
Lord of chaotic pupil in Peerless Tang Sect

From the Nine Heaven Ten Earth Great Thousand world a invisible golden light flow through the Space, Xu Hann, the exiled son of the prince of the Sun and Moon Empire, found himself in a desperate situation following the palace change that occurred within the empire. However, amidst the despair, a ray of hope emerged as an unexpected turning point presented itself. The prince's father, who was previously a high-ranking minister, embarked on a daring mission to rescue his son from his life of exile.

DaoistHI4fqd · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Thick black mist lingered around Yaoyang, one yellow, three purple, three black, and the two shining black soul rings, ranked fifth and sixth among the seven soul rings, gradually faded away.

The strange blood-red eyes became extremely cold, and the extremely cold aura made Wang Xiao couldn't help but look sideways.

He released the dark attribute area just now, but the ones who destroyed the package of Lan Hai's soul mentor group and severely injured Yu Yun's sea of ​​spirits were all monsters.

A powerful spiritual attribute soul master is truly terrifying.

"Uncle Wang, don't worry, I didn't devour the souls of those soldiers, I promised His Highness the Prince." Yao Yang raised his head to meet Wang Yao's gaze without hesitation, his tone was firm and moving.

His martial soul is a special martial soul called sea demon, which is spiritual in nature. This is also the martial spirit that their family has passed down from generation to generation.

However, when he awakened the martial soul back then, the martial soul mutated, possessing the ability to devour the souls of humans and spirit beasts. Even because this special ability was noticed by the Holy Spirit Cult, the whole family was destroyed, and he was the only one who was taken away.

Later, he was rescued by Xu Hann's father and was able to escape.

Wang Xiao withdrew his right hand piercing through Yun's left chest, and nodded in a daze.

It was already more than ten years ago when he and Xu Hann's father rescued Yao Yang from the Holy Spirit Sect. To be honest, Yao Yang's power is far beyond his expectations. It was difficult for him to combine the despairing eyes in his impression, who resented that he had no power to protect his family, with the Yao Yang in front of him.

Exhaling heavily, Wang Xiao once again looked firmly at the island in front of him.

Not only out of trust in Yaoyang, but more importantly, the immediate rescue plan is urgent.

"It's not too late. According to the previous plan, I will lead a team to block Hai Xiao and the main force of the Xihai soul engineer group. Yao Yang, you take another team to rescue the young master."

With a low drink, Wang Xiao's body took the lead in flying into the air.

The Hanhai soul engineer group, including division head Yu Yuntuan, was destroyed here, and the noble lady in the cabin of the giant ship also passed out. The people of the Xihai Soul Engineer Group will soon notice the strangeness here.

Now there is no need to hide in the dark at all.

If they want to rescue the young master, they must fight the well-equipped Xihai soul engineer group head-on.

Immediately behind Wang Xiao were more than twenty elites among the elites of the former Emperor Dragon Soul Instructor Group. Everyone's cultivation base is above the sixtieth level, and under the propulsion of the sixth-level flying soul guide, their speed is not inferior to Wang Yi.

There are more than twenty soul emperors casually, and this is enough to see the profound foundation of the original emperor dragon soul mentor group.

A series of brilliant tail flames pierced the night sky, and the rescue plan that had been planned for three years was finally implemented!

Two yellows, two purples, four blacks, the eight optimally proportioned soul rings danced crazily around Wang Xiao's body, like a peerless beast.

"Seventh soul skill! Martial soul avatar!" An extremely depressing and slightly crazy growl sounded from his mouth, and the rich black-purple flame seemed to burn on his body surface, turning into a huge A black-purple light cocoon envelops it.

Immediately, the low roar of the tiger exploded in mid-air, and a majestic black-winged giant tiger had descended from the sky and swooped towards the thick city wall that was 50 meters high.

The soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineering Corps patrolling the city wall were startled instantly and looked up in horror.

Hai Xiao did order them to step up their guard tonight, but Wang Xiao's appearance was too sudden.

In fact, it took less than one breath for Tuan Mie Yuyun and the Lan Hai soul mentor group he led before, relying on Yaoyang's fifth soul skill that can hide his body, the sixth soul skill of group spirit attack and Not even the slightest change in Wang Xiao's dark attribute domain was revealed.

On the city wall, a middle-aged man who looked like a small leader of the Xihai soul engineer group was the first to react. While releasing the martial soul, he did not forget to use the soul power to wrap his voice and shout loudly: "Enemy attack! All obey orders! Stand firm on the fixed-mounted soul-guided cannon position on the city wall and annihilate the enemy!"

The quality of the soldiers of the Xihai Soul Instructor Group was significantly higher than that of Yu Yun's Lan Hai Soul Instructor Group.

A soldier quickly calmed down under the order of the squad leader, and turned the dark metal barrel of the custom-installed soul guide cannon on the city wall.

In order to resist the chaotic sea spirit beasts, there are such four-level fixed-mounted soul guide gun barrels almost every few tens of meters on the city wall.

The power of a four-level fixed-mounted soul guide cannon is equivalent to a full-strength attack of the soul sect level, but if all of them are integrated, the power is quite terrifying.

A huge red octopus phantom emerged behind the squad leader, two yellow, three purple and one black, and six soul rings rose up instantly, showing his cultivation at the level of a soul emperor.

Although it wasn't the best soul ring ratio, it was pretty good.

But he ignored an important issue, that is Wang Xiao's strength.

The 20-meter-long black-winged tiger that Wang Xiao transformed into in his spirit avatar did not become clumsy because of its huge size, but was as flexible as a civet.

With the assistance of the black wings behind him, the speed is even more astonishing. Turning into a black afterimage, it is difficult to capture even its phantom by vision alone.

Almost as soon as the squad leader finished speaking, he had already reached the top of his head.

A pair of tiger claws slapped it, and amidst the sound of shattering, a gap was torn out of the originally solid and thick city wall in an instant. Even the surrounding custom-installed soul guide cannons fixed on the city wall were also blown away.

"Boom—" Under the despairing eyes of the team leader, the giant tiger nailed him firmly to the bluestone floor with another palm. His limbs were twisted and inhuman, blood was overflowing, and pieces of internal organs were constantly coughing up from his nasal cavity. Seeing is not alive.

"Captain!" The surrounding soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineering Corps felt cold all over. No matter how elite soldiers are, they will feel fear in the face of death.

The battlefield was changing rapidly, and when they lost their minds for a moment, the elites of the Yuanhuang Dragon Soul Instructor Group who followed behind Wang Xiao had already crossed the area covered by the fixed-mounted soul guide cannon.

What followed was a complete massacre.

A top Soul Douluo and an eighth-level soul engineer, plus more than two dozen soul emperors, such a luxurious lineup would not please even a powerhouse at the title Douluo level, let alone a soldier of the Xihai Soul Engineer Group. Most are generally around level 40.

Wang Xiao didn't attack the defeated soldiers of the Xihai Soul Engineer Corps anymore, but lifted his huge head in the state of his martial soul avatar and looked up towards the castle in the center of the island as if he had sensed it.

As if responding to his gaze, a bluish-purple electric light the size of a bucket suddenly shot out in the night sky above the castle, lighting up the island shrouded in darkness.

Hai Xiao, who was dressed in a dark blue armor stomach, revealed her figure in the electric light. Complicated emotions of anger and surprise emerged from the eyes that were sparkling with brilliance.

"Wang Xiao, it's you?! You're still alive?!"

Hearing Hai Xiao's words, Wang Xiao's tiger eyes flashed with suspicion, and then Tong Kong shrank suddenly, and said in an unusually cold voice: "The two men who assassinated His Royal Highness back then Evil Douluo was indeed ordered by you."

Ten years ago, Xu Hann's father had hidden his identity and traveled in the territory of the three major empires of the Douluo Continent, and he was the only escort accompanying him. Just when he arrived at the northwestern border of the Heavenly Soul Empire and was about to return to the territory of the Sun Moon Empire, he suddenly encountered two evil soul masters at the title Douluo level.

At that time, his soul power had already reached level eighty-nine, only one step away from Titled Douluo. Xu Hann's father is also a Contra who is not inferior to him in cultivation, plus a set of high-quality soul bones from the whole body bestowed by the old emperor of the Sun Moon Empire and his own powerful Zihuang Tianlong Destroyer Martial Soul, his combat power is even Even stronger than ordinary Title Douluo.

Although the evil soul masters were weird, but with the strength of the two of them, if they wanted to escape wholeheartedly, it would not be so easy for the two evil soul masters who had just broken through to the Title Douluo to keep them. But it wasn't just the two of them who were present, there was also Xu Hann's mother.

Of course, they escaped from the hands of those two Evil Douluo in the end, otherwise there would be no Xu Hann now.

However, in order to protect Xu Hann's parents, Wang Xiao paid an extremely heavy price. It took nearly ten years of self-cultivation to ease up. Moreover, his body was poisoned by one of the Evil Douluo's natal poisons. Not only did he suffer from the severe pain of the toxin corroding his internal organs and bones all the time, but even with his soul power, it was difficult to improve his cultivation.

After returning to the Sun Moon Empire, out of some considerations, Xu Hann's father concealed the matter, and then asked Wang Xiao to help him deal with the fief affairs, so he left Mingdu to go to the south of the Sun Moon Empire to recover from his injuries.

Wang Yi can be sure that no news has been leaked, because from the time he returned to Mingdu until he left, only Xu Hann's parents and another healing soul master who could not leak the news knew that he was seriously injured.

Judging from Hai Xiao's reaction now, it is obvious that he knows about what happened back then. The source of the news naturally only came from the other two insiders, the two Evil Douluo.

The eight soul rings around Wang Xiao's body moved quickly, and the previously used dark attribute domain spread around his body again, and the killing intent in his eyes was hard to hide.

"It seems that you must have borrowed the power of those evil soul masters for the palace change in the palace three years ago. Colluded with those evil soul masters who have devoid of humanity to usurp the throne?!"

Hai Xiao's stiff face changed, her fists clenched and then loosened subconsciously.

What Wang Xiao said was right, there was indeed a shadow of an evil soul master behind the change in the palace three years ago. If not, how could the palace guarded by the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineering Corps be breached so easily?

He also knew which evil soul masters had massacred the people of the Sun Moon Empire, and he hated those evil soul masters from the bottom of his heart. But beyond that he had to be loyal to his lord first.

Haixiao swung her right arm back violently, causing the stomach on her body to collide with a crisp metallic sound, as if she wanted to shake off half of the hesitation in her heart.

The blue-purple power grid raged around his body the moment he swung his arm, and a huge blue-purple strange fish phantom appeared behind him.

The phantom of the strange fish is blue and purple all over, with a large body shaped like a bat, and a dark tail with spikes behind it. The blue-purple grid overflows from the spikes on the end of its tail.

Purple Thunder Manta Ray, this is Hai Xiao's martial soul. The manta ray, also known as the devil fish, is a very ferocious and powerful soul beast in the sea.

An adult devil fish with a cultivation base of ten thousand years, even the devil spirit great white shark and evil killer whale groups that have always lived in groups, will avoid it by three points. With the strength of the two races, the Devil Spirit Great White Shark and the Evil Orca, they are basically immune to toxins, but they are only afraid of the terrifying poison attached to the spikes on the devil fish's tail.

Haixiao's Martial Soul Purple Thunder Manta Ray is even more out of the ordinary, having dual attributes of sea and mine.

"The matter of the royal family is not something that a small person like me can meddle in. For me, as long as the Sun Moon Empire is still in power, it is enough. His Royal Highness Prince Zhengxuan has favored me, and the palace change that year I don't care. Knowing but not participating, Wang Xiao, you don't have to question me like this." The hesitation in Haixiao's eyes gradually dissipated, and he raised his head to look at Wang Xiao calmly.

"It's up to each other. Although I don't know how you found out where His Highness the Prince is being held, but you led the remnants of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group here today. Between you and me, only one person is destined to survive."

"Don't you care about the countless people of our Sun Moon Empire who were massacred by evil soul masters?" Wang Yi sneered, his sharp eyes seemed to penetrate Haixiao's thoughts.

Hai Xiao couldn't help frowning, and the raging blue-purple grid around his body became even denser, just like his current mood.

He is not as calm as he appears on the surface.

Wang Xiao's words went straight to his heart. Born as a commoner, he possesses a rare talent and martial spirit. Being born as a commoner, he can better understand the difficulties of ordinary people in the Sun Moon Empire. The sea soul beasts causing chaos, the evil soul masters wantonly slaughtering civilians, and the war with the two great empires of Tianhun and Xingluo that would make countless people displaced at every turn. The mainland seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is undercurrents.

His original intention to join the army directly after graduating from the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy was to protect his compatriots. But the lord whom he was loyal to secretly colluded with those evil soul masters. In fact, he had always felt a sense of guilt for this, as if his faith had collapsed in an instant. But the long-term instilled loyalty to the emperor made it difficult for him to resist.

He voluntarily left Mingdu, the power center of the Sun Moon Empire, and came to this deserted island, so he didn't have the intention of escaping.

Wang Xiao smiled, but waved his wings, raised his head to the sky and let out a tiger roar, and rushed towards Haixiao with monstrous majesty.

Maybe he said these words that made Haixiao self-doubt preemptively a bit despicable, but in order to reduce the sacrifice of his subordinates, he doesn't care about this face. And this is a life-and-death confrontation.

Hai Xiao reacted, and instantly put aside the thoughts in her heart, and her strong soul power mixed with violent blue-purple lightning directly met the menacing Wang Xiao.

Two yellows, three purples, and three blacks are also eight soul rings, but they are obviously inferior to Wang Yi in terms of soul ring ratio. The black soul ring that ranked seventh became darker in color. Enveloped by the rich blue-purple electric light, a strange fish with a body length of more than ten meters solidified out of thin air and floated above the island. The back of the strange fish is blue-purple, the abdomen is snow-white, and the mouth and gills form a strange human face.

Facing such a powerful Wang Xiao, of course he would not foolishly hold back.

Although the Sun Moon Empire pays more attention to soul guides, the more advanced the soul master, the most important thing in battle is his own martial soul. After all, no matter whether it is a soul master or a soul mentor, they are all based on their own martial soul.

The spirit avatar seems powerful, but for soul masters like Wang Xiao and Hai Xiao, without using other spirit skills, it is enough to maintain the state of the spirit avatar for more than half an hour. The use of other soul skills and various powerful soul tools that consume a lot of soul power under the subsequent boost of the martial soul avatar is actually the last means of decisive victory.

And the two tacitly chose to use the spirit avatar to fight in the high altitude on the island, also in order to avoid accidentally injuring the subordinates of both sides and Xu Hann who was still in the castle.