
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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Loki the Creep

After watching Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah run from their father, I began to track Katerina since she is a pivotal part of the TVD Show, and um I kind of have a crush on her.

In 1498 she went back home to Bulgaria to find her family murdered by Klaus. It seems Klaus is really as ruthless as they say he is, and so she decided to move on from her family.

She also tried to search for her daughter but found nothing, so she continued looking while escaping from Klaus. I became bored of Katerina just running and feeding on people, so I went into the future, 1863.

At the Country Fair, I watched as Stefan met with Valerie and then watched as Julian tried to break them apart. They were smitten with each other, I stood on top of trees just observing, everything went as canon, Stefan and Valerie did the thing.

I of course as gentlemen myself didn't watch them mate, Valerie then is forced to leave but promised Stefan they would find each other again. In the Late Summer of 1863, Valerie sent Stefan a telegram asking him to run away with her.

Stefan of course being the love-struck boy he was, arrived at the meeting spot with a bouquet, and he waited for hours but Valerie didn't show up which broke his heart he left the bouquet on the bench and left.

Of course, Valerie got caught trying to leave the group to go with Stefan but Julian was like hell Nah. "So you fell in love with Lily's Son, that is quite funny, and what is this heartbeat I hear, are you pregnant?! HAHAHAHA!!" laughed Julian holding Valerie's hand.

Valerie grew pale, "Julian, please, I love Stefan," stated Valerie getting away from Julian's grip.

"So, you are saying...You want to destroy our family?" asked Julian clenching his teeth.

Valerie shook her head, "No, I don't want to destroy our family but I am leaving regardless," stated Valerie gulping.

Julian smirked, without saying a word, he rushed towards Valerie and punched her gut. Valerie fell to the ground holding her stomach, with tears in her eyes she began to chant the spell that transfers fetuses so that her baby would still live.

Little did she know, that the amulet she was using to channel the magic had not enough magic to perform the spell so I saved the fetus by transferring it into an artificial womb that works as well as a real womb.

I quite disliked Julian so I am doing this because he is one of my least liked characters, storing the artificial womb into my dimension, I sighed at Julian stomping Valerie, but he was targeting the belly the most.

I was about to intervene but surprisingly Julian stopped, "There, now your baby is gone, so if you go to Stefan, I will tell him that you miscarried his baby and it might be fun to see his reaction to knowing I was the one to do it," stated Julian smiling.

Valerie had blacked out and Julian carried her to Lily making up a lie, I was gritting my teeth, but if I interfere I might make things worse because I would quite literally make Julian into a...never mind.

After beating up Valerie, everything went as canon, I then began to watch Stefan and Damon. Honestly, I believe in Stelena but I kind of understand Delena even if I don't like it.

September 1864, I watched as Katherine or Katerina arrived in town using a fake backstory, then I saw as she saw Stefan which made her fated soul mate vibes vibrate, it was so funny seeing her being immediately smitten with him as soon as she set her eyes on him.

Requesting a houseroom in the Salvatore Estate, she began to wrap Stefan and Damon around her finger. One day, Stefan, Damon, and Katherine were playing around in the backyard playing tag, I then wanted to freak out Katherine because her face would be priceless.

It has been so long since I trolled people, landing on the ground a couple of meters away from the Salvatore Estate backyard, I change my clothes to what people wore in 1864, walking up to Stefan, who watched as Damon and Katherine were chasing each other.

I made my footsteps quite loud as to alert Stefan, turning around he noticed me and grew confused, "Um, hello? Who might you be?" asked Stefan looking at me up and down.

Damon and Katherine heard Stefan and turned to see who he was addressing. Katerina saw me and was curious because I looked familiar. They both walked toward me and stood next to Stefan, "Oh, me? Well, I am Lucas Marcel, or you can call me Loki," I stated smiling.

Katerina's eyes widen, and she looked me up and down, Lucas Marcel, impossible, if he was human he would have died a long time ago, but how is he alive, wait did Klaus turn him if then it means Klaus knows I am here thought Katherine sweating. "Well, Loki, my name is Stefan Salvatore, and here is my brother Damon Salvatore," stated Stefan pointing at his brother.

"Nice to meet both of you, now who is this lovely lady over here?" I asked pointing towards Katerina who was feeling chills at this point. That face is so funny, ah, I missed trolling people.

"I am Katherine Pierce, nice to meet you," stated Katherine looking away not meeting my eyes.

Chuckling, "I came here to talk to Katerina, oh, I mean Katherine, so can you spare me some of your time?" I asked politely.

Katherine looked at me and said, "Sure, boys, can you leave us alone for a minute," Stefan and Damon walked to the steps of the backyard and watched, "So, did Klaus turn you because the last time I saw you was in 1400 something."

"It was 1492, but you are not that right, I am not a vampire, but I am something else, I also have been watching you," I stated smiling.

Katherine was a bit relieved but now she is more curious, "So what are you then?" asked Katherine cooling down.

I looked her in the eyes with a smirk and said, "I am an Immortal Witch."

Katherine was confused, "How are you a witch and also an Immortal?"

Katherine is asking too many questions, "I don't know, I guess I am built different," I said while smirking.

I saw that Katherine didn't believe me but she didn't probe on more, "One quick question, how were you watching me, I mean I traveled all around the world, so how the f*ck is that possible?"

"Well, I have this one spell that allows me to project my soul like astral projection and I was watching you because you were interesting but I got bored so I began watching other people," I claimed yawning.

Katherine was a bit annoyed, "So you watched me without my permission, essentially you are a creep," claimed Katherine.

"I've been called worse, well, what are you doing in Mystic Falls? Running from Klaus?"

"None of your business, just stay out of my way or I will end you, Immortal Witch," claimed Katherine walking off.

I giggled and walked away amused, "So what did he want with you?" asked Stefan to Katherine.

"Nothing, in particular, he just wanted to ask me out but I rejected him," lied Katherine leading the boys into the house. Damon looked back and narrowed his eyes, a couple of months later the founding families have been suspecting something.

So they held a party on September 24, the party was held at the Lockwood Mansion. Katherine was not a bit relieved after I revealed I wasn't in cahoots with Klaus but she was still wary of me since I was a witch. She is currently drinking some water, "Katherine, it seems some of the attacks on the locals were not the work of a vampire but something else," stated Henry to Katherine's ear.

Walking away, Katherine saw George and confronted him, whispering into his ear as she passed him, "I know your secret, and I know you have been blaming the vampires so you can avoid persecution, but just so you know, we are many as you are one, so be careful next time."

Walking away Katherine spotted me and I smiled at her making her fake smile at me. It seems she doesn't like me, haha! The ball ended and I saw Stefan confess her love to Katherine while Damon was eavesdropping on them.

"I love you, Katherine Pierce, do you feel the same for me?" asked Stefan holding Katherine's hand.

Katherine looked into Stefan's eyes and smiled, "I love you too Stefan Salvatore," stated Katherine as they both kissed under the moonlight. Damon was pissed so he left, I also left because I hate that sappy stuff.

The next day, Stefan was in the Salvatore mansion with his dad, "Son, do you know that vampires exist and they are here in Mystic Falls at this very moment, that is why the locals have died so randomly and unexpectedly," claimed Guiseppe sitting in his seat.

"Really? But not all vampires are monsters dad," stated Stefan confidently.

Guiseppe looked at his son and smiled, "All right, I guess so son, but here, drink this tea first," said Guiseppe handing Stefan vervain laced tea. After drinking the tea, Stefan went to Katherine's room and she began to make out with Stefan.

Then she tried to drink Stefan's blood which backfired, the blood burned her mouth and Guiseppe opened the door, "AHA!! I knew it, you are a vampire you damn monster, corrupting my boys, Stefan, go tell the sheriff that we have caught a vampire," stated Guiseppe.

The sheriff eventually captured Katherine and put her into a carriage, Damon at this moment was pleading for Emily to save Katherine, "Please, I will protect your descendants if you just protect Katherine from the mass killing," stated Damon on his hands and knees.

Emily looked at the calendar, "Fine, I will save Katherine," stated Emily using the power of a comet to perform the spell, she finished the spell and sealed the vampires into the tomb underneath the church so that they won't die to the fires.

Damon and Stefan died because their father killed them after they tried to free Katherine from the carriage. Katherine was eventually freed from the church by George and she gave him the moonstone while George made sure her name was on the deceased vampire's list.

They both went their separate ways, Katherine went to Stefan's body and kissed him, then she looked up to see me standing in front of a tree, "Well, well, well, it seems you have to run again, pity," I stated fake smiling.

"I was looking for you, where in the hell were you?" asked Katherine a bit pissed. She was gonna ask me for help to escape Mystic Falls since I am a witch.

I shrugged, "I was around, it seems you didn't look hard enough," I remarked smirking.

Katherine grew a bit angry, lunging towards me, I dodged moving faster than her which shocked her, "How did you..."

"I am just built differently." I then conjured a fireball in my hand, "Either you want to die right now, or you can run like you always do, Katerina Petrova." Pointing the fireball towards Katherine, I shot the fireball into the air and it exploded.

Feeling the heat even when the fireball wasn't near her, Katherine gulped and ran away as fast as a vampire could. Laughing in amusement, I flew up into the air and vanished into my dimension to find that Valerie and Stefan's baby was progressing nicely.

I went to a clearing I created and began to imagine fighting all the Naruto characters together alongside my teachers plus they all can use chakra making them more dangerous. Beating all of their asses under 10 minutes, I thought of something.

If I can create anything, that means I can use anything I want. Snapping my fingers, I created Enma and looked at the blade, it was so beautiful. Imagining Garp, Shanks, Rayleigh, Roger, Whitebeard, and Sword God Ryuma.

I began to fight them as they use their powers and abilities to try to scratch me but I was either too fast or too durable to be hurt. Whitebeard being able to negate my durability was surprising but my body adapted to those Quake punches.

I spend 10 years practicing with them, and I finally mastered all three types of Haki. With Armament, I can negate durability just like the top tiers of One Piece, with Observation, my range is quite literally infinite as I could sense outside of my dimension and I made my dimension infinite just in case I wanted to test some of my destructive Jutsus.

I can see into the future for about, 40 seconds but I doubt that is my limit since I feel I can see farther. I am gonna keep Future Sight as one of the last abilities I would use since I don't like using it.

It almost feels like cheating using Future Sight, but with Conqueror's Haki, I can coat my body with it and I am probably more proficient than all of One Piece combined in using Conquerors Haki if I am being honest.

Wiping my sweat with a towel, I teleported out of my dimension and was in the sky, looking over the earth, it seems Stefan and Damon had become vampires. Klaus is killing some people right now, and Katherine is still running...