
Always clumsy

"I'll take that thanks" replied the customer not knowing what he was ordering. " What a pervert, what's his deal looking at me like roasted chicken. I think I should start wearing buggy clothes .. huh.. the manger won't like it I have to leave a good impression on the customers.. it sucks... huh .. good impression my butt" Evei walked away to get the customers order while talking to no one in particular.


"Xiao Xiao did you get the paperwork done?.. Hope you didn't mess it up this time " Fu Song asked her secretary. "Yes everything is good to go .. ahh.. Fu Song would you mind if I have a day off tomorrow I need to go and check on my grandma. she is sick " Xiao Xiao lamented.

" it's fine you can have a day off just finish up everything today so that I won't have to bother you tomorrow " Fu Song accepted her request while giving her a little more work .

" Thanks Fu I'll be done in a jiffy." Xiao Xiao was happy.


"What do you mean am having a transfer? I thought my contract stated that am to work from here for a full year then a transfer will come in next year, it's barely half a year and you want to transfer me ? Are you even listening to yourself? Or you think am gonna snatch that position away from you coz I do my work better than the previous you!!?? Huh!! Stop your silly jokes and leave me alone in my peace. I came here to work not to fight for stupid positions. Kentin I wish someone would put you into your place and tell you to mind your own business and leave the decision of transfers to the manager not you, you're just an active one for the mean time becoz the manager is bedridden. " Lee Xin blurted out and unleashed out his anger on Kentin.

"I have the right to decide whom to transfer but you're in no position to unleash your anger on me, but as a mid worker like you, do you think being on the Manager's bad side is good, then wait for me " Kentin walked out in anger for being shouted at and being embarrassed by Lee Xin.

He had long wanted him out of the company and when he had seized the opportunity that's what came to his mind first.To transfer him but he didn't know that the always timid Lee Xin would lash out at him.

He has always seen Lee Xin as a sore to him if possible he would have just fired him but he didn't dare to bring himself trouble of firing someone who was loved by the company's high-ups.


At the hotel

" Mei Lin would you mind helping me out in the private suit we have some important guests and am having a hard time here if so just help me out" Bai Lu the head waiter asked her to be of help and Mei Lin was more than happy to help out.

" So what do I do " Mei Lin suddenly asks and Bai Lu directed her on what to do.

" So here I come " Mei Lin mutters under her breath while holding on the door handle ready to open it and come inside to serve the honored guests when * bumm* " ouch ... not again .. did I just hit the door thinking that it had opened or am I just naturally clumsy" Mei Lin spoke louder than intended but she didn't care thinking that she just knocked the door while imagining opening it.

But reality hit her soon when someone spoke to her in a much concerned tone " Did I hurt you? Is my chest that hard that you mistook me to be the door?.. Orr.. do you just like bumping into me everytime we cross paths " Xe Feng completed his statement with a laugh while he held Mei Lin's shoulder.

" ohh no am sorry sir I didn't mean to bump into you when I opened the door, I was just nervous that I didn't notice you were coming out ,.. I... I thought I would find you seated .. am sorry sir I won't bump into you again" Mei Lin was shocked and apologized as first as she could becoz of the impression she has to leave on the customers and the hotels reputation.

' But wait did he just say that I like bumping into him every time we cross paths,.. is he the guy I bumped into on my first day at work .. no no no.. this is more embarrassing than I thought it would be.. what should I do now .. I'll just smile like usual serve him drinks and take his orders then rush out of here. ' Mei Lin thought to her self while screaming in her head .

She composed her self flashed him the sweetest smile she could make and then gave him way


If Mei Lin knew that fate had prepared something else for her she would have known not to smile to him