

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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395. Waste Utilization, "System" Awakening, "Reborn" Zhao Ji (4)

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Zhao Ji has lived for more than one hundred and nearly two hundred years, and there are more than ten million people who have met and experienced it.

But no one has ever left such a deep impression on him like Lu Sheng.

Because Lu Sheng...

Almost beat him to death.

Zhao Ji stared at Lu Sheng in front of him, suddenly remembered something, and suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Zhengyue.

"What did you just call him?"

"The ultimate in the world, Master Lu Sheng."

Lin Zhengyue looked calm, and said, "I will return all the resources you gave to you. In front of Mr. Lu, I can't even protect myself, let alone you."


Hearing these words, Zhao Ji felt as if a hundred thunderbolts flashed through his mind at the same time.

My mind was dizzy, and even my body shook slightly.

The ultimate in the world.

Master Lu!

Lin Zhengyue, a majestic ninth-level martial artist, actually called Lu Sheng your lord?!

How many people in the entire Azure Star are qualified to have a ninth-level warrior call "Master" in such a respectful manner?


not a single one!

Only the guide, the tenth-level guide.

Only then can these martial saints who stand on the top of the world lower their proud heads and respect the adults.

During the period when he retreated to heal his wounds and Lin Zhengyue was away from "August 97"...

What exactly did Lu Sheng do?

What the hell is going on outside?

For a moment, Zhao Ji's mind was in a mess, and a great horror and fear emerged from the bottom of his heart, and he climbed up like a snake.

Lu Sheng was calm.

He inspected Zhao Ji's current state.

The martial body is weak, probably only at the level of a sixth-level warrior, and the martial spirit is still seriously injured.

From the inside to the outside, the whole person smelled of "weakness".

So much so that just by showing up, he was almost frightened to the point of collapse.

If you put it on other ninth-level martial saints, no matter how scared you are, it won't be like this.

Lu Sheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhao Ji.

He took a step forward.

The light in the courtyard immediately dimmed.

The red sun is clearly in the sky, and the sun is shining high, but this small courtyard seems to have passed the dusk.


"Two roads."

Lu Sheng said calmly: "Life, or death."

Zhao Ji's complexion changed rapidly, as if he was thinking quickly to find his possible existence.

Lu Sheng didn't give him much time to think.

"If you don't answer, then I will choose for you."

As Lu Sheng spoke casually, he suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Ji.

Before Zhao Ji could fully react, he punched lightly on his forehead lightly.

Zhao Ji opened his eyes wide in an instant, and the light in his eyes quickly dimmed.

Then close your eyes and lean your body back.

Lin Zhengyue came up, blinked at Zhao Ji who was lying on the ground, and said to Lu Sheng with a complicated expression: "Thank you, Lord Lu, for sparing his life."

"Nothing to thank..."

Lu Sheng shook his head and said casually, "He's almost dead."

Lu Sheng's punch just now directly erased Zhao Ji's memory of nearly a hundred years, and then made up some new memories in it.

It is equivalent to forcibly "gouging out" a piece of his martial arts spirit.

Zhao Ji is lacking in soul, and it is impossible to return to the peak in this life, even breaking through to the seventh-level grandmaster and eighth-level master is quite difficult.

"Killing him is better than transforming him, let him do something more meaningful to the world and to human beings..."

Thinking of the changes he made to Zhao Ji's spirit, Lu Sheng couldn't help sighing: "I am really becoming more and more like a martial ancestor and a saint, with this heart, this pattern...


Thinking about it, Lu Sheng told Lin Zhengyue to leave.

"Let's go, he should wake up in a while, don't disturb him..."


Lin Zhengyue was a little confused, but quickly followed Lu Sheng out of the small courtyard.

About five minutes passed.

Zhao Ji, who was lying upright on the Qingshi board, opened his eyes and stood up abruptly.

"I'm alive!"

"I'm not dead!"

Zhao Ji lowered his head to check his hands and body in disbelief, and ran to the pond to look at the reflection in the water.

After a few minutes, he laughed.

"God will not stop me! Let me, Zhao Ji, be reborn and live another life!"

After laughing maniacally, there was a deep sadness and pain on his face.

"Dad, Mom! Susu! You guys died so miserable..."

Zhao Ji cried and laughed for a while, his eyes refocused little by little.

"No, I have to go back, back to my world! I want revenge. Those who killed my family and loved ones must pay the price in blood!"


Zhao Ji's eyes were filled with blazing fire of revenge, and then he began to think calmly.

"Then how do I go back?"

After a while, Zhao Ji's expression began to change drastically.

From bewilderment, to shock, to excitement and ecstasy.

"System, I actually have a system!"

"The system task... kill 10 million strange beasts, achieve the mission goal, you can summon the Martial Ancestor to descend, and get the Martial Ancestor's inheritance."

"Martial ancestor? Is it the great power who sent me to this world?"

"It must be, otherwise who would make me reincarnated and reborn. The Martial Ancestor came, and the Martial Ancestor passed on..."

Zhao Ji became excited, "That is to say, as long as I complete the tasks issued by the system, it is entirely possible to go back.

Not to mention revenge, even resurrecting parents and Susu is possible!"

"Ten Million Alien Beasts"

Zhao Ji's eyes became firm in an instant, and he gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to have a great inheritance, you must go through great tribulations.

There are only ten million alien beasts, and I will be able to do it sooner or later!"

"I'm going to the front line of the battlefield now, I want to kill strange beasts! I want to become stronger and stronger in the battle! Roar!"

Encouraged by himself, Zhao Ji rushed out of the courtyard like a lunatic, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Lin Zhengyue, who was hiding in the dark, was stunned, and the majestic nine-level surpassed the Martial Saint...

Also clam live.


Numbly turning his head to look at Lu Sheng next to him, he couldn't describe his inner feelings in words for a while.

"How did Lord Lu do it..."

Lin Zhengyue murmured.

Lu Sheng waved his hand casually, "It's not worth mentioning, it's just recycling."

It's just a little clever use of will simulation.

Lu Sheng absorbed so many messy memories in the dream space, randomly took some out and weaved them.

Play wantonly in Zhao Ji's memory.

Then a shiny, "reborn" Zhao Ji appeared!

As for the system, mission, Martial Ancestor Inheritance...

Totally a product of Lu Sheng's flash of inspiration 0..

Lu Sheng himself is also very satisfied.

It's like an extremely subtle punch that you accidentally hit while practicing boxing.

"From now on, the Supreme Martial Saint Zhao Ji will dedicate his whole life to the great cause of human civilization's fight against alien beasts.


After finishing this last bit of finishing work, Lu Sheng and Lin Zhengyue walked inward together.


Lin Zhengyue deliberately lagged behind him by half a step, with a respectful attitude.

This is the place where Lin Zhengyue usually practiced and lived. The outside is the general hall of Chaoyue Wuguan, and the inside is deep with other courtyards, and there are many buildings.

Almost all wooden, full of ancient style.

Lin Zhengyue has dozens of disciples, almost all of whom live here.

The two walked through several corridors, and finally sat down in another living room facing the rockery.

A girl in an ancient Chinese costume ran up to pour tea for the two of them.

Lu Sheng took a closer look and found that it was Lin Wanwan who made the tea.

Lin Wanwan was a little nervous at first, but when Lu Sheng smiled and winked at her, she immediately relaxed.

A pot of boiling water splashed all over Lin Zhengyue's crotch.


Lin Zhengyue shook her robe, steamed the boiling water dry, blew on her beard and stared at her eyes and said, "Let others shit!"


Lin Wanwan stuck out her tongue and had no choice but to retreat with the teapot in hand.

Lin Wanwan is very natural, her thoughts are as clear as crystal, just like a child.

Lu Sheng still had a good impression of her, so he stared at Lin Wanwan's back twice more.

Lin Zhengyue noticed Lu Sheng's eyes, her heart moved, and she couldn't help but say, "Master Lu, is he interested in my little girl? If you don't mind, I can agree to it for Wan Wan.

Lu Sheng was taken aback, and quickly waved his hands: "Sage Chaoyue was joking, I already have a fiancée."

"It's not a big deal..."

Lin Zhengyue smiled indifferently: "Before the first year of Martial Arts, it was already common for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Let alone now.

Mr. Lu has a beautiful 2.8 appearance in heaven and earth, the ultimate gene in the world, and one more heir is a great contribution to the entire Azure Star."

Lu Sheng shook his head, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, but didn't answer.

Seeing that he didn't mean it, Lin Zhengyue felt a little regretful, but she still changed the topic with knowledge, "I will pack up the things left by Zhao Ji and hand them over to Master Lu."


Lu Sheng didn't refuse, "Just give me what he left, and you don't have to take out what he gave you.

Lin Zhengyue nodded, and then said seriously: "Master Lu really doesn't intend to return Neng Jing?"

Lu Sheng put down the teacup casually, and said casually, "Why? Can't I return it?"

"No, there could be big trouble."

Lin Zhengyue said worriedly: "The guide comes from the starry sky, from a higher level of martial arts civilization.

At the same level, our natives of Azure Planet are no match for them at all.

Not to mention that the guide is still level ten.

Master Lu is tough, but this matter really needs to be carefully considered

How does Sheng'er treat Zhao Ji? I personally think it's wonderful.

Haha, ask for a monthly ticket for flowers~~.