
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Loki the Dead Guy part 2

"How the hell did I die, I am the definition of overpowered, it must be stupid writing," said Loki.

"Well, that is an accurate description of your situation, but there is another reason why you suffered the fate you did," said God.

Loki raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

God sighed, "I am willing to give you the power of creation and destruction so that you may create your universe," stated God.

Looking around, Loki looked into the eyes of God, "Okay."

"Look, I know about your problem, but there is a higher power commanding me to do it."

"There is a higher power?" wondered Loki.

God nodded, "Well, eat this bean, and you may get the powers of creation and destruction," said God flicking a bean towards Loki who caught it.

Inspecting the bean, it was just a regular bean, Loki ate it and felt like he could do almost anything. "Amazing, what power at my fingertips," said Loki smiling for the first time.

God yawned, "The bean also fixed your emotions, now you can feel and experience them, anyways, I am gonna go to sleep now."

Loki watches as God disappears and then he also disappears into an empty void. (Loki's POV) So this must be where I create the universe, but first. My emotions are back, laughing out loud I began to cry.

All of my bottled-up emotions in my first lifetime and second lifetime all came back rushing into me, after 20 minutes of feeling every emotion possible, I had a huge ass smirk. Now, I am back, the true Loki.

Before I did anything, I checked up on my dimension which was still there, and I began practicing my moves and chakra which is still as strong. Wait, if I have the powers of creation, does that mean...

Double tapping the circle on my hand, I appeared in the empty void once again. I began to try something, imagining a Rinnegan, I snapped my hands and a jar of Rinnegan poofed right in front of me.

"Ain't no way," I said to myself. Taking out the Rinnegan and placing them in my eyes, I felt the drain of the eyes but overall, it is the same as in the show. I began to use the paths and they all work effectively, then I got another great idea.

Snapping my fingers once again, the infinity gauntlet appears on my hand glowing with energy. This is what Thanos was feeling when he gathered all of the stones, amazing. Destroying the gauntlet with a snap, I began to make the universe.

First, I triggered a big bang by using one of my Jutsu, Nuclear Style: Big Bang which makes my whole body glow and explode releasing a lot of energy comparable to the big bang. After restarting the universe, I began creating planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc.

I also created Limbo including The Bright World, and the Dark Dimension, yes, you guessed it, I am making the TVD, Originals, and possible Legacies universe. I watched it a long time ago when I escaped...anyways, I loved the show.

I'm not gonna admit it but the show grew on me, I kind of um, became attached to some characters but don't tell anyone, and I also watched it like 5 times in a row. Back to creating stuff.

I finished with the universe essentials and yawned, creating stuff made me kind of tired. So I began to sleep and sleep I did, for a long time.

Years went by and everything went as canon, until the year 1492. So I woke up floating above the earth which has progressed quite nicely. I checked the Timeline to see that everything went as canon, looking down on earth, I saw my favorite character Klaus in his castle along with Katerina.

It seems they already met, I guess I slept quite long. I began to slowly descend to earth to England to introduce myself to Klaus and meet the famous Originals. Landing in front of the castle, I heard noises.

It must be a party, snapping my fingers, my clothes changed to fit the 1400s in England. Walking into the castle, I saw many things, paintings, food, people, and most importantly some of the Originals.

Rebekah was talking to some people that looked like nobles and possibly flirting. Elijah was watching Katerina dancing with Klaus with jealousy and envy. I walked up to Elijah but before I could say or do anything, "Hello there, who might you be?"

I looked around then saw Elijah looking at me, I was 8 feet away from him. "Um, you talking to me?" I asked pointing at myself.

Elijah slowly walked up to me and I noticed the slight twitch of his nose meaning he was smelling me. He stopped 3 feet in front of me, "Yes, I am talking to you, now who might you because I saw you ever in these parties."

I smiled, "Me, well I am called Lucas Marcel but you can call me Loki," I stated looking Elijah straight in his eyes. He looks exactly like in the show, I extend my hand for a handshake which Elijah took with no hesitation.

Elijah smiled a little, "Well Loki, are you perhaps the God of Mischief by any chance?"

Chuckling a little, "Nah, my nickname is just Loki, I am by no means a real GOD, I mean do Gods even exist?" That question is quite dumb considering I am the GOD who created this universe but anyways...

"That is an interesting thing to think about, but anyways, what made you come to the party?" asked Elijah standing by my side.

Looking around, I answered, "I don't know honestly, I was just bored, but I noticed you keep looking at that dude dancing with the girl," pointing to Klaus dancing with Katerina.

"Well, that dude is my brother, his name is Niklaus, and that girl is Katerina," said Elijah.

I patted Elijah's back and he bristled a little, "Ah, I see, so you and your brother like the same girl but she likes your brother more, am I in the right ballpark?" I concluded.

Elijah removed my hand from his back, "It seems you are not as I assumed, but you are correct," stated Elijah sighing.

Klaus and Katerina began walking towards us, I looked at them clearly and was a bit excited to see them. Klaus the badass hybrid, and Katerina the survivor, are some of the best characters in TVD.

"Elijah, who might he be?" asked Katerina looking at me up and down. I smiled at Katerina, Klaus saw this and was a bit annoyed.

Elijah patted my back, "This is Lucas Marcel or Loki which is his nickname, and no. He is not Loki the God of Mischief," stated Elijah.

I nodded my head at both of them, "Loki huh, interesting name, well my name is Niklaus and brother of Elijah," introduced Klaus looking at me intensely.

I smiled back at him, the vampires can't do anything to me but I am impersonating a human so I made my scent human-like to not throw off the vampires. Katerina bows, "I am Katerina, nice to meet you Loki," stated Katerina.

"Likewise, so Elijah, where is the food, I am starving," I asked, using a bit of magic to make my stomach growl. Chuckling, Elijah pointed to the long table at the end of the room, I nodded and walked off to enjoy some food.

Klaus stared at me the whole walk, "He seems weird," stated Klaus to Elijah.

"Yeah, I have never heard of a Marcel family, I have my eye on him," said Elijah.

10 minutes later, "This food is pretty good," I lied eating some bread with potato soup. The soup was watery as f*ck, and the bread was staler than my sh*t.

I looked around and saw that almost everybody had left, I then see Rebekah talking to Klaus and Elijah. It seems Katerina is in her room after checking with my Byakugan, yes I have a Byakugan, I can do anything I want, chill the f*ck out.

Activating my Byakugan, I saw that Katerina was packing stuff, It seems she knows. Today is also April 6th, which meant Katerina is gonna leave. I then notice all three of the Originals leave to their rooms, and then I hear some feeding noises.

So they compelled some people to eat later, but this is also the perfect time for Katerina to dip. I teleported to the top of the castle, and I saw Katerina use a handmade rope to rope out of her room which was on the 3rd floor. She is a survivor, damn.

Successfully escaping the castle, she ran as fast as she could which was not that fast compared to vampires. 30 minutes later, Elijah went to Katerina's room to find it empty, then he notified Klaus along with Rebekah.

They all began to track Katerina but they were a little late since Katerina had met up with Trevor and went to the cottage. Teleporting on top of the cottage and still using my Byakugan, I saw everything unfold like in canon.

Katerina knocked on the cottage and was let in after saying she knew Trevor, "I am Katerina and I just fled from Klaus, he was gonna try to sacrifice me for a ritual," stated Katerina showing Rose the moonstone.

Rose gasped, "Are you dumb? Klaus is gonna kill all of us now, you have to return to Klaus, never mind that, I will deliver you myself once the sun has set," stated Rose breathing in and out. "So, where is Trevor?"

Katerina sat down, "He is acting as my decoy right now," stated Katerina.

Rose slapped Katerina, "How could you? Do you know what happens to the people who betray Klaus?!" shouted Rose fearfully. Rose then went up to the mirror and punched it making her hand bleed, "Dammit, how could you be so stupid Trevor."

Rose went to the bathroom to clean her hand, Katerina looked at the blood on the ground, and she decided to become a vampire. Getting on the floor, she began drinking the blood, and then she hanged herself.

Trevor opened the cottage door and Rose came out to see Katerina had hanged herself while some blood was on her mouth. They instantly knew what she did, "So what are we gonna do now? Klaus is gonna kill us for turning Katerina into a vampire," stated Rose.

"I don't know!? If he knows Katerina is a vampire then we are both dead, it seems we have to run from Klaus," stated Trevor grabbing Rose's hand. They both nodded at each other and ran away, Katerina opened her eyes and saw the old woman who was also in the cottage with them.

The old woman was blind and deaf so she didn't know who began to feed on her, Katerina finished with the old woman and finally became a vampire, "If Klaus knows I turned into a vampire, I am dead," stated Katerina licking her lips.

So she ran out of her cottage and began to run away from Klaus as well, "DAMMIT!!" yelled Klaus looking into the cottage, "WHERE IS MY DOPPELGANGER!?"

Elijah looked as calm as ever but deep inside he was hurting, "Enough Klaus, she probably ran away because you were gonna sacrifice her and she probably heard it," stated Elijah patting his shoulder.

I watched from the treetops, "She couldn't have gone far," stated Rebekah checking the old woman.

"When I find her, she is so dead," stated Klaus snarling, Elijah stayed quiet while Rebekah was a bit annoyed. "This is gonna alert him, so we have to keep moving," they all looked at each other and began to move...