
long forgotten love

Eve has fall in love with Eva when he was in his high school days, but, she left him for money with Iven. Eve gets hurt and can't bear the pain and goes abroad to study. After six years when he returns back, he meets Eva in a coffee shop and he gets more shocked to know that , that she doesn't recognize him at all. she has already forgotten about him. "just what happened to Eva" "what happened six years back then when Eve left her...." "to know this read the story long Forgotten love...."

Jehu_Na · Urban
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

4.How will you act and till when.


Next day Eve got up with his heavy head . He was feeling little dizzy and headache because of hangover from the last night. He walked downstairs and took out water bottle from fridge and drinks it. " I think I drank a lot last night " he held his head with his hand making a paining expression. he dialed Gabriel's number and called him " hello where are you?"

" on my way president " he speaked up In a cheerful voice.

"hmmm come fast I am waiting for you. I also have something to discuss with you" he speaked up in a deep and low voice then he hung up the call. he turned around to go back in his room.

"Good morning young Master" the lady came there and greeted him with a warm smile. "Are you fine. do you need me to make something today for your hangover"

"No need I am fine. just make breakfast that's all" he walked upstairs leaving the lady in the kitchen.

After changing his clothes he again walked down and found Gabriel in the living room waiting for him sitting on the couch. when he saw Eve , he stood up and greeted him with full of respect.

"Good morning president did you sleep well last night..." he speaked up with his energetic face.

"hmmm I have some work for you to do today and you have to complete it before noon" saying this ,he went inside the dinning room and sat in the dinning table to eat his breakfast. Gabriel followed him to the dinning room getting curious.

"what do I have to do president?" he spoke up getting Little worried about work.

"you have to do some paperwork for me as I am buying the coffee shop Infront of the dream theater" he spoke up while eating his breakfast.

"yes president I will" he got Little relief as their was no heavy work for him while nodding his head.

Eve got up after eating his breakfast from his place and walked out from the house towards car which was parked near the gate, while his assistant just followed him and both got inside of it.

Gabriel stopped the car Infront of the company and the guards open up the door for Eve . he gets out of the car and walked inside the company with his cold attitude. When he got out of the car Gabriel drove away the car taking leave from Eve to do his work. As he entered inside the company and all the employees greeted him. he walked away from their side avoiding Everyone and got inside his cabin while calling Gabriel .

Gabriel was driving when his phone started to ring suddenly. he picked up the phone and checked the caller ID and whispered "president" he picked up the call in a rush getting little tensed " hello president anything I can do for you"

" I want you to give me details about "Morris" company when you finish your paper work" his voice sounded really cold when he mentioned about the Morris company to his assistant.

"yes president" Gabriel speaked up getting confused. Eve hung up the call making Gabriel suspicious.

"why president wants the details of Morris company? the relationship between this two companies is not good if they knew about it , I don't know what will be the consequences. Both companies are powerful and of course enemies too..." He drove away the car towards court.

Eve was doing his work in his cabin when Gabriel entered their. "president the paperwork is done." he handed over the file to Eve. "And about the Morris company, I have already made a file , I just have to check about it. I will give it to you after checking it"

Eve stared at him "hmm no rush. first call grandpa and order 200 cup of coffee here for all the employees and delivery should be done by Eva no other people will help. if she refused to do then tell her to leave the coffee shop."

Gabriel looked at him getting confused "But president how will she manage to bring that much coffee here from that far"

"you just say what I told you, rest of it leave it to her." Eve started to type something in his laptop. Gabriel got out of the cabin getting confused and called grandpa. the old man was reading a book when his phone started to ring. he checked the number "new number....who could it be" then he picked up the call "hello"

Gabriel speaked up in an energetic voice "hello grandpa I am Eve's assistant Gabriel. we have met yesterday do you remember."

"yes...yes" he starts to laugh after hearing such an energetic voice "so why did you call me"

Gabriel speaked up little hesitating "our president....our president has bought the whole coffee shop."

"so..it's not a new thing. he had told me about it" the old man speak up calmly like he already knew about this.

Gabriel again speaked up little hesitating "actually our president wants you to send 200 cup of coffee in our company Daily and the coffee should be delivered by Eva not by others"

"what??" the old man stopped laughing when he found out that Eva have to do the delivery of 200 cup of coffee alone."But how she will bring so many coffee alone"

Gabriel takes a deep breath "I told this same line to president but he is not listening to me, and he said that if she doesn't bring the coffee he will fire her"

old man stood up from his respective place "fine, I will talk with her"

"hmmm....then I will hung up grandpa"

old man stared at Eva and Eva noticed him , so she came towards him.

"what happened grandpa ? anything you want" she speaked up politely with a beautiful smile in her face.

the old man sighed and looked at her "Eve wants you to take 200 cup of coffee in his company Daily. if you don't do it he said he will fire you"

"Eve , who is he?" she gets confused as she has never heard this name before.

"the guy who came yesterday, his name is Eve. New president of SHINE-E company and the owner of this coffee shop"

Eva smiled looking at grandpa "oh is that so. but why he is targeting me. is not like I am his enemy. if I resemble with someone that he knew then I can't do anything about it. isn't it grandpa."

the old man smiled back and pats on her head "hmmm know go and deliver it. take my bike and go."

"thank you grand pa. but do we have that much coffee in our shop today" she turned towards her companions.

the old man stepped forward while shouting at the workers "listen everyone. from today onwards we have to deliver coffee daily in SHINE-E company. and we have to make 200 cup of coffee. so we should start from know."

A girl speaked up getting shock "what 200 and daily"

"who will deliver the coffee" a tall and thin guy speaked up in a loud voice.

Eva stepped forward while smirking " I will do it."

"fine then everyone get down to your work" grandpa clapped his hand giving them spirit.

Eva has told grandpa that she will deliver the coffee but she has no idea how to do it daily. when they finished up Making 50 cup of coffee they packed them in a bag and puts it in the bike. Eva wored a delivery coat and a helmet and starts the bike while driving it towards SHINE-E company.

In the coffee shop all were very busy in making coffee. they pack 50 coffee again and called grandpa. when the old man came there a guy speaked up "grandpa I will deliver this now . it will be nice if their is two people to deliver"

"no you can't do that" the old man speaked in a sad tone.

"but why" all gets confused by his answer.

"it's the order from president. no one can deliver except Eva" he sat on the chair.

"why he is doing this ?" a girl speaked up getting pissed off. "I saw the news yesterday that guy from yesterday is the president of SHINE-E ."

"WHAT?" All gets shocked to hear this.

"is that true grandpa" All stared at him.

"hmmm" he nod his head.

"then what is the relationship between Eva and him" everyone looked at grandpa getting curious.

"I don't have time to tell you that. I am going inside know. you all make coffee fast"

"grandpa" All shouted his name but he just walked inside without looking back at them.

Eva arrived at SHINE-E company and took out the bag full of coffee. she entered inside the company and walked straight towards reception "hello. your company's president has ordered coffee for everyone but I have brought half , half I will bring after wards. please, give it to them" she smiled looking at them while speaking politely.

"we are not a delivery women like you. you go and give." the girl who was wearing alot of make up speaked up in a rude tone.

"ok...then can you at least show me the way."

Eva speaked up getting pissed off after seeing her rude attitude.

"you can serve from 1st floor to the top." she laughed looking at her in an insulting way.

Eva carried her bag full of coffee and got inside of the elevator. when she reached in the 1st floor she served coffee to all saying that the coffee is served by the company. after serving all the coffee she returned back to the coffee shop again. Eve was enjoying the show in the screen of his computer. he was watching her all the time from his office.

"Now how you will act and till when....." Eve gave a devil's smiled while looking at her exhausted face on the screen.