

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 222

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 222

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

222. Thousands of waves gather, hundreds of whales roar! 2

"Senior brother, I still have spare energy, why don't I rush up in one breath?"

The girl was puzzled and asked while adjusting her breathing.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "It's your first time to Wusheng Mountain, and you don't understand some of the rules. I just took this opportunity to tell you."

"Rules, what rules? Are there rules for climbing a mountain?"

The girl looked up with surprise on her face and looked down.

They are now standing close to one-third of the top of the mountain. Tourists are prohibited from walking. There are clouds and mists all around, and the stone steps are steeply upward.

Even if there is no ban, it is not ordinary people, and even ordinary warriors can climb up.

"From us up to the top of the mountain, there are five stone steps in total.."

The middle-aged man glanced around, pointed to the vast clouds and said: "But you are shrouded in clouds and you can't see it.

These five stone steps are called the way of ascending the sky, which means ascending to the sky in one step.

More than 200 years ago, Zhou Fuhai, the great master of martial arts in the Dragon Kingdom, achieved an unprecedented level of ninth-level martial arts here.

Open up a road to the sky for future generations…"


The ponytail girl couldn't help interrupting the middle-aged man, "I know if you can focus on your words. Do you know what my dad usually says about you?

Everything is fine, just talking and chirping, acting like a mother-in-law, not like a man…"

A black line appeared on the middle-aged man's forehead, "I want you to recover some more physical strength, you still think I'm long-winded.

Okay, I'll just pick the key points for you. "

"Back then, Senior Zhou Fuhai was refining his body with the fire of the sky, quenching his body in the sky, feeling the world and becoming a Martial Saint.

So that the entire Wusheng Mountain still has his Wusheng Qi machine.

All warriors with bone age under thirty come here, if their talent is strong enough, their qi and blood are strong enough, and their luck is good enough…

After walking the Heavenly Dao in one breath, it is possible to arouse the Martial Dao Qi machine left by Senior Zhou Fuhai here, forming an extremely rare spectacle. "

The ponytail girl's beautiful eyes lit up and quickly asked, "What vision?"

The middle-aged man was thinking about how to describe it.

At this moment, a long roar suddenly came from the top of the mountain.

Under this whistle, the cloud and mist around the top of the mountain was pulled by an inexplicable aura, and it rolled layer by layer, showing a vision like a surging wave.

Not only that, but the two even faintly heard "huahuahua".

It is like the sound of a big wave rolling over and hitting the reef.

This scene was quite strange and shocking. The ponytail girl was shocked all of a sudden, and she couldn't help but exclaim.


"Yes, this is the vision."

The middle-aged man said: "The clouds and mists roll over, and the waves hit the reefs. Those who can trigger such a vision and become a grandmaster in the future are estimated to be guaranteed…"

Before the middle-aged man could finish speaking, another long whistle sounded.

The clouds and mist on the top of the mountain were even more surging, and the sound of the rushing waves became louder.

Two long whistles were like a fuse, and then more long whistles sounded one after another.

It was almost impossible to tell which long whistle caused the vision.

You can only see that the clouds and mist are surging, and the sound of the waves is better than a while.

It seems that it is not in the clouds at this time, but on the coast of the East China Sea, on the reefs, watching the surging waves…

"That is, the National University Student Martial Arts Conference can have such a grand scene. Too many martial arts elites, dragons and phoenixes gather here…

It's more exaggerated than the previous editions I attended…"

The middle-aged man said with a moving expression.

At this moment, three long howls suddenly sounded in no particular order at the same time.

These three long whistles were like sharp swords piercing through the air, and at the moment of the sound, they suppressed all the previous long whistles.

Large swaths of clouds and mist rolled up and gathered into waves, making a majestic sound like a big wave hitting a reef in the sea of clouds.

The middle-aged man's pupils shrank, and he blurted out: "Junior sister, now you will be blessed."

The ponytail girl hasn't figured out the meaning of the middle-aged man's sentence, and she will see it in the next second…

Among the surging clouds and waves, the three heads were completely composed of clouds and mist, and the huge and majestic white long whales slowly appeared.

Three white long whales appeared on three sides of the mountain respectively, their huge mouths opened slightly, and white ripples visible to the naked eye exploded in the clouds, sweeping the sea of clouds.


An indescribable sound of grandeur.

It gives people a feeling that the elephant is invisible and the sound is loud.

The ponytail girl was completely stunned, staring at the top of the mountain with her beautiful eyes wide open.

The shocking scene of the clouds rolling over and the long whale neighing was full of shock and amazement on his face.

The three long whistles were continuous, one louder than the other, and the next one pressed down.

The three white giant whales also roared continuously, swaying their heads and tails, and the three sides stood upright and competed with each other.

"Big waves hit the reef, beluga whales roar… This highest-level vision, three appeared in one breath! Good guy, really good guy…"

The middle-aged man couldn't stop exclaiming and made a tsk tsk sound.

The ponytail girl turned her head and asked with a look of shock and curiosity: "Senior brother, what does the highest-level vision mean?"

"The martial arts talents under the age of 30 attack the Wusheng Mountain to ascend the heavenly way, and those with extraordinary talents can involve the Wusheng Qi machine and trigger the cloud and mist phenomenon.

However, this vision is also divided into high and low strength according to the amount of energized qi.

The cloudy waves are just the most common, and further up, it is the spectacular scene of the big waves hitting the reef and the long whales neighing. "

"What does it mean to be able to provoke such a vision?"

The ponytail girl asked subconsciously.

"Since the appearance of Wusheng Mountain, there have been no more than 100 people who can induce the long whale vision, among which there are more than 20 eighth-level grandmasters and four Wusheng-level powerhouses…"

The middle-aged man looked at the ponytail girl, pointed to the direction of the top of the mountain, and said with a serious expression, "What do you mean?

This means that there are at least three… Sons of Heaven's Chosen who may become 'Wu Sheng Powerhouse' in the future on the top of the mountain! "


The ponytail girl took a breath and reached out to cover her mouth.

"Senior brother, are you saying that there may be three…three Martial Saints in this martial arts conference?"

The middle-aged man said speechlessly: "I didn't say that, I just have the appearance of a Martial Saint, not necessarily a Martial Saint.

But this is amazing enough, under the age of 30, you can see the hope of hitting the Martial Saint.

Others… have not even a trace of hope. "

"oh oh."

The ponytail girl suddenly became excited in the next second.

"Senior brother, I want to try it too. Maybe the whole whale will come out…"

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, "Try it, you don't need to force it, not everyone can whistle when they rush to the sky. It involves blood, breathing, and qi…"

"Senior brother, you are really long-winded."

The ponytail girl was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, and was ready to climb to the top.


A sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded in the ear.

Like the sound of a sharp arrow cutting through the sky.

The voice came from below them, from far to near.

The ponytail girl and the middle-aged man subconsciously looked at the sound.

Just a glance.

The pupils of the two suddenly shrank.

On the stone steps of the mountain road they had walked before, a figure quickly attacked upwards.

The speed of this figure is too fast.

It was almost impossible for the two of them to capture the specific appearance of each other.

You can only see that the clouds and mists lingering on the stone steps continue to separate to both sides, revealing a path of vacuum.

It was like a pair of sharp scissors slicing quickly across the snow-white cloth.


The wind blows through.

The two of them had a flower in front of them, and they only felt as if something passed by them.

Turn your head sharply.

On the way to the sky, the figure rushed forward at an unbelievable speed.

The ponytail girl opened her eyes wide and murmured with a shocked expression: "Senior brother… This person's speed is really good…"

The word "fast" in the girl's mouth has not been uttered.

The figure has reached the top.

next breath.

The clouds and mist on the top of the mountain suddenly swayed outwards, and huge white cloud circles spread out.

A sound like a dragon's roar and a tiger's roar rose straight into the sky.

Invisible sound wave diffusion.

Under this sound wave, the vast sea of clouds exploded.

Clouds and mists piled up on each other like boiling…

After a short moment….

An unimaginable majestic scene quietly appeared.

The ponytail girl and the middle-aged man who saw this scene suddenly buzzed and fell into a blank space.


Lu Sheng stepped up.

At the beginning, his speed was not very fast, and he just climbed freely.

But as he left a person behind, the noise in his ears faded away.

On the stone steps, the clouds and mists are thickening, and it is difficult to see people.

Looking around, the valley is quiet, and the mountains and birds are absolutely empty.

Looking up, you can only see the outline of the giant peak surrounded by clouds and mists.

An inexplicable feeling came from the bottom of Lu Sheng's heart.

At this moment, it was as if he was the only one left in the whole world.

The world is independent.

Natural Breathing works naturally.

Lu Sheng seemed to have caught something, and thoughtfully, the pace under his feet became faster and faster.

He did not use the breath of the wind, nor did he use the Four Realms Body Technique.

Just simple, in the most simple and unpretentious way.

"Natural Breathing" runs more smoothly and at a faster speed.

In the end, Lu Sheng fell into a wonderful state.

It seems that he is not running the "Natural Breathing Method", but the "Natural Breathing Method" is actively pulling him, soaring.

Lu Sheng felt that his breathing was getting longer and longer and more strange.

His mental power naturally let go, and it blended with everything around him.

He saw people at the foot of Cumulus Mountain, and saw the old students of the Seventh Holy Martial University on the stone steps on the mountainside trying to climb up.

I saw two people, a man and a woman, resting and talking near the top of the mountain.

I also saw a famous and bloody young man on the top platform screaming from the neck.

There are also birds in the mountains, wild deer running, squirrels jumping…

The entire Cumulus Mountain was in his eyes.

Viewing mountains and rivers is like viewing palm patterns.

Unconsciously, Lu Sheng pierced Yunxia and reached the top of the mountain.

Some looked at him.

Lu Sheng ignored it, only felt a sullen breath in his chest.

He opened his mouth slightly and spit out a sound like a sword.

In an instant.

With Lu Sheng as the center, the clouds around the top of the mountain exploded.

Countless clouds and mists surged into waves, and the shadows of giant giants swam out of the sea of clouds.

All the voices were drowned out by Lu Sheng's whistling.

this moment…

Thousands of waves gather.

Hundred whales… in unison!


There are only three shifts today, I ran outside for a day during the day, and I have something to go out at night, sorry~.