
Living with my secret

I couldn't cope with the thought of losing the two people who mattered most to me, they were everything to me. I just couldn't beat the pain, so I locked myself up in my room for days and refused to go out. Sometimes I feel like I see them and talk to them. And other times, I just have this weird dream that scares me but I couldn't explain it to anyone not even my aunt. Who cries every night that she doesn't want to lose me. My aunt tried to make me meet different therapists, but I refused to leave my room. After about a year, there was still no changes in me, my aunt made arrangements for us to move to Australia, it wasn't easy for any of us but my aunt thought my change of environment would help me forget about my friends. My friends parents were in great pain and I told my aunt I would like to pay them a visit before I finally left California. I went to lilly's house first and what I saw shocked me, I saw Lilly's mum lying on the ground in the midst of alcohol bottles. I couldn't blame her.....Lilly was the only companion she had. I just turned back and went straight to Ashley's house, her parents were already outside and the minute they saw me they turned to go back inside. "Please wait, I have something to say"I said. "We don't want to listen to whatever you have to say, you killed our daughter" Ashley's mum said and broke down in tears. I turned and started running back home and I had different thoughts running through my head. "Why am I still alive??" "why did I not die with them??". I cried all the way back home and my aunt and I took the next available flight to Australia. read to know more.

belle_33 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


My first day at school didn't go as expected but I hoped for a new beginning as time goes on....

For the first two weeks, school was going smoothly and I thought everything was alright. Even those two seniors at cheerleading were out of my hair or should I say they ignored me.

*****Two and half weeks past****

One sunny thursday after recess as usual I felt really weird and decided to go to the bathroom..

As soon as I got in I washed my face and leaned on the wall, trying to catch my breath because I was breathing really fast and I had no idea why. I was still there when those two seniors walked in they looked in my direction but I wasn't sure of that because they ignored me, but I became curious when they stood right beside me and started talking about me...it felt funny....I didn't want to believe that my dream was becoming a reality.....but I just brushed it off....it can't be true..."they were just ignoring me right??" I asked myself but I wasn't sure of the answer. The two seniors left and I walked out of the bathroom and went straight to class...although I was still thinking of what had happened but I wasn't really bothered...it was just a dream.....

I went home as usual and my aunt was out doing some random shopping...I didn't sleee in the afternoon again for the fear of having nightmares or should I say afternoon mares, of course I slept at night but the dreams were less disturbing then...I wonder why....or maybe because when I sleep at night I think of nothing else but my favorite movies. That afternoon I tried to do a lot of things and by the time I was done I was exhausted....so I gave sleep a chance.....well I had my afternoon mare but it was something different entirely.....

I have always seen my friends talking to me but I wouldn't know why or what they were saying but that afternoon I heard it clearly.

"Hay.....you have to find the killer....the killer...and save your....."that was all and I jumped up from my sleep....I didn't even know what they meant by the killer.....they died in that accident right? it wasn't planned right? I asked myself over and over again.

But no one was there to give me any answers, I couldn't even tell my aunt because I didn't want her to start worrying about me.

So I just kept it to myself and prayed that things will fall into place.

I am not really a religious person but my parents always made me pray because they were really religious.....now that I think about it I wonder why God didn't save them from the car crash and surprisingly I only started praying after my parents death.

The dream only came once in a while but the words were not as clear as that afternoon, so I had some sleep full nights and I try to appear as happy as I can, so that my aunt won't have to worry about me.

I went to school as usual but this time we were practicing to cheer for the upcoming football match between our school and another school. I went to the practice spot as usual and I was told something that left me speechless.

"Hayden, you will be leading the cheerleaders in next week game.....you really have a talent, so this is your chance to prove your leadership..." The leading senior told me and for a minute, I couldn't talk, I just stared at her, they used to hate me, so why the sudden change. I just shrugged it off, but I had a bad feeling about whatever was going to happen.

Days went into weeks and the day for the match finally came.

We were all excited.

I was even more excited because I got to be the leader, the match was about to start and we had to go out, I took a deep breath and called the rest of the cheerleaders, I had no idea those seniors were with us...

We started off pretty well with our cartwheels and all sorts but half way someone suddenly pushed me and I fell flat faced on the ground and I was surprised because the others were still standing firm....so I knew it was no mistake, I became a laughing stock to the whole school but I managed to run to the locker room and I cried my eyes out...I had sustain some injury when I fell....so I Cleaned it and kept a bandage on it.

I was on my way out when I met these really good looking guy.....he was coming from the boys locker room which was opposite ours, he looked familiar but I couldn't point out where I have seen him....

"Hey, there cutie"he said and I tried to look around for someone else but I was the only one standing there.

"I was talking to you, why are you looking back?....well I am Noah and you?"he said and smiled.

That name rang a bell, then I remembered, he was the prom king back in high school.....what was he doing in Australia. He started giving me funny faces and I realized that I haven't told him my name.

"Ooh, sorry, I zoned off a bit, my name is hayden...jones"I said and I watched his reaction to see if he remembered me but he was so cool with it like he had never seen me before. I wonder why...

"So, I was thinking if you want to talk about what happened on the field, I am all hears.....and before you think I was stalking you, you just looked like you needed help". He said and stared at me as if he was Reading my mind.

"Thank for the offer but I am doing just fine" I said and walked off, I took my bag and headed home. But one thing was on my mind"why did he pretend not to know me, I might not be good with boys but FCOL I was his prom queen"...wait did I say his.....oh no!

P.s: FCOL: for crying out loud.

what do you think made Noah pretend not to know Hayden? please make your suggestion in the comment box.

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