

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 360

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 360

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

360. Wu Sheng was maimed by him, I am a fart! 1

A building by the sea.

The shape is cylindrical, the whole body is white, and it looks like a pile of white jade.

Yuzhu building

"How about this trip to North Lion Island? I heard that the scenery there is very good, and I have always wanted to go there and have no chance."

A tall, fair-skinned woman with a ponytail showing a smooth and plump forehead, holding a cup of hot coffee, stood in front of the huge French window in the room by the sea, enjoying the sea breeze while talking casually.

What she asked was the man who was sitting at a white desk next to him and was typing fast at the computer in front of him.

The man's facial features are clear, his lips are thin, his eyes are focused and calm, and his white shirt and rimless glasses make him look a bit like a professional elite.

But the solid forearm muscles revealed under the rolled-up cuffs gave people a feeling of a still beast.

"When you advance to the eighth level, I can take you there next time."

The man's ten fingers swiftly tapped on the keyboard with a crisp sound of "da da da".

"Level 8… it's so easy, do you think everyone is you Xing Yuqi?"

The ponytail woman pouted, walked over, glanced curiously at the man's computer screen, and saw a large section of text and data descriptions, as well as some things like a map.

Looking at it makes people dizzy, but all this is quickly enriched and perfected under the sound of the man "Nine Seven Zero" tapping his hands on the keyboard.

"It seems that this trip has achieved a lot."

The woman blinked and said.

The man hit the last button, stopped his hands, took off his glasses, rubbed his eyebrows, shook his head and said, "What's the gain? It's just a routine."

"For the past ten years, you have been running around outside. What are you looking for for adults? Can you talk about it?"

The woman asked curiously.

The man thought for a while and said two words: "Nengjing."

"Energy crystal?"

The woman blinked and her eyes fell on the computer in front of the man, "What is that?"

"Don't look, you can't find it online."

The man explained: "Energy crystal is a currently known crystal that contains the highest energy in a unit, which can also be called an energy source.

This stuff is extremely rare and precious.

At present, there are only a few known production areas, which are shared by all countries in the world.

I have traveled almost all over the planet in the past ten years, just to find a new energy crystal production place for adults. "

"so smart!"

The woman was surprised: "Does it help martial arts?"

"Yes, but it's only useful for characters of the adult level.

For the ninth level, energy crystal is not only a precious cultivation resource, but also a currency…"

The woman's eyes were bright, and it felt as if the door to a new world was slowly opening in front of her eyes, which made her feel indescribable surprise.

"By the way, is it really okay to tell me these secrets?"

The woman suddenly made a look of alertness and said, "Don't tell me, you will kill me immediately after you tell me."

"Ha ha…"

The man couldn't help laughing, shook his head and said, "You've watched too many movies. Although this is a secret, you have to know it sooner or later anyway, I just told you in advance.

The World Grandmaster Competition is about to start in a year, and you must go to participate at that time. Naturally, someone will tell you the news about Nengjing. "

"The World Grandmaster Competition is also related to Nengjing?"

"It was originally a regular competition created for the allocation of energy crystals.

Every year, all the energy crystals produced in the world are collected, and each country sends its own master-level powerhouse to compete, and the share of each country's martial arts is determined according to the final ranking of the competition. . . "

"It turned out to be such a thing."

The woman was smart, and quickly thought: "Since there is competition among martial arts saints in various countries, there should be competition among martial arts saints in this country, right?"


The man nodded and said, "This is also the meaning of our Mingyutang's existence.

It is like the four images of the extreme path under the command of the martial sage, the twenty-eight lodgings.

There are also hundreds of disciples who surpassed Wu Sheng…"

The man said, sighed softly, and said helplessly: "Your Excellency is the youngest of the three Martial Saints in my Dragon Kingdom, and has the shortest time to become a saint.

Our Mingyutang has been established for the shortest time and has the thinnest foundation. There has always been a big gap between the overall strength and the power of the extreme way beyond the martial arts hall.

Almost every time the energy crystal is allocated, the adult share is the least.

There are the most extreme martial arts saints, and the second is beyond.

This is also the reason why adults have been eager to find a new energy crystal origin.

Saving money is worse than opening up…"

The ponytail woman felt the heavy pressure on the shoulders of the man in front of her, and her expression became complicated.

I was thinking about how to comfort each other.

Suddenly, an email popped up on the computer screen in front of the man.

The ponytail woman turned her head with interest and pretended to look at the scenery outside the window.

After a few seconds…


A huge explosion came from the side of the ponytail woman, and all kinds of pieces that exploded flew everywhere.

The ponytail woman was so startled that she almost spilled the coffee in her hand, and turned her head quickly.

She only saw the man who had been patiently talking to her in a soft and gentle voice before, but at this moment the whole person was standing still, with an indescribable strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong?!"

The ponytail woman was stunned.

The man turned his head a little bit, looked at her, and said in a low voice in a erratic tone: "This time the World Grandmaster Competition, the adult's share finally doesn't have to be the least…"


Women don't know why.


The man said in a low voice: "The four signs of the extreme path, the twenty-eight constellations are all destroyed, the martial arts saint of the extreme path is injured and dying… the line of the extreme path is over."


The woman's eyes widened suddenly, and her expression was like a ghost, unbelievable.

"Really or not? Is this news reliable?"

The man didn't answer, but said with a strange expression: "You can't guess, who is the person who did these things?"


The woman asked.

The man's eyes flickered, and he said word by word: "It was the young man who offended the Jidao Martial Arts Academy and asked you to go to help, but killed Jidao Tongkuixing by himself.

Lu Sheng! "


If the woman was hit hard, it was as if she had been struck by lightning on the spot.

One mouth opened wide, and the whole person completely froze in place, not moving.

The coffee that he had been holding in his hand also fell to the ground with a clatter and shattered.

The man ignored her and walked out quickly.

"I'm going to see the adults and report this to him."

Soon, only the woman was left standing blankly in the room.

The sea breeze from the floor-to-ceiling windows blew in, blowing the ponytail woman's hair and clothes.

Her eyes were dazed, and she whispered in her mouth: "It's him? How could it be him… Lu… Sheng…"


Beyond martial arts.

In the huge performance field, many men and women wearing martial arts uniforms beyond the martial arts hall are performing martial arts on the field.

Under an old locust tree beside the martial arts field, there was a young man sitting lazily.

The young man has long messy hair, unshaven beard, cloudy eyes and lacklustre eyes, his clothes are dirty, and he smells of alcohol, and he looks like a homeless man…

There were two disciples of Transcendence Martial Arts Hall, one big and one small, passing by.

The young man who was still young saw the depressed young man under the tree accompanied by wine bottles scattered all over the floor, with a strong novelty in his eyes, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Fuck, Senior Brother!

Is this senior brother taking the road of entering the Dao with wine?

I've read it in the novel, but I didn't expect this to happen in real life.

We are really talented beyond the martial arts hall! "

When the older disciple heard this, he quickly covered his mouth and said nervously, "What nonsense are you talking about?

Who is this…"

The older disciple was halfway through speaking, but he couldn't go on. He sighed softly, "It's because someone interrupted his martial arts journey, and he's here."

"Interrupt Martial Path?"

The young disciple opened his eyes wide.


The older disciple glanced at the direction under the tree in the distance, and said with a complicated expression, "This one was considered one of the top geniuses that I surpassed in the martial arts hall.

One of the three entry-level disciples of Lord Wu Sheng, he was promoted to the top sect realm in less than forty.

Originally, I wanted to try martial arts, but I was thwarted by people outside, and I never recovered from it…"

"A top sect less than forty?!"

The young disciple exclaimed, "How can someone so powerful still be defeated… who did it?"

"It is said to be a super martial arts genius in the military region, I don't know the specifics…

Anyway, remember, there are too many evil spirits in this world.

Those who practice martial arts like us must not only be brave and diligent, but also have an indomitable will to move forward, but also always have a humble and reverent heart…"

"Got it, brother…"

The two quickly walked away while chatting.

When the two of them walked away, the depressed young man under the big tree slowly raised his head, looked at the backs of the two of them, and laughed at himself: "Chang Huai is humble and awe…hehe…"

He grabbed a bottle of wine beside him and poured it into his mouth.

Suddenly, the light in front of him dimmed, and a figure stood in front of him.

"Senior Brother Dong…"

Lin Wanwan's pretty face flushed and she panted slightly, as if running over quickly.

"Junior Sister Wanwan…"

Dongshengyi responded lazily, "You come to see my joke 2.8 again…"


Lin Wanwan stomped his feet, squatted down quickly, and said a few words quickly in his ear.

After saying these few words, Dong Shengyi's originally turbid eyes suddenly shot out a strong light, and his face also showed extreme shock and disbelief.


Dong Shengyi repeatedly confirmed in disbelief.

Lin Wanwan raised her hand and swore, "I personally heard what Daddy told the senior brother, and I even saw…"

Dong Shengyi was stunned and dumbfounded.

The light in his eyes suddenly became more and more intense, and it seemed that something on his body was slowly waking up.

"Even Ji Dao Martial Saint was beaten to death by him… What am I… What am I…"

"This kind of pervert, I'm a fart with him!"


The terrifying qi and blood erupted, and a smoke of essence qi rose up like a column, shaking the leaves of the old locust tree madly.

Many disciples on the martial arts field were startled by this movement and turned their heads to look.

They saw a figure rising into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

Under the old locust tree, Lin Wanwan looked at the direction where Dong Shengyi disappeared, his eyes lit up, and he whispered to himself: "Senior Brother Dong, I'm finally back…

In other words, Daddy should have deliberately let me hear this news and came to tell Senior Brother Dong…".