

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 359

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 359

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

359. Give you a face, right, leave me as a martial artist?! 6

The pain was almost unbearable.

He couldn't help holding his head in his hands and curled up on the ground.

A large amount of dark red blood flowed out of his seven orifices, like a blood-colored snake, wandering around his fair body.

This process lasted for more than half an hour, during which the young man did not know how much blood was shed, and almost completely dyed the surrounding ice and snow ~ completely red.

When the pain subsided a little, he slowly put down the hands that were holding his head.

The whole person gasped violently, and there was no trace of blood on his cheeks.

The boy struggled to get up from the ground, his muscles trembling.

He was badly injured.

The body of the Martial Saint, which had been cultivated for more than a hundred years, was completely destroyed…

"Fortunately, I exchanged a bottle of Divine Melting Liquid last time. Otherwise, even if the Martial Dao Spirit escaped, with the cloned sub-body that was prepared long ago, I would not be able to survive at all…"

But even so, he still lingered.

It's so easy to change the martial body, and the Divine Melting Liquid can only eliminate the gap between his martial arts soul and this auxiliary body.

The bond between the soul and the sub-body has to be slowly cultivated.

This process is very long. Even in the peak period of extreme martial arts, it will take ten years or more to complete all this.

After the end, the strength will drop by at least 30%.

Not to mention, Ji Dao Martial Saint's current Martial Dao Soul is still on the verge of being broken.

Just like the candle in the wind, there is the possibility of complete annihilation at any time.

"Lu Sheng!"

When Jidao Martial Saint remembered the name, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

But in addition to hatred, it is more shock, horror… and deep fear that goes deep into the bone marrow.

The older one gets, the more afraid of death.

Wu Sheng is no exception.

Especially the ancient martial arts saint who survived the Dragon-Lion battle.

He remembered the process of being repeatedly ravaged by Lu Sheng and unable to fight back.

And Lu Sheng's last punch…

The kind of great terror that separates life and death.

Ji Dao Martial Saint is still in a cold sweat when he thinks about it.

If it weren't for the life-saving talisman that he finally sacrificed with the will of the tenth-level strong martial arts, there is no possibility of escaping alive.

It is unimaginable that he can be forced into such a position by an eighth-level Martial Saint.

"Evil, monster, non-human! .."

At the age of more than 200 years, Ji Dao Wusheng could not find words that could accurately describe Lu Sheng.

"How can there be such a level of genius on our first-level resource star? The eighth level has such terrifying strength. If it is the ninth level, wouldn't it be possible to directly walk out of the planet?"

"And… he should be dead, right?"

"Must be dead!"

Ji Dao Martial Saint shook his head and said with a firm tone: "With a blow from a tenth-level powerhouse, no matter how strong his combat power and skill are, he is still at eighth level…

Martial body has not been condensed by the general trend of heaven and earth, how can it survive.

Even at the ninth level peak, under that blow, you will be seriously injured if you don't die…"

When Jidao Martial Saint thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his flesh.

The life-saving talisman branded with the will of the tenth-level powerhouse's martial arts, it took him more than a hundred years to redeem the resources he had accumulated.

The original idea was not to save his life, but to comprehend the tenth-level Dao and seek the opportunity to advance to the tenth-level.

As a result, I didn't expect that there was a time when it really came in handy.

And it is still used on a mere eighth-level opponent.

It's simply out of line!

"The control over the inheritance of low-level resource stars is too strict, and it will not easily allow the birth of a strong person who has more power than one's own control…

Otherwise, I don't have to use this method to spy on the tenth-level realm…"

But these things are now meaningless to the extreme martial arts.

He is now hanging like this, he can survive smoothly, and he will be thankful to restore his strength to half the height when he was at the peak.

What about the tenth-level way?

Ji Dao Martial Saint thought, at this time his brain began to sting like a knife, and the seven orifices began to bleed wildly.

He stumbled to a place and found a boxy black suitcase under a boulder beside Tianchi.

Take a few vials out of the suitcase and quickly pour them into your mouth.

After drinking the potion, after a while, he slowly recovered.

He grabbed a handful of snow on the ground and wiped the blood from his face.

The cold blocks of snow slid across his cheeks, giving him a tingling sensation.

"I haven't felt it in years… this weak feeling…"

Ji Dao Martial Saint took out another set of clothes from the suitcase and put them on randomly.

Then he stared at the suitcase for a while, glanced around, and said to himself: "This place can't stay any longer, someone will come to the door sooner or later.

Gotta find someone to take shelter.

Tan Zhongyu…Lin Zhengyue…"

Ji Dao Martial Saint's eyes flickered, he tangled a little between the two names, and soon had a choice.

"The rest should be enough to exchange for his protection. With his character, he shouldn't be able to take advantage of it…"

There is no way.

Ji Dao Sixiang and Twenty-eight Susu under the command of Ji Dao Wusheng died in this battle.

Now he doesn't even have anyone who can use it. Although the Jidao Martial Arts Hall is powerful, his real confidants are only the Jidao Sixiang and Twenty-eight Su, and the other people…

Who knows what the hell is going on, and he can't believe it.

The safest way is to immediately find a reliable tree to shelter from the wind and rain.

He is at the weakest time now. Once the news of the Ninghai battle comes out, God knows how many people who smell blood will come to him.

After all, a legacy of a ninth-level Martial Saint…

It's enough to make more than 90% of people excited about it.

Maybe even foreign forces will come to join in the fun.

Ji Dao Martial Saint packed up his things, and no longer has any nostalgia for all the things on this Tianwaifeng.

Even at this moment, the bodies of his dead wife and children are still buried under the Tianchi.

He hurriedly descended Tianwaifeng.

Once a noble Martial Saint, a single thought can span an unknown distance, and it takes only a few breaths to leave the Tianwai Peak.

Now walking down the mountain, I realize how difficult this road is.

"Ah Qiu!"

Ji Dao Martial Saint sneezed fiercely, wrapping his clothes tightly with both hands, his face was blue and purple from the cold, his whole body was shaking, and his nose was almost running down his face.

"What's the matter with me… Why did I choose such a place as a place for diving. And I haven't prepared a winter clothes yet, I'm freezing to death…"

His body is so weak that he doesn't even have the strength of a master realm.

Walking down this way, one foot deep and one foot shallow, he almost froze to death.

0・・・ Ask for flowers0・・・・・

The key point is that his soul is injured, his brain still hurts, and he feels like he will have a nosebleed again.

Ji Dao Martial Saint walked down dazedly.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly…


Two figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ji Dao Martial Saint was clever and raised his head sharply.

He saw two tall and burly men standing in front of him, looking down at him.

The blood of the two of them is like a furnace, and the ice and snow all over their bodies melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they are all martial arts experts above the seventh level.


One of the two men with a national character stared at Ji Dao Martial Saint, and said coldly: "Is Tianwaifeng going up from here?"

"What are you calling this seat?"

Ji Dao Martial Saint's eyes narrowed, his cold light splashed, and his whole body suddenly exuded a high temperament that looked down on the world and looked down on the common people.

But when he said the words, the whole person was suddenly shocked.

and many more…

Not right.

It seems that he is no longer a Martial Saint.


Ji Dao Martial Saint raised his head quickly, and was surprised to find that the two grandmasters in front of him were all staring at him blankly.


'Could it be that you were intimidated by my aura? '

Ji Dao Wusheng was overjoyed, 'Sure enough, even if my strength is not there, the pressure of Wusheng for more than 100 years still exists…'

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was, and he couldn't help thinking: 'Is it possible to bring these two people under his command and escort me all the way to that person? '

Ji Dao Martial Saint hadn't finished thinking, and suddenly heard the two people in front of him speak.

"What did this kid just say? This seat?"

"Fuck, I was almost scared by him…"

Ji Dao Martial Saint quickly raised his head, but saw a big fan-like hand slammed towards him.

He slapped him on the cheek, and slammed his whole body out, rolling around on the snow.

"Give you a face, right?!"

A grand master glared fiercely at Ji Dao Martial Saint: "If you can climb a mountain, you can freeze your face with snot, why do you still leave me as a Martial Saint?

Call yourself this seat in front of us and see how I kill you…"

With that said, the gesture is about to come up.

Fortunately, the person next to him grabbed him.

"Forget it, with such a little strength, you dare to wear such clothes on the top of the mountain. I guess you are also a fool, and your brain is not very bright…

Let's hurry up and find Tianwaifeng to explore the situation of the Martial Saint of the Extreme Dao.

Don't delay business. "

The hands-on master's face changed, and he finally nodded.

Chongji Dao Wusheng spit, and said coldly: "You are lucky boy.

Next time I see you, see if I don't punch your shit out! "

After speaking, the two of them swayed and quickly walked away.

Martial Saint Ji Dao struggled to get up from the snow, and with a "wow", he spat out two knocked-out teeth.

He looked at the direction the two left, covering his swollen left cheek, trembling with anger.

"Okay, just wait for me…"

Ji Dao Martial Saint's eyes gleamed with resentment, and he said word by word, "When I regain my strength, I will crush the two of you to ashes and torture them to death…"

After speaking, he was full of grievances, and continued to stagger down the mountain with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

On the road, there are still seven orifices bleeding, all the way, all the way, all the way, the snow is full of red spots, so miserable… Seven.