
Living with my secret

I couldn't cope with the thought of losing the two people who mattered most to me, they were everything to me. I just couldn't beat the pain, so I locked myself up in my room for days and refused to go out. Sometimes I feel like I see them and talk to them. And other times, I just have this weird dream that scares me but I couldn't explain it to anyone not even my aunt. Who cries every night that she doesn't want to lose me. My aunt tried to make me meet different therapists, but I refused to leave my room. After about a year, there was still no changes in me, my aunt made arrangements for us to move to Australia, it wasn't easy for any of us but my aunt thought my change of environment would help me forget about my friends. My friends parents were in great pain and I told my aunt I would like to pay them a visit before I finally left California. I went to lilly's house first and what I saw shocked me, I saw Lilly's mum lying on the ground in the midst of alcohol bottles. I couldn't blame her.....Lilly was the only companion she had. I just turned back and went straight to Ashley's house, her parents were already outside and the minute they saw me they turned to go back inside. "Please wait, I have something to say"I said. "We don't want to listen to whatever you have to say, you killed our daughter" Ashley's mum said and broke down in tears. I turned and started running back home and I had different thoughts running through my head. "Why am I still alive??" "why did I not die with them??". I cried all the way back home and my aunt and I took the next available flight to Australia. read to know more.

belle_33 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Ashley, lilly and I became best of friends till twelveth grade....

Being in the last year of high school I felt on top of the world. As usual we still go shopping and go to clubs on Friday.

But I was a different person emotionally...I forgot all my worries for that period of our friendship, they made me feel loved again and I was so happy thinking it would never end.

School session was going to an end and we had prom coming up to celebrate the end of high school.

My friends each got a prom date and since I was not interested they tried to hook me up with different types of guys but every hook up failed. But after so much grumble from my friends, I decided to go to prom with one guy whose name I don't remember.

We went for shopping, bought clothes , shoes and all sorts of things needed for the prom. I bought a royal blue sleeveless body hug cocktail dress, while lilly and Ashley bought black long sleeved dinner dresses with low backs.

The day we were all waiting for finally arrived. I walked into the schools grand hall with my prom date. Lilly and Ashley followed behind with their dates. I saw how much everyone was having fun, but they still turned when we entered the hall. We did a lot of things and we danced a lot, and finally it was time to announce the prom king and queen. The principal walked to the stage and took out the votes.

"The prom king for tonight's prom iiiissssss Noah O'Conner"the principal said and the students cheered him. I saw one guy walking out of the crowd to the stage, my friends were freaking out behind me just because of him.....and I have to admit, he was handsome but I had no interest in guys...

"Our prom queen for tonight's prom is Hayden Jones"the principal said and for a minute, I wasn't sure what was going on until my friends pushed me forward....I was soooo happy, I walked to the stage and collected my crown.

I was terribly happy and I told Ashley and Lilly that instead of going to the club as usual, we should go for a drive in the car my aunt bought for me since I had a driver's license. They both agreed and I never knew that I was going to loose my friends, I would have agreed with them to go to the club.

After the prom....

Lily, Ashley and I went straight home for change of clothes.

We jumped into the car and started our life ending drive. We were so happy, so we turned our music to the loudest volume and cruised our way around California...we were few meters from our favorite club when we saw a heavy duty truck coming our way...there was nothing we could do and boom!!!!! Everything went black.

Five months later....

"Hayden are you okay.....????" My aunt asked me with tears in her eyes.

I just stare at her not being able to comprehend everything that was going on around me. I tried to sit up but I couldn't, I tried to move but I couldn't either. I felt like I was stuck to the bed.

"What happened??"I managed to say.

My aunt just told me to stay still that everything was going to be fine, after that I slept off.

Few weeks later.....

After the doctor had checked on me.

"How is she doing??" My aunt asked the doctor and he said I was responding to treatment and will be discharged soon.

My aunt thanked him and he left the room. My aunt faced me and started crying and saying all sort of rubbish.

"I thought I was going to loose you forever, I didn't know what to do, so I prayed and hopped for a miracle to happen."my aunt rambled on about what I don't understand. Then she came to sit beside me and started telling me what happened.

After the accident had happened....

According to my aunt, my friends and I were in our pool of blood when they got to the scene. My friends and I had lost a lot of blood, we were rushed to the hospital and they started operation on me immediately because according to her an iron had pierced my left leg. The operation was successful but I refused to wake up the doctors were about to give up on me but all of a sudden, I opened my eyes but did not speak. After about four months into comma, I started moving my fingers but without talking. I only started talking after five months. After the narration, I was quiet, I still couldn't remember anything, so I asked her one question that was bothering me.

"What about my friend?" I asked her and she looked away, I could see tears in her eyes but I didn't know why.

"Theee.....doctors...couldn't...save them..."my aunt said and broke into tears again.

Then all of a sudden, the memories of that night came rushing into my brain. I remembered clearly that I was the one driving, when we saw the truck coming, we were on the high way so there was nothing we could do. Everything went black but I could hear the sirens like it was in my head....I felt like I was sinking into nowhere, I could hear my aunt crying and begging me to wake up but the more I tried, the more I sank. Then I saw Lilly and Ashley walking in clouds, I called them but they only waved at me and told me to go back. I opened my eyes and I thought I had a terrible dream until my aunt told me all this. I fell unconscious again for a few hours before I finally woke up.....I still didn't believe my friends were gone, so my aunt suggested that we leave California or whatever may remind me of my friends.

Sometimes I would scream from my sleep or even start talking to myself. My aunt became very worried and decided that we move to Australia as soon as possible. It wasn't easy for my aunt who was also a widow but she loved me more than anything in the world.

When I woke up from comma, I felt very different but I wasn't sure what it was all about.

If you haven't read my first story "Revolving in circles" you really have to read it. It might not be interesting at first but am putting a lot of effort into writing it.

And lastly don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter...also leave your suggestion in the review section.

What do you think made Hayden feel different?

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