood in front of the girl to isolate her from Xu Hann out of caution.

Xu Hann frowned and glanced at the girl, he recognized Yin Ziyue.

"what happened?"

"Young master, she just took advantage of these two idiots not paying attention and released her martial spirit to kill the other nine noble ladies you selected." Old Yu glared at the two imperial dragon soul instructors who were guarding Yin Ziyue and others with an ugly face. The young man glanced at him.

Seeing Xu Hann, Yin Ziyue knelt down on the ground, not having the previous attitude of a high-cold noble lady, just like a humble dog.

"His Royal Highness, they are sent by the First Prince, they should all die!"

"Oh, what about you?" Xu Hann stared at Yin Ziyue's lovely blue eyes with great interest.

Only then did Yin Ziyue raise her head, her long blond hair fell messily, and a ray of hope burst out from her beautiful eyes. She is much smarter than other noble ladies, and she knows very well that they are very likely to be silenced by Xu Hann and others under the current situation. And if she killed all the others, it was equivalent to denying herself a way out to return to the Sun Moon Empire.

This can be regarded as showing loyalty to Xu Hann.

"Your Highness, I am the second daughter of the Marquis family of Yincheng in Mingdu. I actively want to give birth to offspring for His Royal Highness, and have nothing to do with the eldest prince. Please take me and leave together. I know that the family has a family in the south of the empire. A few rare metal veins, my cultivation talent is not bad, and I am very familiar with dealing with noble affairs, I will definitely be useful to you..."

Yin Ziyue quickly responded that this was the most embarrassing time in her sixteen years of life. But she didn't feel that she was inferior at all. As long as she could leave here with Xu Hann, she would have unlimited possibilities in the future. Xu Hann's father has run the four southern provinces for so many years, and his foundation is so deep. Following Xu Hann is much better than being a marriage partner at the mercy of others in her family.

It should be said that she actually had no choice at all.

If you stay on the island, 99% of you will die. And following Xu Hann to leave has a glimmer of life.

But before she could finish speaking, Xu Hann interrupted it directly with his calm purple eyes.

"When those people die, they die."

Yin Ziyue just smiled when she heard this, but what Xu Hann said next made the smile on her face freeze instantly.

"But you seem to have overestimated your value. For you, it's not worth dragging down my subordinates. Their lives are much more precious than yours." Xu Hann walked slowly in front of Yin Ziyue expressionlessly, and suddenly snatched her away. The soul guide sword in the hand of one of the soldiers pierced his snow-white throat.

It wasn't until Xu Hann returned the soul guide sword stained with warm blood to the soldier that everyone came back to their senses and looked at Xu Hann eagerly.

This young master is more decisive and ruthless than they imagined. But such a lord is worth following.

Yao Yang unabashedly showed admiration to Xu Hann.

"Uncle Zhengxuan, if you can be like Zihuang, you won't be reduced to such a fate."

Xu Hann walked past Yin Ziyue's body indifferently, looked around at everyone and didn't say much.

This was his first murder in the true sense, and everything seemed so peaceful. It's not that he was born with a lack of emotion and disregard for life, but that he was mentally prepared from the beginning.

He has great ambitions, not only to make Xu Tianran's father and son pay for their blood, but also coveted the position of Emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire.

If his father had been more ruthless back then, there would be no such thing as Xu Tianran and his son.

After these three years of imprisonment, he deeply realized the importance of power and rights.

Whether it is a human being or a soul beast, he wants to make all living beings surrender and become the only master of the continent. This is the infinitely magnified desire in his heart.

The road among them must be full of thorns, and his hands will inevitably be stained with blood.

Killing Yin Ziyue is only the first step in his gradual establishment of prestige. These remnants of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group, as his starting team, must be firmly in his hands.

Awakening his previous life memory and being familiar with the plot, he has already constructed a rough framework in his mind. Shrek Academy is the most critical springboard. His first martial soul, Golden Boy, had never been exposed. In the future, if the Golden Boy will be the martial spirit majored in, and then changed his name to study in Shrek Academy, who can guess it is him? And his second martial soul is actually somewhat different from the Zihuang Tianlong Mielong martial soul of the Sun Moon Empire royal family.

With his talent, it is not difficult to get the attention of the upper echelon of Shrek Academy. This is equivalent to getting an invisible umbrella. Similarly, you can also develop your own contacts at Shrek Academy, and then meet Xu He, that is, He Caitou, the cousin who had the same experience as himself.

He believed that He Caitou's resentment towards Xu Tianran and his son would definitely be on his side. He Caitou's identity is even more special than his, so he can make good use of it.

Of course, everything is based on the common goal of revenge against Xu Tianran and his son. If he really reached the step of winning the throne, he must have grown up by then, and He Caitou could no longer threaten him.

"Zihuang." Yao Yang's gentle voice brought Xu Hann back to his senses.

Xu Hann looked sideways, only to see a pair of dark red slender folded wings on Yao Yang's back. The folded wing is translucent as a whole, but behind the folded wing, there are ten spray holes.

"This is a seventh-level flying soul guide?" Xu Hann was not too surprised. With his status back then, he had seen many nine-level soul guides with his own eyes. Knowing that Yao Yang was planning to take him into the sky according to the plan, Xu Hann quickly adjusted his physical condition.

"be prepared!"

Yao Yang clamped Xu Hann under his armpit, and with a low shout from him, the ten injection holes on his pair of folded wings sprayed out blazing white light at the same time. Immediately afterwards, Xu Hann felt a strong force coming from his waist in an instant, relying on the powerful eyesight of the golden boy martial soul, he was barely able to capture the rapidly passing scenery around him.

The ear-piercing howling sound also affected Xu Hann's sense of touch, so that his body felt overwhelmed in just a few seconds. But soon a soft halo of soul power enveloped his body, and the previous discomfort dissipated immediately. He was shocked to find that he had come to the air 500 meters above the island.

At this time, Yao Yang also noticed Xu Hann, who was surrounded by strange spiritual fluctuations after releasing the golden boy martial soul. Looking at Xu Hann's pair of golden eyes that changed greatly, especially the obscure and complicated golden lines around Tong Kong, he rarely showed a feeling of astonishment. He took a deep look at Xu Hann, but he suppressed his urgent desire to ask.

Now is clearly not the time to ask.

The seven-level flying soul tool behind Yaoyang, with its gorgeous tail flame, is hard to be unobtrusive in the night sky.

The soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Corps who were fighting the main force of the Xihai Soul Engineer Corps in the center of the island saw the dazzling flame, and fought hard to push back the soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineer Corps who surrounded them.

"All lift off!"

One after another, flying soul tools appeared behind the soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Corps, and the tail flames of different colors almost illuminated the entire island.

Seeing this scene, Armor Ying, the deputy head of the Xihai Soul Engineer Corps, had a gloomy face that was about to drip water.

Really prepared!

All members of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group are equipped with flying soul tools above level six. Although their Xihai Soul Engineer Group is also equipped with flying soul tools, there is a huge gap in quantity and quality.

"Use long-distance soul skills and soul guides, don't let any of them go! Take out all the flying soul guides!" Armor Camp mobilized its soul power and shouted loudly.

The loss of their Xihai soul engineer group in this battle is really too great. If these people are allowed to run away like this, with the vicious character of the eldest prince, apart from Hai Xiao, who is his confidant, I am afraid that none of them will die. Can't live.

But what answered him was a deafening roar. A group of terrifying orange-red mushroom clouds rose up behind him without warning, carrying intense heat, which caused him to feel a sharp pain even in the state of being possessed by the martial soul.

The screams and the sound of rocks falling could be heard endlessly, and the bodies of many soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineering Corps who were close to this cloud of orange-red mushrooms even directly vaporized, leaving only a black shadow on the ground.

"Seventh-level high-explosive fixed-mounted soul guide gun?" The arm camp's eyes were full of despair, because there were still more than 20 orange-red mushroom clouds that followed.

"It's over, it's over..."

More than twenty seventh-level fixed-mounted soul guide cannons can almost destroy a small city, and there is no possibility that this island can be preserved. He completely gave up resisting, and his hands drooped powerlessly. After this time, their Xihai soul engineer group may be annihilated here.

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The scorching and turbulent air waves shook the solid five-story castle into huge cracks, as if it was about to collapse in an instant. On the flat-roofed balcony, Mr. Yu retracted the fixed-installed soul guide barrel, barely supported his body balance, and at the same time released the flying soul guide and urged the people around him anxiously: "If you don't want to die, give me a promotion!" Empty! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

"Yes, Mr. Yu!"

It also used flying soul tools to lift off, but compared to the group of more than 20 people who fought against the main force of the Xihai soul engineer group before, they have now lost the opportunity. Moreover, their cultivation bases are only over fifty levels, and the flying soul guides they are equipped with are only level five. Many people showed fear in their eyes, but they did not panic.

Because they knew from the very beginning that staying here and firing custom-installed soul guidance shells would risk being affected. The power and coverage of the seventh-level fixed-mounted soul guide cannon are too great, let alone more than twenty pieces.

The intense heat swept across the entire castle in an instant, and at least seven or eight soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineering Corps were engulfed.

Mr. Yu clenched his fists and looked back, then quickly retracted his gaze, mobilizing the soul power of his whole body and desperately pouring it into the flying soul guide behind him.

Although he had expected such a situation a long time ago, seeing such a scene with his own eyes, he still couldn't help feeling a twinge in his heart.