
Loki: The Frozen King (MCU)

Harken us, O great Blizzardweaver, Thou, The Blizzard-Shrouded Enigma, The Serpentine Trickster of the Waves, Whose power spans the depths of the universe, What is it that thou desire? O Master of Illusion and Deception, Is it fame, or the adoration of us mortals? Or doth thy heart burn with a deeper longing, A desire transcending mortals’ imagination? Answer us, O divine Mischiefmaker! We fight in thy name and in thy honor, For thou alone, we love, we kill! But thou art silent, Thou art uncaring, Answer us if thou wilt, Or wilt thou remain The Cryptic Watcher of the Ever-Changing Tides? -A Skald about Loki in the 12th Century, while fighting against Christianity and settlements discord.gg/Ept3v9hMHd Crossposting on FF. net I do not own the cover. I do not own marvel.

SnowApathie · Movies
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31 Chs

24: Beauty’s Sleep

[Chapter 24: Beauty's Sleep]

—(Present Time)—

"What is happening?" asked a young alien while fidgeting with its hands.

"We need to go back! They know where we and the spaceship are." Quickly said Loki, his eyes looking at everyone. "I'm going to get us as quickly as possible to the spaceship, but I won't be able to do something else. Just take command of the ship, you can't escape the planet, but try to fly to as far away as possible."

Loki closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He raised both of his arms in the air, and opened his mouth, letting out a slithering sound, sounding like a basilisk itself. His voice struck fear in even his comrades. And as he opened his eyes, their emerald, green color morphed into a cold cyan one holding a blue magical kaleidoscope. Quickly after that, snowy particles covered the group, spinning faster and faster, till creating a blizzard. From the snowstorm escaped multicolored tears filled with energy.

"Everyone, make a circle by holding each other's hand!" said one of the two surviving sorcerers. As the group followed his instructions, he and the other sorcerer raised their hands, and let out their magical energy fly around.

The tears made out of a myriad of colors started overwhelming their energy and transformed them into magical tears. As they noticed how quickly their energy had left them, the sorcerer's eyebrows raised.

There was a small sparkle of divinity influencing the surroundings.

They looked at Loki, whose mind seemed to be somewhere else. A small smile of hope bloomed on their face before they concentrated on bringing out as much energy as possible for Loki to control and make them fly away.

The blizzard with magic drops suddenly became ordered. The fluttering orbs started to make a path as if forming a gigantic symbol. And as a white scale made of snow fell to the ground, they tore through the air.

A small translucent platform stood under the feet, while the blizzard protected them from the surrounding air. They quickly flew kilometers at an impressive speed. The ashes in the air disappeared to nothingness as Loki's magic fluttered in the wind.

"Shit" cured Osi as he looked at Loki who seemed to only use magic instinctively. If this continued like this, they would crash into the ground. Far away, he could see their spaceship.

He looked to his right, where one of the commanders was, and nodded his head. Understanding, the commander jumped from the platform and raised his shield. One of the runes on the shield started glowing as he murmured strange things.

A golden dome appeared from his shield and enveloped the blizzard while Osi went to Loki and knocked him out. *Boom* they crashed onto the earth, creating a crater. Fortunately for them, the golden shield absorbed the shockwaves.

"Let's go," said the commander helping the frailer people to walk out of the crater. As everyone was out, with Loki and the other sorcerers on the soldiers' shoulders, they ran toward the nearby spaceship.

Around the spaceship, they found a great number of corpses, many from monsters but some from Asgardians. 'Separating was a bad idea' thought the commander, a sad on his face.

They went from behind, and as Osi placed his hand on one of the doors, it automatically opened.

—(Line Break)—

A huge metallic black vessel stood still on one of the only peaceful mountains. All around it were various people, almost all sweating. Most of them had shovels in their hands and dug trenches all around the spaceship. The sun beat down on them, making their work even harder. Osi looked at this with a strange glint in his eyes, studying the workers as they toiled in the heat.

He walked around the perimeter of the trenches, taking in the sight of the workers. He noticed that some of them were struggling to keep up with the others, their movements slower and less efficient. Osi made a mental note to speak with the commander about assigning these workers to less strenuous tasks, so they didn't overexert themselves.

After walking around for a while, Osi shook his head and walked back to the spaceship. As he entered, he could feel the cool air from the ship's climate control, a welcome relief from the scorching heat outside. He walked down a long hallway until he reached a large, metallic door. He inputted a code into the panel next to the door, and it slid open with a hiss.

The room was vast, with metallic walls, in the center was some sort of bed cabin surrounded by a light-yellow bubble. Above it, in runes stood:

"Lokisleep." It is a deep sleep that Loki functions on to "quickly" recover lost energy and wounds. It is a thing that he was taught to await, by Odin, and that this would come alone because Loki's divinities, for some reason, hold a similarity to the Odinforce. During that time, his mind wanders the realities in relation to his self.

Loki had been sleeping like this for a few days, and Osi had been keeping an eye on him. During those times, the army with the few inhabitants still alive, flew away toward a faraway mountain hoping that the monsters wouldn't find them too soon. They put the ones who needed in the medical bay, while the other ones started terraforming the terrain in favorable ways to fight.

The soldiers also started teaching the inhabitants about their own war tactics, and the basics of fighting for those who hadn't learned that yet. Osi knew that they were all in a dangerous situation, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down. He walked up to the bed cabin and checked Loki's vital signs, making sure he was still stable. Satisfied that Loki was okay, he left the room and went to find the commanders in the meeting room.

They had no idea, how fucked up they were!

A.N/ Yesterday, I first learned about the pain of being copied on and that person recieving a better grade. I had to write really big for him to copy, idk how the teacher didn't even catch on, lol.

I also created a discord server with roles etc in my free time, so if anyone wanna join tell me and I'll post it by the next chapter.

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