
Living with my secret

I couldn't cope with the thought of losing the two people who mattered most to me, they were everything to me. I just couldn't beat the pain, so I locked myself up in my room for days and refused to go out. Sometimes I feel like I see them and talk to them. And other times, I just have this weird dream that scares me but I couldn't explain it to anyone not even my aunt. Who cries every night that she doesn't want to lose me. My aunt tried to make me meet different therapists, but I refused to leave my room. After about a year, there was still no changes in me, my aunt made arrangements for us to move to Australia, it wasn't easy for any of us but my aunt thought my change of environment would help me forget about my friends. My friends parents were in great pain and I told my aunt I would like to pay them a visit before I finally left California. I went to lilly's house first and what I saw shocked me, I saw Lilly's mum lying on the ground in the midst of alcohol bottles. I couldn't blame her.....Lilly was the only companion she had. I just turned back and went straight to Ashley's house, her parents were already outside and the minute they saw me they turned to go back inside. "Please wait, I have something to say"I said. "We don't want to listen to whatever you have to say, you killed our daughter" Ashley's mum said and broke down in tears. I turned and started running back home and I had different thoughts running through my head. "Why am I still alive??" "why did I not die with them??". I cried all the way back home and my aunt and I took the next available flight to Australia. read to know more.

belle_33 · Fantasy
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I couldn't cope with the thought of losing the two people who mattered most to me, they were everything to me. I just couldn't beat the pain, so I locked myself up in my room for days and refused to go out. Sometimes I feel like I see them and talk to them.

And other times, I just have this weird dream that scares me but I couldn't explain it to anyone not even my aunt.

Who cries every night that she doesn't want to lose me.

My aunt tried to make me meet different therapists, but I refused to leave my room.

After about a year, there was still no changes in me, my aunt made arrangements for us to move to Australia, it wasn't easy for any of us but my aunt thought my change of environment would help me forget about my friends. My friends parents were in great pain and I told my aunt I would like to pay them a visit before I finally left California. I went to lilly's house first and what I saw shocked me, I saw Lilly's mum lying on the ground in the midst of alcohol bottles. I couldn't blame her.....Lilly was the only companion she had. I just turned back and went straight to Ashley's house, her parents were already outside and the minute they saw me they turned to go back inside.

"Please wait, I have something to say"I said.

"We don't want to listen to whatever you have to say, you killed our daughter" Ashley's mum said and broke down in tears.

I turned and started running back home and I had different thoughts running through my head.

"Why am I still alive??" "why did I not die with them??".

I cried all the way back home and my aunt and I took the next available flight to Australia.

On our arrival, we stayed in a hotel, we weren't very rich but we had more than enough money due to my aunt's business. We stayed in the hotel for a week before we finally moved to our new house.

We moved during summer, so my aunt did not bother me about school...I was to be in college as a freshman. Few months later, summer was over, by then I was getting used to being in a new environment, so I told my aunt that I would like to go to school. She agreed with me and enrolled me in one of the college in Australia.

****** ****** College ***** *******

My first day in college didn't go as expected for me. I had first gone to the wrong class which was full of annoying set of students who happen to be seniors. I apologized and went straight to where I was supposed to be. When I entered, as expected everyone was staring at me, but I walked to an empty seat close to the window and sat down. The class kicked off and we had subjects like normal students, after about four hours into the classes, the bell for recess was jingled and this time we have to pick either: swimming, cheerleading, football, hockey or volleyball...I have always had a great passion for cheerleading, so I went with cheerleading. I tried very hard to act like a normal student, I went to the cheerleading spot and went to the seniors.

"Excuse me please, my name is Hayden Jones and I will love to be part of the cheerleaders" I said and one of the seniors whom I later found out was in charge turned to face me.

"You think because you said your name and interest we will just allow you to be a cheerleader?? Don't you see your mates over there doing their auditions??"she said and I just nodded my head and went to join the others.

The auditions went well and I was so surprised at my skills because I haven't done any cheerleading for Years. They started removing and choosing, and finally it was time for me and the person who performed before me.

They whispered to each other before they finally choose me, but they also choose the other girl, I wouldn't know why.

After everything I started feeling really tired, so I left for the locker room. While I was there I overhear the conversation between the seniors who choose me.

"Who does that little thing named Hayden or whatever think she is, does she think she can just come from nowhere and take my position....with her skills....."one of them said.

"I actually choose her in other to disgrace her in the front of the entire school" the other senior said.

I don't even have any idea of what I did to them, that day was just my first and I already have enemies. "I don't think am going to survive"I thought to myself.

I left the locker room and went straight to class, after school session was over I went home. I kept on thinking of what they were saying.

"Why would they want to disgrace me, I don't even know them" I thought to myself.

When I got home, I saw my aunt's note saying she had gone to get a few things we will need. I went to my room and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I kept having a particular nightmare over and over again...in that nightmare, I was being chased and all of a sudden I became invisible.....I know it sounds ridiculous but I kept having that same nightmare.

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