
A date?!



"Hi, it's me Kiara?"

"Kiki? You got my number, honestly I thought you would've lost it."

Josh of course it would have been Joshua. Of all people! Why couldn't it have been Adrien. He's much nicer and better looking than this jerk.

"Why did you give me your number Joshua?"

I wanted to know why he would give me his number, honestly there are thousands of other girls to pick from. Besides he already knows me well enough to know how annoying I can be.

"Look I didn't want to say this over the phone but I need a fill in. My best mate is having a party tomorrow. My ex-girlfriend will be there and I need to make her jealous. Please with a cherry on top."

He must of been very desperate because the cherry on top phrase, is something only me and Joshua know. I didn't have anything on after school tomorrow anyways.

"Sure" I spoke into the phone.

As soon as the word had left my mouth he had hung up.


It was my phone and I picked up.

"Hey it's josh again, just wanted to ask something."

He paused waiting for a response and I replied. "Go on."

"If it doesn't work out with my ex, you wanna go on date with me sometime."

I honestly felt like he was joking, as if at any moment he might as well have said just kidding. But he never did, so I just answered.


A party? A date? Phone number? What is Joshua playing at?

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