

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 358

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 358

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

358. Above the ninth level, the future god of the military, super shock! 5

The moment when the piece of metal was spit out from the mouth of Martial Saint, and it was crushed.

There was a stinging pain in Lu Sheng's eyebrows being pierced by a sharp sword.

Unprecedented warning signs!

It was stronger than the one that cracked his martial arts will before…

hundred times!

Lu Sheng thought about what might happen to Martial Saint of Extreme Dao.

The previous "rebirth of flesh and blood", he thought.

But right now, this was beyond his expectations.

When Lu Sheng wanted to stop it, it was too late.

Seeing that the metal plate shattered in front of my eyes, strange fluctuations came out…

Lu Sheng felt regret, powerlessness, and helplessness in his heart.

But soon calmed down again.

Now that the boat is done, let's face it.


Lu Sheng's eyes flashed with cold killing intent.

Extreme Martial Saint, still have to die!

The punch of the five realms wrapped around the divine flame slammed into the forehead of Ji Dao Martial Sage without any pretentious "bang".

No accident happened.

Ji Dao Martial Saint's head exploded with a "bang", and the body that had just been reshaped almost melted like wax.

Immediately afterwards, a golden figure like broken porcelain came out hurriedly from the melted flesh and blood.

A trace of divine flame was still wrapped around the human figure, and the whole person was constantly being burned.

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he was about to go up and take another punch.

At this time, a strange throbbing suddenly came from the void beside him.

Lu Sheng turned back suddenly.

Intuitively, the lights and shadows interlaced in front of him, and an illusory figure walked out.

He stretched out his finger and poked at himself.

Lu Sheng raised his fist, but the finger was lightly imprinted on his heart.


Lu Sheng's chest exploded directly.

Heart burst.

Only one flaming immortal cell remained in solitude.


The power of this finger remains unabated, and the willpower contained in the finger rushes into Lu Sheng's mind domineering.

No. 763 is said to be indestructible, the gold obsidian visualization humanoid with the hardest crystal for 10,000 years in the future martial arts.

There was also a deep fingerprint on the chest.

Large cracks spread around the fingerprints, and even have a tendency to collapse.

Lu Sheng was directly shot down by an indescribably terrifying impact.

The body fell like a meteorite.

His seven orifices were all flowing with blood, a bloody sight.

He saw Ji Dao Martial Sage's Martial Dao Soul, which was like a broken porcelain, turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

And the phantom figure that severely injured him with just one finger.

The figure can't see the face clearly, and the figure is tall and burly, as if from the cosmic starry sky.

The style of clothes on his body is quite strange, very different from the style of this world.

Lu Sheng wants to see more.

The illusory figure has quickly faded away.

As if it never happened.

Then Lu Sheng fell heavily into the sea, and the terrifying impact still did not stop at all.

His figure kept falling in the sea, falling…

One kilometer..

two kilometers…

Five kilometers…

He fell into the dark sea abyss burrow.

Head after head of sea abyss beasts swam past him, trying to pounce, but just getting close, they were smashed into a puddle of blood by the terrifying impact.

Lu Sheng didn't know when to stop.

His star is immortal and there are twenty-two immortal cells in his body trying to repair the body's wounds.

But the power of both was quickly engulfed by the terrifying force of that finger.

Lu Sheng's body seemed to be spreading a raging fire, and his own power was the source of water.

Now, it is clear that there is not enough water.

It was simply not enough to put out the fire.


Lu Sheng ran his stinging brain and barely found a "water source".

"At the critical moment, I can't take care of so much…"

Lu Sheng raised a hand with difficulty, and took out a small bottle of "Fengyoujing" from a pocket on the side of his trousers. Before he could open it, he swallowed it whole in his throat.

It's hard for him to even burst his heart, and he can still do this.

Feel the power of "Saint's Death" bursting out in the body.

Lu Sheng used the last bit of control in the state of Martial God to control the twenty-two divine cells in his body to devour this energy.

As for whether the immortal cells can do it, what kind of variables will happen in the future…

he does not know.

He only knows that when the fire is raging, sewage is also water, and it can also extinguish the fire.

At this time, the light completely disappeared in front of Lu Sheng's eyes, and his vision began to blur.

Lu Sheng wanted to take out his mobile phone from his pocket and send a message to those close to him.

The body couldn't lift a little bit of energy at all.

"Forget it, I'm not going to die anyway… should…"

Lu Sheng finally gave up the idea and slowly closed his eyes.

The last thought in his mind was—

Grass mud horse…

In this world, why does there exist a power above the ninth level…




at sea level.

All the military personnel who had just witnessed a series of sudden changes were stunned.

A second ago, they were still immersed in Lu Sheng's posture against the sky, punching the extreme martial arts saint to the brink of death.

Their military already has a "new god".

And it is a god that exists above the ninth level!

An unprecedented god!

The military has a bright future ahead…

But a second later…

It will change suddenly.

Lu Sheng was counterattacked by the last hole card thrown by Ji Dao Wusheng and fell to the bottom of the sea, missing his whereabouts.

Everything happened so fast.

They didn't even respond at all.

Many people's faces showed deep confusion and confusion.

They even became suspicious.

Is everything that I experienced today just a dream?

At a certain moment, I was surprised that I was in the military camp.

The five military marshals were the first to react.

"All generals, generals… everyone! All of them go into the water and search for Lu Sheng's whereabouts with all their strength.

immediately! "


The order was conveyed quickly.

The entire army took action, and countless officers plunged into the water and searched the sea area where Lu Sheng disappeared.

The five military marshals stood on the deck of the highest warship, looking deeply at the busy sea in the distance.

There was no initial joy on his face, only a touch of solemnity and worry.

"Do you think… Lu Sheng, is he still alive?"

A marshal suddenly spoke.

Several people were silent for a while, and someone answered.

"Three hundred years of martial arts, on this planet, the youngest and most enchanting Son of Heaven's Chosen.

You can kill the Martial Saint at the eighth level of adversity. . . .

This is destined to be like the great sun at noon, and the person who shines on the whole world… suddenly died!

Do you believe it? "

The talking marshal looked extremely serious and shook his head: "I don't believe it anyway."

"People like Lu Sheng, even if they die… they won't die here, under such circumstances."

A marshal echoed.

The rest nodded slowly.

"Then what happened today…"

"Send it out!"

There was an inexplicable light flashing in the eyes of Marshal You, who said word by word: "At least let the high-level figures in the entire Dragon Kingdom know…

Today, the supreme martial sage is above Ninghai… defeated by the future god of our army, Lu Sheng! "


The next day, a piece of news quietly spread in the circle of senior figures in the Long Kingdom.

——Lu Sheng, the peerless genius of the military, the age of the weak crown, Yu Ninghai, killed the four elephants of the extreme martial arts, and the total of thirty-two people in the twenty-eight places of the extreme martial arts.

After defeating the Supreme Dao Martial Saint, the Supreme Dao Martial Saint flees on the verge of death!

In an instant, the whole circle was shocked.

Countless people were shocked, shocked, and dumbfounded.

I don't know how many people, how many tea cups and seat armrests were crushed.

It would be shocking to say that the first half of the news was a magnitude 10 earthquake.

The second half of the news….

It was like a nuclear bomb was dropped in front of them.


The whole person was numb and dizzy.

Defeat the Taoist Martial Saint in Ninghai…

Wu Sheng!

That is Wu Sheng!

One of the three existing Martial Saints in the Dragon Kingdom, the Ji Dao Martial Saint.

High above, like sitting on a cloud, an uncompromising human god!

Was actually defeated?

And still running away from death!

Ji Dao Martial Saint survived the original dragon-lion battle. The dragon-lion battle was so tragic, he was not injured to such an extent that he was on the verge of death.

The key is…

The one who beat it to the brink of death… was still a young man who was only twenty years old!

Going crazy.

Everyone who heard the news sat in a chair for a long time before recovering.


If it's fake, the person who spreads the fake news should be damned!

If true….

The name Lu Sheng is destined to be remembered by countless people.

Moreover, given time, the brilliance belonging to this name will surely illuminate every corner of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Dragon country..

There will also be a huge earthquake.


Tianwai Peak of the Tianshan Mountains.

Tianchi Cold Pool.

The water surface of Tianchi Lake, which has not melted for ten thousand years, suddenly cracked a thick layer of ice.

A figure stepped on the water and slowly walked out of the water.

Ice stubble rustled down from the body, and the whole body was steaming with white air.

This figure looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, with a handsome face, a slender body, fair skin, and shiny black hair.

His eyes showed a deep sense of vicissitudes.

After the young man stepped out from under the Tianchi Lake, pain immediately appeared on his pale face.


To put it simply, Ji Dao is bound to die, but he has to use him to lead the line, so wait for Lu Sheng to come back and kill him completely. Rest assured, this will not mess with things again. (There is another chapter in the early morning, and I will do what I say)

Then, the Grandmaster Scroll is almost over, and the next is the Martial Saint Scroll.

The Holy Child will take the route of Wuzu and pacify the world to save the human race crisis in this world, and by the way, open the starry sky universe map, as well as the dream space, the connection of the alien world, the deeper truth and so on.

By the way, you can guess what Saint's Dharma will look like.

Thanks to the friends who have supported all the way up to now. When I opened this book, I told my wife that it was a gift for the child. The child will be born in six months, so I have to write it for at least another six months. I hope you are all witnesses.

Thank you again for your monthly flowers tickets and rewards. The monthly tickets on the monthly ticket list are too scary.

There are also flowers. I originally wanted to charge 4 million, but I didn't expect to charge 5 million this time (or give me a 5 million charge, haha)

Thank you all so much, thank you again.

Hope to be with you all the time! (bow)
