
Day one at work

Mei Lin's POV

Send me my purse darling I almost forgot it, and my scarf too. ahh why am I nervous yet it's what I had been waiting for. " where is your scarf dear? I can't find it anywhere!!" Lee Xin asked while hurrying down the stairs. We are late love let's take a cab, no no no!! we aren't going in the same direction. I'll take a cab, bye Lee I loved you,...

Author'z POV

Mei Lin was in a hurry and soon took a cab and drove off to her new working place, by the time she reached she was met with a beautiful building with a writing on its billboard " FOUR SEASONS HOTEL. " yeah it's here thank you sir " she paid the driver and jumped out.

"ouch.. ashhh.. whom did I bump into, my bad , on my first day and I bump into someone ... sorry sir, I didn't see you there I was in hurry so I didn't notice you" she apologized while rushing in hastily not even saying a proper sorry to the person she bumped into.

"*chuckles* how naive not looking where she is going, I wonder who she is, or does she work work here ? I'll find out she is too cute though" Xe Feng talked to himself while looking at Mei Lin who had just bumped into him.


Feng Corp

" Sir this is the new recruiter list of the interns and those that passed the interview, " Xe Feng's assistant Shao Wei told him and handed him the files and some documents. " uhmm ..manager .. the contract sent to Mr.Wu Fei has been signed by him and he is now willing to work with us and the remaining thing is your signature only" Shao Wei told Xe Feng who was the manager of the Feng Corp.


At four seasons hotel

-- " you'll be handling all the work I have assigned to you from today onwards Miss Mei Lin. And remember the rules of your area of expertise .. that's all for now you can go to the changing room and change into your uniform... good luck miss Mei Lin. For any inquiries come to me I'll be happy to help" the assistant Manager's secretary helped Mei Lin with everything needed and how to leave a good impression on the customers then headed back to the assistant Manager's office.

" Miss Fu I have finished my assignment as told, and the new waitress is more than happy to start working, she seems to be a lively person I like her already....." Xiao Xiao was cut short by the assistant manager Miss Fu " ok ok enough of the noise am going to grab a coffee make sure to arrange my files and separate the ones for the Feng Corp as it will be picked up today and don't scatter them , arrange them in an orderly manner, ok " " yeah I'll do it now then I'll grab some breakfast later" replied Xiao Xiao .

" And one more thing Xiao Xiao... if we are alone drop the formalities and just call me Fu Song not Miss Fu ok!! " Assistant manager reminded Xiao Xiao for the umpteenth time.

" ok Fu.. Song I'll do as you say" Xiao Xiao replied flustered .

" can I take your orders please " Mei Lin asked a customer who seemed stunned for a second by her looks which mesmerized him that he was lost for what to say that he ended up ordering mocha instead of espresso. " I'll take that" the customer replied not knowing what he was even ordering . " she is too good to be true but I can't help but look . said the customer to no one but himself.