

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 396

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 396

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Lu Sheng's fingers lightly rubbed the smooth and delicate wall of the teacup on the table, and said, "Beyond Wusheng seems to know a lot about the leader and the advanced martial arts civilization behind the leader? Can you tell me?"

"It's not much, but the longer I live, the more I hear and see…"

Lin Zhengyue hesitated for a moment, then slowly said: "Our Azure Star is a first-class resource star in the Serpent Galaxy, and the leader is from a powerful battlefield star…"

"First-level resource star? Battlefield star?"

Lu Sheng heard these two terms for the first time and asked curiously: "Is this the division of planets by advanced martial arts civilization?"


At this time, a new girl wearing a robe and Hanfu came up to make tea for the two of them. It was no longer Lin Wanwan, but she looked good and her temperament was quite graceful.

Lin Zhengyue waited for the tea to be brewed, waved the girl away, offered Lu Sheng a cup of tea in person, and then said: "It should be divided according to the attributes of the planet.

For example, our Azure Star, because the planet contains starry sky-level resources such as energy crystals, but there are not many, so it is designated as a first-level resource star.

As for the battlefield star, I guess it should be in a position where the battlefield of alien beasts is more intense, just like those war zones on our planet that guard the cracks in the burrows…

In addition to the battlefield stars and resource stars, there are also garden stars with pleasant scenery and gorgeous spectacles, but not many resources and a relatively low level of civilization.

A livable Wenxing star, a garbage star specially used to discard garbage…

No matter what type of planet, there are 15 different levels, and the higher the level, the higher the corresponding value and importance. "

Lu Sheng was surprised, "You know so much beyond the Martial Saint? You are not a starry sky noble who has lived here with advanced martial arts civilization, right?"

"Hehe, Master Lu is joking. What I understand is all revealed by the leader himself… It's Master Lu, who even knows about the starry sky nobles?!"

"Damn, I've read too many novels. I can guess some more or less…"


Lu Sheng and Lin Zhengyue chatted while drinking tea.

Lin Zhengyue said, and suddenly added with a dignified expression: "According to the guide, any planet has the possibility of transforming into a battlefield star.

Once alien beasts invade, and the degree of invasion is serious to a certain extent, it will become a battlefield…

Our Azure Star has the potential to become a battlefield star.

The guide comes once every ten years, in addition to collecting resources, another important thing is to monitor the invasion of alien beasts on the planet…"

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he said, "That is to say, there is a danger of alien invasion in the entire universe?"

"I don't know if it's the entire universe, but at least that's the case with our Serpent galaxy.

All civilizations are trying their best to eliminate and resolve this crisis…"

"Various civilizations? There is more than one civilization in the Serpent Galaxy?"

"Of course. Martial Dao civilization is just one of the stronger ones. In addition to Martial Dao civilization, there are… and…"

Lin Zhengyue was like an old record card, and he couldn't come up with a word of "still" for a long time. Obviously, this had already involved his blind spot of knowledge.

"There's more than one civilization anyway."

Lin Zhengyue picked up the teacup in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

Lu Sheng was thoughtful, and Lin Zhengyue's words verified some of his thoughts.

The battlefield invaded by alien beasts was indeed as he had imagined before, and it was much larger than he originally expected.

And it's not just limited to a tiny azure star.

After confirming this, the pressure on Lu Sheng was suddenly much lighter.

When the sky fell and there was a tall man on it, he finally no longer had to be the so-called savior.

With great ability and great responsibility, Lu Sheng felt that regardless of what happened in the future, with his current strength, it would be enough to take care of the one-acre and three-point land of Azure Star in front of him.

"As long as I slowly pass on the martial arts step by step and continue to strengthen the mid- and bottom-level strength of Azure Star, it is already a boundless merit…"

At this time, Lin Zhengyue continued: "According to the leader's words, our Azure Star will sooner or later develop into a true battlefield star.

But that's all after many years, and the tenth-level powerhouse may not be able to live to see that day…"


Lin Zhengyue smiled and drank a cup of tea, and said with a relaxed expression: "We are sure to die in a peaceful age."

After Lin Zhengyue said these words, the immortal cells at the heart of Lu Sheng's eyebrows beat slightly, making his heart inexplicably tense.

"Beyond Martial Saint, erecting flags indiscriminately is a taboo!"

Lu Sheng's expression was slightly serious.

Lin Zhengyue's hand holding the teapot stopped in the air with a look of astonishment.

Lu Sheng didn't continue to say anything. After thinking about it, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "Beyond Wu Sheng, have you never thought about going out of the blue star?"

"Master Lu wants to go out of the blue star? Also, with the strength and talent of Master Lu, there is every chance to walk out of the planet…"

"I don't want to, I just want to be full of children and grandchildren in my lifetime.

Martial arts are too long and too difficult, although longing for the top scenery, but only longing for it.

I have spent most of my life fighting for martial arts, so I should always leave some time to do what I want to do…"

Lin Zhengyue sighed with emotion for a while, and then said to Lu Sheng seriously: "If Master Lu wants to walk out of the blue star, he should not offend the leader.

Whether it is the way to advance to the tenth level or the way out of the blue star, they are all in the hands of the guide.

With the current technology level of our Azure Star, it is impossible to build an aircraft that can support starry sky travel…"

Lu Sheng's eyes flashed.

What Lin Zhengyue said was true.

If you want to get out of the blue star, you really don't just need to simply improve your martial arts strength.

You won't be able to take that step without sufficient technological level support.

The tenth-level powerhouse is not clear, but the ninth-level Martial Saint…

It is definitely impossible to physically cross the starry sky.

"Understood, I have my own measure."

Lu Sheng nodded and spoke calmly.

Lin Zhengyue didn't persuade him any more, and then started talking about something else.

For example, the appearance of the guide, what does the aircraft look like every time you come here? Many high-end technologies of Azure Star, such as extracting different marrow fluids, advanced cold weapons and spiritual master weapons are all given by the guide. How do you feel when you see the guide once…

Barabara, it's a rambling chat anyway.

During this period, Lin Zhengyue proposed the idea of marrying Lin Wanwan to him as a concubine, intentionally or unintentionally, but Lu Sheng could only hear it again and again.

At first, he and Lin Wanwan had no emotional foundation, and had only met two or three times in total.

Second, he didn't even get the big wife.

If, if, in case, maybe… In the future, Dong Qingxue agrees.

It's not that he can't be reluctant, bite the bullet, and be forced to… marry dozens of concubines.

Hey, the main thing is to be soft-hearted and love his wife.

After chatting for a few hours, Lin Zhengyue stayed with Lu Sheng for dinner.

Lu Sheng did not refuse, and agreed to take advantage of the situation.

During the meal, Lin Wanwan, Dong Shengyi, and Lin Zhengyue's disciples who had been beaten by Lu Sheng on Sejong were also there.

The form was somewhat similar to an ancient banquet. Lu Sheng sat at the top, Lin Zhengyue sat beside him, and the others silently served as foils below.

Lu Sheng didn't pay attention to whether the food beyond the martial arts hall was delicious. He was watching Dong Shengyi's expression the whole time.

I can't tell if the expression of my brother-in-law is complicated or helpless or something, but it's wonderful anyway.

After lunch, Lin Zhengyue personally sent Lu Sheng outside the martial arts hall, and sent a private plane to take him back to Baihe City.

Dong Qingxue and her father and mother Lu Qinghe had already returned to Baihe one step earlier.

When Lu Sheng returned to Baihe City, it was almost time for dinner.


At night, Lu Sheng sat cross-legged on the floor of the room.

The window was open, the night wind blew the curtains, and the bright moonlight shone on Lu Sheng, casting a quiet shadow on the clean and clean floor.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes slightly, as if he had fallen asleep.

dream space.

Lu Sheng sat casually at the dilapidated Changjiekou, holding a light brain in his hand, searching for the information he wanted to inquire.

"Is the data outside the starry sky not yet open?…"

Lu Sheng wanted to check the introduction of the starry sky in the dream space and compare the information passed to him by Lin Zhengyue.

All the information found is fake news…

Lu Sheng looked at his personal information again and found that the permission was still at level ten.

"It seems that I have to actually reach the ninth level, or to officially defeat a tenth level, before I can upgrade the permission to the eleventh level.."

The updated life experience describes Lu Sheng's future as follows:

[…hardly connect the tenth-level leader to three tricks and not die, and break through the ninth level after three years…]

"In other words, there is still a big gap between my current strength and the leader, and I can only guarantee that I will not die!"

Seeing this, Lu Sheng not only was not worried, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, what I want is this kind of strength that is about to kill me but can't kill me… This can put pressure on me and generate the motivation to break through."

It's a pity that Lu Sheng's smile hasn't bloomed for a long time.

Looking down, his expression immediately freezes.

[…Five years later, in the battle of the Azure Star Destruction. Twenty-eight years old. ]

! ! !

Lu Sheng was stunned in place, looking at the text displayed on his brain, he was stunned for a moment.

perished in…

Cerulean Star Destruction Battle.

Is he dead again? !

this time…

Even the planet is destroyed? !

? ? ?

what's the situation? ! .