
long forgotten love

Eve has fall in love with Eva when he was in his high school days, but, she left him for money with Iven. Eve gets hurt and can't bear the pain and goes abroad to study. After six years when he returns back, he meets Eva in a coffee shop and he gets more shocked to know that , that she doesn't recognize him at all. she has already forgotten about him. "just what happened to Eva" "what happened six years back then when Eve left her...." "to know this read the story long Forgotten love...."

Jehu_Na · Urban
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

2. Do we know each other by chance.

(Next day)

Eve got ready to go for work. he wore a white shirt and blue suit which made his look more attractive and handsome. He then walked towards downstair and sat down in the dinning table to have his breakfast. he looked at the way towards kitchen where the house maid was preparing breakfast for him "auntie have you finished making breakfast"

the lady spoke from inside the kitchen politely "yes young Master, I am bringing it for you"

she served him his breakfast and again walked inside. Eve was just started to have his breakfast when the doorbell rang and his one of the worker opened it for him. it was Gabriel. he got inside with his smiling face and greeted Eve respectfully " good morning president, did you sleep well"

Eve gets up cleaning his hand with a tissue and turned towards him " yea....now if you finished questioning, can we leave "

Gabriel smiled awkwardly looking at Eve"yes of course president....you first"

Both of them walked out of the house and got inside the car. Gabriel drove away the car towards "SHINE-E" company which comes under one of the most powerful company in "A" country. And know Eve has became the owner of this company. He was always been a rich kid since start but others didn't knew about his identity in the past. But know he came back being a well known man , and , know he want to make Eva regrate about the decision she made in the past. The car stopped Infront of the entrance of the company. All were very much curious to know about their president. The employees including director of the company were standing in the gate waiting for Eve to welcome when they reached their. Girls were already prepared themselves to see the president and to impress him with their beauty. When Gabriel opened up the door for Eve ,all the female employee's eyes got stuck in his handsomeness. they all got mesmerized by his looks as he is really handsome and looks really perfect...

The director of the company stepped forward and gave him bunch of flowers " welcome president Eve. I am Sam sue the director of the company"

Eve handshaked with him"hello director sam, I have heard a lot about you from my mom"

Sam smiled with pleasure as he heard the great news "it's my pleasure to hear this"

Gabriel made a way for Eve and he got inside of the company. the news of the new president of SHINE-E company spread all over the cities. Eve stood in the middle of the employees working place. He puts his hand inside his pocket and stares at the employed "I am your new president Eve. I hope you have already heard about me till now. so let's talk about work. I really don't like lazy people who doesn't work hard but get paid shamelessly. I heard alot of complaints before coming here. I won't get easy on you, so ,please work hard if you want to keep on working here. thank you" after saying this he got in his cabin.

when he walked inside ,all the employees took a deep breath of relief and sat in their place to work. some girls Started to gossip about Eve on his first day ...

girl1- "this president is so rude..."

girl2-" yeah but he is so handsome"(blushing)

girl1- " hmmmm.....that I also have to say. he has got a beautiful face"

Time passed by and Working time got over . all Started to left the office to go back home. Eve called Gabriel in his cabin "come inside"

"yes president." Gabriel stood obediently infront of Eve.

Eve looked up towards Gabriel giving him a serious look "you too leave I have somewhere to go."

"I will send you there president if you want. you have came here after six years , a lot of things and places have changed"

Eve closed his laptop and wore his coat "then let's go"

They both got inside the car. Gabriel stared at Eve in looking glass of the car " president where do you want to go?"

" do you know the coffee shop Infront of dream theater" when he talks about the coffee shop his tone changed drastically.....

Gabriel noticed it"of course I know president. I think you have so many memories of past in this shop. your tone has changed when you said about the shop"

Eve looked at him getting pissed off " shut up and drive"

Gabriel smile at Eve without his knowing "yes... president"

He drove towards the coffee shop and stops the car Infront of it. Eve got out of the car and suddenly his heart started to beat fast. he kept his hand in his chest " what's going on? it can't be..."

Gabriel stared at Eve " president are you ok"

Eve stepped forward without saying a word. His heart was still beating fast. he pushed the door and got inside of the shop. He looked here and there and smiled " a lot of things has changed here."

He walked towards counter to order but his eyes stopped in the familiar figure of a girl. His heartbeat became more fast. He is begging in his heart for not seeing her in this moment. He stopped Infront of the counter without saying anything. he just stared at the girl who was doing her work showing her backside. A girl asked for his order but he doesn't responded to her. she again tries"hello sir what do you want?"

The girl who was doing work turned towards Eve and his instinct was right she is Eva, love of his life. He gets froze for a while. his lips started to shake to call out her name and his eyes became teary. he just stared at her.

Eva looked confused after seeing him and smiled looking at him " Do we know each other by chance"

Eve got more shocked after hearing this and smiled getting angry "what?"

In that moment Iven got out from the kitchen "Eva look at this....." he stopped in the middle getting numb when he saw Eve Infront of him and call out his name "Eve"

Eve gave a psychic smiles after seeing iven amd Eva " look at this. A so called the son of billionaire , now working in a coffee shop where I have worked before"

Iven smiled after hearing Eve " look Eve don't misunderstand..."

Eva turned towards Iven " you know him.."

Iven smiled " hmmmm he was my school mate"

Eve looked at Eva " from where did you learn to act. are you ashamed that he is not rich now and know you are having difficulty to face me"

Eva shouted at Eve " sir please mind your words and I really don't know you. if you have came here to drink coffee then you are welcome if not then please get out"

"Eve" an old man came there.

Eve turned towards him and hugged him " grandpa"

the old man Looked at him getting curious " when did you came back"

Eve smiled brightly at the old man " yesterday only"

" president..." Gabriel called Eve from backside. Eve turned towards him "hmm"

"we should leave know it's late and you also have a lot of work tomorrow"

"grandpa I will come back afterwards hmm. this time I came back for long time..may be for forever.." he glared at Ivan and Eva.

"hmm you should" the old man speaked up tapping in his arm.

Eve took a leave from grandpa and walked towards Eva " you , if you want you can be my slave. are you willing"

Iven shouted at him before Eva had a chance to say something " yahhh.....Eve she really doesn't know you"

"what game are you playing this time?? huh" Eve looked at ivan in anger.

His grandpa stepped forward towards Eve " Eve let's talk about this later, but, it's true. she really doesn't know you at all"

when his grandpa said that she doesn't know him at all he got shocked and numb.

"what?? I can't believe this" Eve looked at his grandpa "I am sure she is doing an act." he turned towards Eva "aren't you tired of acting"

"Eve you have no idea what happened so please get out of here" Ivan step forward towards Eve.

"what's going on here?? and I don't know you mister" Eva looked at Eve with her sparkling eyes where Eve didn't find himself their anymore.

"you know what..I am done...but I don't believe in this shit. I know you are lying and I will surely prove it. you have so much to experience Eva" saying this Eve got out of the shop and sat inside the car. Gabriel had no idea what was going on earlier but, one thing was clear for him and that was Eve is not fine.

" how....why. I have so many things to say and show to you and you already forgotten about me. that means I was the only one who knows about us and you....no.....I don't believe this. I know you are acting and I will reveal it."