

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 224

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 224

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

224. The power of the divine whale, follow my script, otherwise all will die! 1

"My dear, this is the Demon King, and this is Lu Sheng."

On the side of the Seven Saints University, there are also heated discussions about the topic of Lu Sheng.

But unlike the other martial arts disciples, these Seven Saints University students were shocked and amazed, but there was a trace of pride on their faces.

When discussing, the words "our Seven Saints" and "Lu Sheng" were deliberately said loudly and clearly, lest others could not hear them clearly.

The one who sighed was a handsome young man with clear eyes and a high nose.

His name is Wen Jingyan, and he is No. 1 on the Ranking of the First Sacred Martial Artists. Before Lu Sheng's rise, he was also No. 1 on the Seven Sages Ranking.

At this time, the clouds and waves around the top of the mountain have not completely dissipated, and you can vaguely see the clouds with the vague outlines of long whales.

"Fortunately, I didn't jump out to fight him, otherwise the confidence in martial arts that I raised in four years of college would have been shattered…"

Wen Jingyan sighed.

He was also one of the people who shouted at the neck just now, and because of this, he could feel Lu Sheng's power and terror even more.

Aside from the shocking vision of a hundred whales roaring, Lu Sheng's unending breath is also unmatched by him.

"How much qi and blood can support such a roaring breath like a dragon and a tiger, and his martial arts will has become a reality. If I fight him, I will not end up much better than Bai Hengchuan…"

Wen Jingyan subconsciously glanced at the black-haired young man who occasionally wore the second sacred martial arts uniform in the distance. Since Lu Sheng appeared, the latter kept his head down and pursed his lips.

Bai Hengchuan also screamed to fight for the front just now, stirring up the clouds and waves.

Then Lu Sheng came out…

It became such a coward.

"Don't underestimate yourself."

Someone is talking next to you.

Wen Jingyan turned his head to look, with a respectful look on his face, and whispered "Deputy Principal".

The person who spoke was an old man in a black tunic with gray hair and no anger. He was the vice-principal of the First Sacred Martial Arts University and a respected old master.

"He's just as strong as he is, and he just needs to focus on walking the road under his feet. The seven books are one, there is no need to regard Lu Sheng as an opponent…"

The old principal said earnestly.

Wen Jingyan glanced at Chaoyue and Jidao in the distance, as well as some martial arts halls with equally loud signs.

nodded and smiled.

"You're right, old principal, Lu Sheng is here… This martial arts conference is fun."

With a smile on his face, the old principal straightened his chest slightly with his hands on his back, and said:

"This year, it should be the one that I have the most hope of hitting the top of the Seven Saints University."

There are many people who think like the old vice-principal of the First Sacred Martial University, and the rest of the Seven Sacred Masters who lead the team all look like a spring breeze.

Chatting and walking with acquaintances, with a loud voice and hearty laughter from time to time.

On the contrary, Zhao Kangtai, the leader of the Seventh Sacred Martial Arts, had an indescribably complicated expression on his face.

His eyes fell on Lu Sheng, who was on the side. He opened his mouth several times, but in the end, he swallowed it into a sigh.

The more amazing the talent and talent Lu Sheng showed, the more regretful he was.

As Wu Sheng Tan Zhongyu's will conveyer, he knows Wu Sheng's thoughts perfectly.

Compared with martial arts talent, what Tan Zhongyu values more is Lu Sheng's heart and determination.

So there will be two choices, one test.

"As long as you (bacc) kill that night, no matter what the reaction of the Jidao Martial Arts Academy, Lord Martial Saint will naturally block everything for you and keep you and your family safe and sound.

What Lord Wusheng sees is just your attitude.

Why do I suggest that, but I still don't understand? "

Zhao Kangtai looked at Lu Sheng, who was sitting quietly on the side, sighing and sighing: "After all, you are going the wrong way… Wrong way…

Lu Sheng, when you look back in the future, you will definitely regret it.



Lu Sheng turned a blind eye to everything around him, and concentrated on feeling his own changes.

"Great benefits…"

Even Lu Sheng himself didn't think that he could get so many benefits just by climbing a mountain and screaming.

"The empty state has entered the second stage, a deeper level. The boxing technique controlled by the three realms breaks through the four realms….

Also, what is this? "

Most of Lu Sheng's attention was on the gray roulette in his mind that represented his Shiquan Master Dao.

At this time, the gray roulette wheel has some wonderful changes from before.

In the center of the gray roulette wheel, there is an additional pattern of a long whale stepping on a white wave.

It is like a pattern printed on the surface of the roulette, and it complements the imagery of the will of several great masters, similar but different.

"This is…."

Lu Sheng tried to mobilize the power of the long whale pattern, and the sound of the long whale neighing suddenly sounded in his mind, and then a majestic power like a huge wave emerged from the limbs.

Although he didn't take action, Lu Sheng could also estimate—

That is more majestic and terrifying than he used twenty-five times the power of the stars!

"The power of the whale! Or…"

The light in Lu Sheng's eyes flickered, burning like a diamond.

"It's the power of martial arts!"

The ninth-level Martial Saint, the will of martial arts is transformed into the law of martial arts.

With every gesture, the natural might of the heavens and the earth is mobilized, and he can easily exert a terrifying power that is ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times that of an eighth-level grandmaster.

This is what Lu Sheng just realized.

Previously, he only knew that the Martial Saint was very strong, but he didn't know how the 9th-level Martial Saint was stronger than the 8th and 7th-level.

Now, he knows.

"In the final analysis, the "Natural Breathing Method" is actually very powerful. It can even absorb the remaining Martial Saint Qi machine for hundreds of years.

To say it is absorption, it is better to say it is rubbing.

The Zhoufu Haiwu Holy Qi machine left in the Cumulus Mountain still exists. Lu Sheng just activated all of them, and then copied a copy to his gray roulette.

"I always felt that the "Natural Breathing Method" was too different from the other two eleventh-level exercises.

In fact, it's not, it's just that I haven't really understood the mystery of "Natural Breathing"…"

Even now, Lu Sheng has only experienced a little bit of depth.

"Natural Breathing Method" is too mysterious, unlike martial arts and immortal cultivation, all kinds of ideas and methods are incredible.

"Obtaining the great power of the divine whale, if you meet a great master in the future, you will be able to grasp it a bit more…"

Lu Sheng raised his eyes and scanned the field.

His raised eyes immediately alerted some of the people in the field who had been watching him closely.

Two of them are extremely domineering, full of aggressiveness and provocation, and eager to fight.

Lu Sheng glanced at it and saw the words of Jidao Martial Arts Hall in his eyes.

His eyes did not stop on the two fools who provoked him, but on a strange and familiar middle-aged man led by the Jidao Martial Arts Academy.

Unfamiliar because Lu Sheng saw this person for the first time.

Familiar because Lu Sheng had seen this person many times in photos.

"Lian Jibei, he really led the team…"

Lu Sheng thought lightly and didn't look at the other party for too long.

The gaze continued to shift and fell on a person in the sponsor's position.

It's actually pretty easy to find.

Under the radiation of the seventh-level spiritual power, the breath of everyone on the entire platform is clear in Lu Sheng's eyes.

The energy and blood of ordinary warriors are like fire balls, the master-level powerhouses are like furnaces, and the black-haired and child-like old man Lu Sheng was looking at at this time…

It is a round of burning, radiating light and heat all the time… the sun!

This is the first person Lu Sheng saw after the completion of the second stage of the Immortal Golden Body, and his blood was stronger than himself.

Eighth-level Grandmaster!

"If I face him, what are the odds of winning?"

Lu Sheng estimated in his heart.

The result is…

"It's only 30% at most, and this has to be within one minute of being in the state of Valkyrie. I can make sure to kill him completely…

Otherwise, it will be difficult to say once the time has passed.


Lu Sheng thought calmly, "If I break through the Grandmaster, Qi and Blood will condense, and the Grandmaster's force field will be generated.

Then enter the state of the god of war.

This eighth-level grandmaster will be beaten to death by me in less than twenty seconds. "

On the way here, Lu Sheng was still a little unconfident about the eighth-level grandmaster, but now I can see it with my own eyes, and I have a comparison of combat power.

He also unexpectedly obtained the power of the divine whale.

So confidence is back.

With a strong strength as a foundation, Lu Sheng paid less attention to the extreme martial arts hall.

He sat quietly in the chair.

The warriors on the entire platform are gearing up to stimulate their fighting spirit, cultivate their fighting spirit, and prepare for the upcoming martial arts conference.

What they want to pursue is to compete with the strong in the next martial arts conference, sharpen their martial arts, enhance their background and vision, and break through to a higher and stronger level.

But Lu Sheng is different.

Lu Sheng was just waiting quietly.

Waiting for things to happen step by step according to the script he personally wrote.

If someone doesn't want to cooperate…

"Then kill them all."

Lu Sheng thought with calm eyes.