
Mystery number

After me and my mum had finally gotten home, I went upstairs to have a shower. I had to put my uniform away in my cupboard. I was about to fold up my jacket but I heard the sound of scrunched paper. I checked my jacket pocket and it was a phone number. I didn't know who it belonged to though.

It was on a little short piece of paper so it could have been Joshua's. He's such a flirt he probably has thousands lying around everywhere. But it could have been Adrien's because he probably saw me from this morning and wrote it down. That's probably how he knew where I was so he could give me his number. I felt under a lot of pressure. Whoever I think it belongs to, is like picking who I love. Love is so confusing, especially for a girl like me.

I picked up my phone and slowly dialed it. My thumb was about to tap the call button when I backed away.

I can't do this.

My thoughts booming in my ears. I was about to hit the button again but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You have to do this.

My thumb was so close, I could almost feel the button touching my skin. I nearly pressed the button.

I-I-I can't do this anymore!

I threw my phone across my bed hitting a pillow. My thoughts louder than ever. I don't know what to do, when to do it, if I should do it and who it is. I wish I knew how I felt about both of them.

Adrien's, a nice, sweet person. Even though I just met him at least he's a fresh start. He doesn't know my background, the embarrassing things I've done and how weird I can be.

While Joshua can be a jerk, bad boy. He could of been on weed, he always wanted to try weed ever since he was little. At least Joshua knows me better than Adrien, he's like a best friend I never had.

My head is spinning and all my thoughts are too much for me. My train of thought is broken. I picked up my phone and went through Joshua and Adrien's social media accounts. I don't who to pick and why. Pictures of Joshua shirtless in nearly one of his photos comes up on his profile. I couldn't help but stare at a picture of Joshua shirtless. I could see his abs that are perfectly, well perfect. There was no other words to describe him other than perfect. What about Adrien's social media account pictures of him having fun and going on rollercoasters filled his profile. Even though he didn't have abs in any of his pictures, at least he had fun everyday doing something he loves. Even though he isn't as hot and flirty as Joshua, he is at least cute and fun to hangout with.

Too many thoughts. Eventually I get a headache and my brain starts to heart. Finally my brain hurts so much that I need to get water. I go downstairs and grab a cold glass of water. As soon as I return to my room I finish the glass of water in a second.

Two different personalities, two different bodies but most importantly two different people. I grab my phone and eventually find the sheet of paper. I am about to call when my eyes get heavy, I check the time 12:00 I spent so much time thinking about two boys that it's already so late. I yawn and blink a few times and fall straight to sleep. I wake up again at 4:00 in the morning. Both of the boys are awake because they both posted on their accounts a couple minutes ago. I find the sheet of paper again, dial the number and press the ring button.



Who do you think it is, comment below. Two completely different choices.

Kate101creators' thoughts