

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 223

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 223

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

223. Panic, whoever encounters Lu Sheng first will kill him directly! 3

The top of Cumulus Mountain is actually not narrow, but rather wide.

It was built into a huge square like a martial arts arena.

Many people gather here.

Almost everyone has strong qi and blood, and has a good temperament.

When the martial arts strength reaches the fifth or sixth level, the powerful physique will naturally form a peculiar life magnetic field.

This kind of life magnetic field is described as a person's "momentum" in popular words.

With so many people with strong momentum gathered together, the mountain top with thin air is even more depressing.

If ordinary people come here, it is estimated that they will immediately feel short of breath, or even suffocate.

And this huge momentum has now been completely dissipated by a voice.

Everyone looked in one direction with horrified expressions.

That is the exit location of a certain way to the sky.

A tall, handsome young man stood there.

His mouth was slightly open, and an invisible sound wave whistled from his mouth.

This sound is like the sound of a dragon and a tiger, piercing the sky and sweeping the sky.

After this sound was made, the continuous whistling sound on the platform suddenly stopped, and even the three best ones stopped.

just like….

Why do apes compete with tigers and leopards!

Around the youth, the sea of clouds surged into stormy waves, rolling endlessly, and the sound of the waves continued.

There are also huge and magnificent long cloud whales, raising their heads and neighing.

The sound of whale calls and long whistles mixed together, which was extremely shocking.

Finally, the young Junwei closed his mouth.

The roar of dragons and tigers stopped abruptly.

Lu Sheng briefly glanced at the people on the platform, and walked somewhere.

On the huge platform square, it was quiet.

Everyone stood there in shock, the mountain wind whistled from the top of the mountain, and the sound of whales echoed faintly.

After a few breaths, there was a loud "boom" on the platform.

"Fuck! F*ck! Who is this person? He can actually provoke the scene of a hundred whales singing in unison. Even the twins of the extreme path and the holy seedlings that surpass the martial arts hall are far inferior to him. Where is the peerless evildoer who came out?!"

"Thousands of waves are stacked, and hundreds of whales chirping in unison… Darling, when did such a majestic vision appear in Cumyun Mountain?!"

"It's against the sky! It's really against the sky! If I hadn't seen him, I would have almost thought that Wu Sheng was here in person…"

"He is wearing the clothes with the logo of the Seventh Holy Martial University. When did the Seventh Holy Martial University have such a monster?"


Those martial arts disciples looked horrified, their eyes stayed on Lu Sheng for a moment, and while discussing, they scrambled to find out Lu Sheng's identity.

Somewhere on the platform, there are several men and women standing next to the stage where the organizer and the sign-in place are hung.

"Several Martial Saints who once climbed Mount Cumulus only triggered the vision of one or two long whales when they were young. How can this kid, He De He Neng, be a hundred times more powerful than Martial Saint?~〃!"

A middle-aged woman wearing a blue cheongsam with an ordinary appearance, but with delicate white skin, said in disbelief.

A person next to him said, "I recognize this young man, the evildoer of the Seventh Holy Martial University.

At the age of 18, he broke all the records of the seven sacred pagodas of the Seven Saints University, which caused quite a stir in the five districts of Kyoto some time ago.

It is said that Lord Tan Wusheng intends to accept him as a disciple. "

"It turned out to be a disciple that Tan Wusheng values, no wonder…"

Some people were stunned, but still shocked: "But such talent is too exaggerated.

One long whale can be regarded as a martial sage, what is a hundred? Will you become a Martial Saint in the future? "

"Martial talent is not something like this…"

Among them, an old man with black hair, smooth skin and a ruddy complexion spoke slowly.

Seeing the old man speak, several men and women with strong aura immediately shut up, and their faces also showed respectful listening.

Several of them are the masters of the martial arts association, but they are far worse than the old man.

The latter are great masters, far surpassing them both in terms of strength and status.

".. the temperature is one degree lower, and water can melt ice.

When the temperature is one degree higher, water can also vaporize.

Sometimes the effects that seem to be very different are actually not much different in nature. "

"This little guy named Lu Sheng has a strong talent, but it's not as exaggerated as you think.

Moreover, things like the vision of Wusheng Mountain are not specially used to test the talent of martial arts.

Perhaps he was just very compatible with the martial arts Qi Qi of Zhou Fuhai Wusheng, so he was able to induce more Qi Qi phenomenon than others.

It may also be that the previous people have already involved a lot of Qi Qi, this child just happened to meet, and a long whistle just happened to completely motivate the remaining Qi Qi of Wusheng Mountain, and then caused the shocking scene just now…"

The old man explained his speculation, and the eyes of several martial arts masters lit up when they heard it.

Yes, what the Great Master said is right.

Maybe Lu Sheng was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

It was like a bunch of people were carrying heavy objects, and it took a long time for the heavy objects to stay still.

The last person came up and added the handle, which happened to be moved.

You can't say that this heavy object was carried by the last person alone.

A full meal is not the last bite of the meal, but every bite of the previous one.

Pretty much the same thing.

"But from the breath of the child just now, the talent and strength are indeed far beyond the peers, and they are among the best. This is undeniable."

The old man nodded with an undisguised admiration on his face.

"No wonder he is someone Tan Wusheng values. He is very good and has a great appearance."

Several people nodded in agreement, and some people couldn't help laughing: "This Lu Sheng has made such a big move when he comes up. It is estimated that the people from Ji Dao and beyond the two major martial arts halls will panic now."

"It's good to panic. Originally, they took advantage of this martial arts conference and enjoyed the scenery every time."


"Fuck you!"

A middle-aged man who stood with his hands behind his back was surrounded by a dozen or so young people wearing the clothes of the Ji Dao Martial Arts Hall, and said, "Isn't it just aroused some visions? Look at you all in shock. What's it like?

He is not a grandmaster, at best he is a bit more talented.

Each of you is the core elite of our extreme martial arts hall, the mainstay of the future martial arts hall.

From the beginning, you have received much guidance from Wu Sheng, and you are still afraid of a student from Wuhan University? "

In the crowd, a slender, fit and handsome young man's eyes flickered, and he said slowly, "Lian is right.

This Lu Sheng is not a master, no matter how good his talent is, it represents the future, not the present.

Moreover, I didn't use all my blood and breath when I screamed just now.

If he whistled with all his strength, he might not be worse than him.

But that seemed a little ridiculous.

Chao Gu should be the same."

With that said, the handsome young man turned his head to look at a majestic young man who was more than two meters tall and whose muscles looked like granite stones.

The young man said angrily, "…' Just shout twice to clear your throat.

Martial arts strength is not louder than anyone else.

If that kid stood in front of me…"

The young man stretched out a big hand that was two or three times the size of an ordinary person, and gave it a swipe, making a crisp explosion-like sound in the air.

"I can crush him alive."

The middle-aged man called Lian Instructor raised his hand and patted it twice, then said with a smile, "This is the aura that my Gemini Star of Extreme Dao Martial Arts Academy should have.

In this case, I will simply arrange a small game for you.

Whoever encounters these seven great Lu Shengs at the conference will beat him to death in the ring.

Don't worry about the Seven Saints University, I will naturally help you deal with it. "

The handsome young man and the majestic young man nodded with a cold glow in their eyes.


"Ignore it."

The long-haired man with an indifferent expression glanced at a figure in the distance and said, "The force field is not obvious, I guess I haven't even reached the step of martial arts willpower training, so I won't be your opponent.

Your goal is still the polar twins.

Two years ago, these two people had already condensed the will of the master, and two years later, it is estimated that most of their blood has been tempered, and they have already entered the realm of quasi-grandmaster…"


Chang (Zhao Dezhao) made a girl standing beside the man wearing a costume that surpassed the martial arts hall.

The girl is only 1.65 meters tall and has short hair that matches her ears.

The skin is white and tender, and the facial features are delicate and pretty, but a little baby fat, and there is a lot of cuteness in the beautiful look.

The long-haired man saw the cute girl's mouth respond, but his eyes still glanced in a certain direction from time to time, and couldn't help comforting again: "Zhang Jue, don't be deceived by the appearance of things.

The Martial Saint Qi function remaining in the Martial Saint Mountain is not false, but nothing is absolute.

Although this Lu Sheng has a strong talent, he may not be able to match you.

In terms of strength…it's even harder to say. "

"I know."

The cute girl nodded honestly, but there was still a trace of inexplicable worry and throbbing in her eyes with special effects.

She was born with a special talent and could see ghosts and gods when she was a child.

In the words of surpassing Wu Sheng, it means that the spiritual sense is super strong.

Now she sees that the young man of the Seven Sages who has just climbed to the top with hundreds of whales, can always see the thick black fog from the other party's body, behind…

It was as if a large swath of shadows were spreading from the other side.

Gradually spread towards the sky at the top of Cumulus Mountain.


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