
Login Rewards at a Post Apocalyptic World

Author: Heavy Fist Eats Chicken
Ongoing · 355.2K Views
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What is Login Rewards at a Post Apocalyptic World

Read ‘Login Rewards at a Post Apocalyptic World’ Online for Free, written by the author Heavy Fist Eats Chicken, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: After transmigrating over, Bick had activated a login system in a post-apocalyptic world.There was a variety of rewards ...


After transmigrating over, Bick had activated a login system in a post-apocalyptic world. There was a variety of rewards whenever he logged in every day. Food: from McDonald’s set meals to gourmet food cooked by Michelin star chefs. Weapons: From bolt-action rifles to Star Destroyers that rampage through the stars. But those were just the basic rewards. Enigmatic creatures such as beautiful vampiric ladies and golden dragon mounts could be obtained through logins too! Most importantly, consecutive logins were rewarded by huge gift packs! Weekly, monthly, seasonal, yearly... the more Bick logged in, the more rewards he gained. There were mysterious rewards during festivities too! While everyone struggled to survive in the post-apocalypse, Bick was feasting and drinking away. "You were a global star? Was she a famous international model? Look at you people going hungry... want a hamburger?" "What?! A mutant behemoth is attacking?" Bick snapped his fingers, and a squadron of F-22s that blanketed the skies bathed it in missiles. "He enslaved an army of several hundred thousand survivors to attack me? Emily, go turn him to your blood slave!" Turning into bats that blotted out the skies, the vampiric lady charged towards the enemy's base. In an instant, every enemy was reduced to ashes without the power to retaliate! Thanks to the help of his login system, Bick was living easy, comfortable, and elegant days in the post-apocalyptic world. The login system was that delightful!

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These post-apocalyptic novels are always either harem, or they just don’t have any romance. From the synopsis, this seems to be leaning more towards harem and I’m just not for that. P.S. Just because I don’t like harem, does not mean that I’m a beta male and you can’t call me one either!


Check-in/log-in systems are the worst. No tension, no character progression - no nothing. The MC can make the stupidest choices, trust the worst sort of people and yet it'll make no difference. Why because the system will reward him for just existing! Protagonists can spend their whole week in the toilet, and still come out of it with 5 star artefact capable of destroying the world with a flick. I shouldn't have hoped that this story would be different. No, it's the exact same as any other check-in novel. The only difference? There's even more face-slapping than normal. What's the point if it's only power which is growing, and nothing else? It's like giving a gun to a monkey.


Check in rewards are cool. Love the synopsis ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


末世开局签到暴君 This is the Chinese Name of the Book.. It only has 163 chapters.. so, It might have been a Dropped book.. Qidian has Deleted this book from their Website..




2 star's just because its an post apocalypse world setting, but other then that it looks nothing special. from the description i can only imagine an arrogant Mc taking advantage of people and being a dog of his system without doing much so a no from me.


Another trash mc🚮🚮🚮 author why and the way your other book starting with 3 S ranked talents was good...why did you write this trash...😭😭😭😭😭am not hating you but this novel left a bitter taste in my mouth


Human trash mc


Is it really so hard to write a story with a likeable MC. Or are arrogance and ignorance just standard traits of a certain kind of people. Why can't, instead of the MC immediately knowing stupidly basic background details of anything, the MC just be surprised and coutiously optimistic about his cheat and take his time to gain knowledge and experience. The cheat will still be there an hour later and it is not like the MC was in any eminent danger.


petition to bring back the world of deities.........................................................................................................................


Another trash novel. 1chapter MC get second system: sign in system, the other is mission system. MC1 sample:“By the way, shouldn’t the system be a voice? Isn’t it too retro for you to type each word on the text? “ MC 2 sample: With a Winchester 1894 in one hand and a Gurkha military knife in the other, Bick looked at the zombies who still did not know whether they were dead or alive. He could not help but laugh out loud, “The apocalypse, I, BICK, AM HERE!”


I just want to read all post apocalypse novels. thank you apparently I need to write 140 words and I think it would take until this far here to finish.


How do you Even read this for me it says published 51years ago and has 0 Chapters, was it removed or something genuinely a bIt irritated it looked Like a pretty good read, if you known how to find this to read or how to fix this problem please let me Know


This is from the same author of the 3s skill talent book. but guess what the names of the authors are similar but different. Kinda proves how web novel is actively trying to stop mtl reading. by changing the names. I bet that's why they change mcs name as well


Instructions unclear. Attempted to reload my spear with bullets. Trash translation quality, I’m surprised less people noticed? Does anyone still read these novels?


this is not bad but it's really just a remake of I have a mansion in the post apocalyptic world with the ability to jump between worlds replaced with a sign in system


couldn't get past 5 chapters. Horrible translation quality. You might as well just go read on mtl. MCs personality is comparative to a five year old with a learning disability. Come on webnovel idrc if you release novels like these but atleast make sure the translation quality is better than a machine translation ffs


Ah yes, a Star Destoryer is merely a basic reward 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but it sounds like a fun novel to read so I am going to give it 5 stars for now.


You guys read the story not just synopsis.[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]


muito bom cara, um bem diferencido do mesmo sendo que os que vejo são de cultivo ai fica chato. Chamou minha atenção vou ler até onde aguenta ;)


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