
Living with my secret

I couldn't cope with the thought of losing the two people who mattered most to me, they were everything to me. I just couldn't beat the pain, so I locked myself up in my room for days and refused to go out. Sometimes I feel like I see them and talk to them. And other times, I just have this weird dream that scares me but I couldn't explain it to anyone not even my aunt. Who cries every night that she doesn't want to lose me. My aunt tried to make me meet different therapists, but I refused to leave my room. After about a year, there was still no changes in me, my aunt made arrangements for us to move to Australia, it wasn't easy for any of us but my aunt thought my change of environment would help me forget about my friends. My friends parents were in great pain and I told my aunt I would like to pay them a visit before I finally left California. I went to lilly's house first and what I saw shocked me, I saw Lilly's mum lying on the ground in the midst of alcohol bottles. I couldn't blame her.....Lilly was the only companion she had. I just turned back and went straight to Ashley's house, her parents were already outside and the minute they saw me they turned to go back inside. "Please wait, I have something to say"I said. "We don't want to listen to whatever you have to say, you killed our daughter" Ashley's mum said and broke down in tears. I turned and started running back home and I had different thoughts running through my head. "Why am I still alive??" "why did I not die with them??". I cried all the way back home and my aunt and I took the next available flight to Australia. read to know more.

belle_33 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


A lot was really on my mind as I walked home, but there was nothing I could do about it. Is it possible that Noah couldn't remember me? . I got home and as usual my aunt wasn't back from wherever she had gone to.

I ripped off the band aid for my injury and surprisingly the Injury had cleared....I was really shocked.

I went to the mirror to see if I had grown horns on my head...I was starting to feel like a monster. Being invisible and injuries clearing magically weren't things that happened to normal human beings.

I felt like I was in some sort of movie or something. I just couldn't explain anything that was happening to me to anyone because they'd think I'm crazy.

I tried to sleep, but as usual, my nightmares kept me awake. By the the time my aunt was back, she met me panting and sweating in my room.

She already knew about my nightmares but not about the strange things happening to me.

The following day, my aunt had called the school that I would be absent from school for that day. I just stayed at home and did irrelevant things to take my mind off the situation I was in and to assure my aunt that I was perfectly okay (okay not perfectly).

The following day I was back in school and not much has changed, except for the fact that I wasn't the number one topic in school. I went about my school work as usual and after lunch I went to my class  to get some books, it was my free period, so I decided to spend it at the library. On getting there, I settled down to read my book and a piece of paper fell from one of my books, I pick it up and it had a scribbled message:

"Hey dear, you might be wondering who I am, but that's not important right now, just meet me at the locker room after school hours.

Yours truly."

It almost felt like I knew who it came from but at the same time I had no idea. I guess I'll just have to find out.

*****     ****    ****      ******     ***** 

After school hours, I went to the locker room. I wasn't sure which, so I just went straight to the girls locker room. On getting there I met Noah standing casually in front of the lockers.

"hey" I said awkwardly.

"hey, Hayden...how you doing?"  he asked.

"I'm good, but what are you doing in the girl's locker room?"

"I'm actually here to see you, I sent you the note. I hope you don't think I'm a creep or anything."

"No, not at all. So why did you want to see me?" I asked, then I looked around and realized we were alone in the locker room.

We didn't really know each other, so being alone with him probably wasn't the best idea. So I started moving towards the door but he also started walking towards me, I froze in my steps because I wasn't sure of what to do. After moving a little closer to me he stopped and I released the breathe I had no idea I was holding.

"Hey, I just wanted to make sure you are alright after what happened on the field" he said.

"Oh that, I'm totally fine" I answered trying not to sound scared.

"I'm glad to know you're alright" he said and walked away from the locker room.

I just stood there trying to process everything that had just happened. I get the fact that he actually cares but I don't understand how he can't recognize me, or why he had to meet me in private.

After I had gathered my thoughts, I turned to walk out of the locker room, but I came to face with my worst nightmare, the two seniors on the cheering squad. I really hope they didn't see Noah leaving the locker room.

Hey, what are you doing here?" One of them asked.

"I-----I came to get something from my locker" I stutter, trying to sound geniue.

"Okay, but why do you look so scared.

"Scared?" I scuffed and with that I walked out of the locker room.

I made sure I had walked far away from the locker room, before I stopped to catch my breath. "I'm so glad they didn't see Noah leaving the locker room". I made my way to my class to gather my things and went home.

On getting home, this time around my aunt was around, I just said my greetings and went straight to my room. My aunt came to my room a few minutes later and she looked really worried.

"Aunt what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Hay, I just received a contract" she said.

"That's great news and I'm happy for you, but why do you look so worried? That's not a very good expression for being happy" I said and laughed, But she still wasn't laughing.

"I have to leave town for a few days and I'm really worried about leaving you" she said.

"Aunt, you really don't have to worry about anything, I'm very okay and I'm trying to get through everyday, it's not easy but I'm trying. I wouldn't want you to reject that contract because of me".

"Will you be fine on your own?" She asked still looking very worried.

"I'm not a kid anymore, I'm eighteen now and that makes me a legal adult, so I'll be totally fine aunt, I'll be sure to call you if anything happens." I said trying to assure her.

"Okay, I'll be leaving tomorrow and I won't be back until Monday and since today is Wednesday, I'll be back in five days." She looked a little relieved since I assured her that I was going to be fine.

She left my room and then I tried to rest a little and surprisingly I didn't have any nightmare (afternoon mare).

Another chapter finally up....

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