

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 397

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 397

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Lu Sheng repeatedly clicked on his profile, which was similar to frantically pressing F5 on the computer to refresh.

It is a pity that this behavior did not cause any influence or change on the text of his life experience.

Lu Sheng finally accepted this fact and began to think calmly.

"Dream space is based on the information collected to deduce the most likely future. Now that it can come to this result, it must have collected some key information that I don't know, or that I ignored…"

"What information is it?"

Lu Sheng's brain was running fast.

"It can cause the entire planet of Azure Star to be destroyed. Even after I break through the ninth-level Martial Saint, I can't resist it, and the tenth-level powerhouse will definitely not be able to do it.

Only those above level 11 exist…"

"Existences above level 11 either come from the starry sky, or… from the cracks in the burrows!"

Lu Sheng subconsciously thought of the indescribable shadow he encountered in the abyss space before.

Lu Sheng was unable to determine whether the latter's strength was above the eleventh level.

But so far, that shadow is indeed the strongest existence he has ever seen.

In front of that shadow, he was as small as an ant.

"If that thing ran out of the abyss space. Destroying a small azure star is indeed an easy task…

Although high-level powerhouses in different worlds cannot easily penetrate the barrier between the two worlds, they can only stray in the abyss space at most, the second battlefield.

But in this world, nothing is absolute…"

"Then, it is not impossible for a crisis beyond the starry sky…"

Lu Sheng was worried.

The annihilation crisis is full of too many uncertain factors and possibilities, and he can't grasp too many clues at all.

But since the dream space has captured this, it must exist, and there is a great probability of occurrence.


Lu Sheng punched and hit the ground heavily.

With his fist as the center, numerous cracks appeared, and quickly spread around.


The ten-kilometer-long street suddenly collapsed and sank a lot.


Lu Sheng exhaled for a long time, and his face gradually returned to calm.

At this moment, he had an indescribable complex feeling in his heart.

He is the only one who knows about this world-annihilation crisis that doesn't know when it happened or where it came from.

It also means…

He had just unloaded the burden of the savior that was not long ago, and he had to take it up again as a last resort.

If you have to carry it, if you don't carry it, then everyone will die together and destroy the planet together!

And time is running out.

According to the estimation of the dream space, in eight years, this crisis of extinction will come.


Lu Sheng still couldn't help but want to complain: "If you want to blame Lin Zhengyue, if he hadn't set up some flags, this crisis might not have occurred…"

What did Lin Zhengyue say before that Azure Star has maintained such a peaceful state for a long time, and as a result…

As I said in the morning, the crisis of Nima's extinction came in the evening.

Lin Zhengyue takes the cauldron!

"There may not be a way to break the game ¨"."

"It took me about two years to get to where I am now from the very beginning.

The crisis is still eight years away.

In eight years, there is too much room for improvement.

The current stage is a disaster for me, eight years later…"

Lu Sheng's eyes were shining, and he said to himself, "Maybe it can be dissolved in the invisible with a wave of your hand."

"Take 10,000 steps back and say, if I really can't resolve this crisis of extinction at that time. Then take the people you are close to away from the blue star in advance, so that you can't afford to hide from hiding…"

Of course, this is the worst plan.

Although Lu Sheng is not a saint, he is not a villain who can abandon his billions of compatriots to escape by himself.

"So, I have to…"

Lu Sheng took a deep breath, and his eyes quickly became sharp and firm little by little.

"To speed up and become stronger, to become stronger!"

Lu Sheng will try his best to calm his turbulent mood and close his profile.

Then start searching for Refinement in the Fire Resource Library.

He has already implemented the ten thousand years of martial arts in the future, and he is looking forward to it, after "ten thousand years" of evolution and improvement.

What has the original ordinary body refining technique evolved into?

"Search, God of War Body Refinement."


Soon, a practice method appeared in front of Lu Sheng.

Seeing the name of this practice method, Lu Sheng's eyes lit up slightly.

The name of this law is "Martial Ancestor Body Refinement Technique".

""The Martial Ancestor Body Refinement Technique": Created by Martial Ancestor Lu Sheng, it is one of the most suitable basic body refining techniques for entry into martial arts."

Whoa, what a big name.

Of course Lu Sheng also smiled.

His so-called "Martial Ancestor" has been with Azure Star for more than 300 years in martial arts, and there is still a Mao inheritance.

Looking back now, if I had a fever in my head at the beginning, I would have promoted this body refining technique as soon as possible.

It is estimated that the cover-up of the dream space's "mistakes" has long been seen.

Lu Sheng didn't care about these details, and focused on the body refining technique itself.

After reading the full set of body refining techniques, Lu Sheng's face showed a slight moving color.

The original two hundred and twenty-eight movements, through the perfect deduction of the mysterious power of the dream space, increased to three hundred and fifty-six.

He tried to simply simulate this "newborn" body refining technique in his mind.

Surprisingly, he found that it was helpful to him now.

"Some of the potential parts that can be tapped by this body refining technique are not even covered by the immortal body of a star.

In other words, this body refining technique is at some level…

Stronger than Level 11 "Stellar Immortal Art"! "

Lu Sheng was shocked.

Then came the surprise.

what does that mean?

This means that the "Stellar Immortality", "Natural Breathing Method" and "Crystal Viewing Ideas" that he is practicing now, these three eleven-level exercises, still have room for improvement and improvement.

If you use the dream space for deduction, you might be able to create a twelve-level, or even a thirteen-level, fourteen-level method in one fell swoop!

Great news!

"The dream space is much more powerful than I thought. With this advantage, I will be more sure of the crisis of extinction in eight years…"

Lu Sheng was a little excited and was already thinking about how to deduce these three exercises.

Although it is not yet possible to promote these three eleven-level exercises, there are many ways to deal with them.

For example, to pass it on to a small number of people first?

Adults are too ambitious, can they be passed on to children first?

Contrary to the rules is dead, people are alive, as long as you think about it, there must be a perfect solution.

"The dream space is a super data processor, and the real world is the input port.

Grasp this, it will be an unparalleled great help in my martial arts journey…"

Lu Sheng's eyes were shining, and he practiced the so-called "Martial Ancestor Body Refinement Technique" directly in the dream space.

After dozens of times of repairing the chain, Lu Sheng clearly felt that his stellar indestructible body had improved. The most intuitive manifestation was that the stellar vein diagram in the martial body had quietly grown a little bit.

Towards a more perfect, higher level, constantly approaching.

After practicing almost, Lu Sheng stood up from the ground.

"Hoo!" sounded.

His figure jumped out suddenly, turned into a bright golden meteor, and slammed into a huge deep pit in the distance.

In the deep pit, there was a violent explosion and the sound of cold weapons clashing. Gold and blue light flickered and floated on the pit.

Xi Linghe, the tenth-level five realm spear master!

Just like Zhao Lengxuan back then, he was his best sparring partner.


Seven days later, at the entrance of the Lu family villa.

Lu Sheng and Dong Qingxue were standing at the door carrying large and small bags, while Lu Dahai, Zheng Yufen and his wife, and Lu Qinghe were seeing them off.

".〃 I've only been here for a few days, and I'm leaving again."

Zheng Yufen babbled, her face was full of reluctance, she patted Lu Sheng's clothes with both hands, smoothing out the wrinkles on his clothes.

Lu Sheng comforted Zheng Yufen softly: "Mom, this time I'm going to Qingxue's house to meet her parents.

By the way, let's set our business down…"

"Yes, Qingxue is a good girl."

Lu Dahai looked at Lu Sheng with an indescribable gratification in his eyes, which was a kind of joy from his heart when he saw that his son was about to grow up and become a family.

"When you meet people's parents, remember to be polite. Although our family is a small family, the etiquette cannot be lost.."


Lu Sheng nodded.

Glancing at Lu Qinghe's pouting appearance, he calmly said, "I have arranged for you an expert instructor from the military department, and someone will come to pick you up every day in the future.

Also, I will teach you body-refinement techniques and breathing techniques, so remember to practice them diligently.

I will check your training performance report every day, if I find that the progress is not satisfactory (good) …

You know. "

Lu Qinghe pouted even higher and snorted.


After exhorting each other a few words, the family sent Lu Sheng and Dong Qingxue out, and naturally a special car from the military would pick them up to the airport.

From Baihe City to Dongjia, it takes less than half a day in total.

Sitting on the military plane, Lu Sheng leaned on the seat and looked down at the clouds below through the cabin window.

A cold little hand reached out and gently stroked Lu Sheng's eyebrows.

Lu Sheng turned his head and faced Dong Qingxue's inquiring eyes.

"Are you nervous?"

Dong Qingxue looked at him curiously.

Lu Sheng clenched Dong Qingxue's hand tightly and said with a smile, "You should ask your father and father this question.

I think it's him who is more nervous now. "

Meanwhile, the owner.

A middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a round face and body sneezed violently.

"Ah Qiu!"

A beautiful woman next to her quickly came up to her and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Got a cold?"

The round-faced middle-aged man smiled wryly and shook his head: "I am a seventh-level grandmaster, how can I still catch a cold.

It is estimated that the supreme figure is coming, and the body is tense…"


Brothers, it is estimated that there are only three shifts today, because I have to go out immediately, anyway, I will definitely make up what I owe, sorry~~.