
long forgotten love

Eve has fall in love with Eva when he was in his high school days, but, she left him for money with Iven. Eve gets hurt and can't bear the pain and goes abroad to study. After six years when he returns back, he meets Eva in a coffee shop and he gets more shocked to know that , that she doesn't recognize him at all. she has already forgotten about him. "just what happened to Eva" "what happened six years back then when Eve left her...." "to know this read the story long Forgotten love...."

Jehu_Na · Urban
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

3. why do I feel like I know him really well.


"president are you fine" Gabriel speaks up getting little scared but he is just worried about Eve. Eve is looking miserable after meeting with Eva.

" I am fine . you just drive towards a bar, let's have some drinks" Eve speaks up with a low tone. he is not even looking at him. Gabriel takes a deep breath and drives the car towards bar. when Eve and Gabriel gets inside the bar , the manager greets Eve " welcome president Eve may I help you with something."

"no need" he sits on the chair and Gabriel sits beside him. that manager comes again "president if you want we can give a VIP room for you"

"I said no need means no need" Eve gives him a cold gaze.

that manager bows down his head " as your wish president" then he walks away.

Eve ordered drinks for him. the people in the bar recognizes him at one glance and starts to talk about him.

Girls starts to take a step to seduce Eve. A girl who is wearing red tight short sleeveless dress comes and sits in a side of Eve. he was busy drinking alcohol that time when she came their towards him with her seducing personality. Gabriel tries his best to stop him from drinking but he is just keep on going with his drinks.

" hello president, looks like you are not in a good mood today. do you need me to accompany you" she keeps her hand on his shoulder.

Eve stops drinking in the middle when he feels her touch in his shoulder.He gave her a dead glare "take off your dirty hand from my shoulder"

she leaned down little bit towards his ears and whispered in a seducing manner " it's ok president I can turn on your mood, just give me your half an hour"

" f**k off bitch" he threw her hand and pushed her making her fall on the ground. Everyone on the bar stares at Eve and that girl.

" let's go Gabriel I have drunk a lot today" he walked out of the bar with Gabriel without giving a damn about that girl.

Gabriel dropped Eve in his house . As he has drunk a lot , Gabriel guided him towards his room and made him lay down on his bed. The lady entered inside the room getting worried about Eve after seeing him in drunk state" is he ok"

Gabriel smiled looking at Eve" yes he is just little bit drunk that's all. give him something to sober up. now I should leave too. take care of him. I will come tomorrow morning to pick him up"

saying this Gabriel went out from the room to go back in his house.

In Ivan's house they are having dinner together. Eva looked at Ivan " Are you sure Ivan that I don't know that guy"

Ivan stopped in the middle of eating and speaked up being little nervous " yeah of course you don't know him. how will you know about him it's no chance for you. and how many times I have to say this."

" About whom are you talking about" a guy comes their holding a pan and sat in the opposite side of Eva.

" no one " Ivan speaks up rushingly.

" actually today we met a..." Ivan stopped Eva in the middle by putting a piece of meat in her mouth "ummmmm"

That guy looked at Ivan suspiciously " tell me who is she talking about"

Ivan smiled awkwardly" maddy it's no one. I swear..."

Eva swallowed the meat fast-fast " brother I was talking about a beggar that we met on the way. he was looking so miserable"

Maddy stared at her " are you telling the truth"

"ummmmm" she nods giving him a bright smile.

"fine. now stop talking and eat"

Eva and Ivan both takes a deep breath "thank God"

After having dinner Eva went inside her room and thinks about Eve " why do I feel like I know him really well."

she sat on her bed and layed down " Why my heart was beating fast when I saw him in the coffee shop. Do we really know each other? is Ivan lying with me ? why did he not let me mention about him to maddy?"