
Living to live

CONTINUING IN FEBRUARY 2024! you know the drill this story is my take on the magical apocalypse with a decent person as the main character. I've gotten sick of these stories with interesting premises and characters, having edge lord and sometimes perverted MCs that make decisions I struggle to comprehend so I decided to throw my gauntlet in the race and try and create something I like. not everyone will like this story and honestly I don't care if you don't like it write your own like I am, I don't promise excellent writing or steady updates but I promise to give my best and try my best to give a story worth putting in your collection. premise description: Julio is not an orphan he just hates his parents he was born in a militaristic state the story starts 3 months after the beginning of the magical awakening where every person was given a system. an influx of new creatures and evolving animals along with a breakdown of established hierarchical structures has led to an apocalyptic scenario. the story starts picking up and getting more action around chapter 6. character review: Julio is not sociopathic or generally a horrible person he cares for those close to him and himself just because he isn't a paragon of virtue doesn't mean he is a cynical idiot. that being said he can be absolutely brutal to anyone and everyone who gets on his bad side if this was an enemies to lovers the lover would be dead because Julio is so petty. I didn't give him any cheats except immaculate plot armour lol. other: romance, no harem (having 2 love interests/partners doesn't make something a harem), no mpreg(no males getting pregnant anyway), not erotica but later there will probably be very descriptive 'adult' scenes. this story is not suitable for young eyes granted it will probably not be that intense from chapter to chapter but if you care about content warnings this is it I'm not going to shy away from things.

_Jacky_writer · Fantasy
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9 Chs

weird kid

I almost burst out laughing and I actually thought about making him a sandwich but I realised something and spoke.

"Ummm I can't make you a sandwich any bread would be mouldy by now if you want food I'm sure there is something in the nearby apartments"

He shook his head and spoke.

"No I ate it"

A bit surprising but if he has been living here by himself for over two months it makes sense he has exhausted his food supply.

I looked into the kitchen and all the bottom shelves were empty... wait only bottom shelves?

I hobbled my way into the kitchen and opened a cupboard door which was even high for me granted I wasn't a very tall guy.

Inside was a bunch of confectionery like chips and chocolate I looked at the kid chuckled and tossed him a bag of plain chips.

His eyes glistened and I'm pretty sure he drooled but he couldn't get the bag open.

He looked at me and spoke.


I took the bag and opened it and gave it back, how could a kid who could kill a monster so easily not open a bag or manage to get a top shelf open?

He was happily eating on the couch and the pain in my leg became apparent and I really hopped that Nil's group had a healer or medical professional.

I took a moment to enjoy the comfort of being inside a house it was dark because the curtains were shut and the lights didn't work but it still felt good.

I spoke.

"Hey kid wanna come with me?"

I didn't bother asking if anyone was here looking after him I could tell he hadn't eaten in a few days and the grime covering his body reflected his neglected state.

He looked at me and spoke.

"If I go can we find my mum? She works at B-345 second division"

From my understanding the military to some degree still functioned in some capacity so there is a good chance his mother is alive.

"I can't promise but we can try after my leg gets all better"

He appeared to be in deep thought but he spoke.

"Okay I'm lonely anyway"

He went into a room them came back out a few moments later with a bag which had a teddy bear head peaking out.

I spoke.

"Is that all? Do you have clothes in there?"

He looked guilty and I sighed and spoke.

"Go get me a bag"

He went into the kitchen came back and gave me a shopping bag then I Iimped into his room and shoved some clothes into my bag.

I also made sure to grab a photo of him and his mother for both sentimental reasons and to be able to identify her.

I looked at him and spoke.

"empty your bag and give it to me You can take 1 toy"

He looked conflicted but did as I asked I packed his back and put his teddy bear in it.

It was a tight squeeze but everything fit, I filled the now empty shopping bag with food making sure to hid one chocolate bar in his bag then I asked him a question.

"Grey what is your class?"

He spoke.

"What's a class?"

I clarified

"What does the screen you can see when you think of your status say?"

He replied confused.

"That weird thing with my name? I can't read it"

I thought for a moment it made sense he couldn't read it so I asked something.

"Under your name should be the letters 'EXP' and some numbers can you spell the words directly under it?"

He looked into the space infront of him them spoke.

"C,l,a,s,s- s,l,a,y,e,r"

Above his head appeared the word 'Slayer' honestly a bit morbid for a child but it made sense hos he killed the goblin so well but was basically helpless otherwise.

I made a makeshift split for my leg not that it would be that effective since I'm going to be walking.

In one hand I held a shopping bag and a knife from Grey's kitchen in the other hand I held Grey's hand.

Not exactly a situation I thought I would find myself in especially In an apocalypse but he did save my life so I didn't mind infact I actually became more of a burden on his survival.

It was almost sunset and so we had to move quickly because monsters were more active at night.

It wasn't east moving fast and low with a injured leg but I sucked it up and continued walking.

Every so often he would stop me and made us hide just before a monster went by its almost like he has a sixth sense for sensing monsters.

We finally made it to the building and I walked by the front with stares of amazement from the lookouts but I wasn't stopped.

There I saw the group who had betrayed me with ruffled up clothing and a few scratches crying infront of a upset looking Nil.

Then they looked at me and instantly the vibe changed in the hall filled with people and the group who betrayed me looked... scared.

It made me feel good as if a weight was simply lifted off my shoulders and I could feast on their expressions.

Nil approached me and looked me dead in the eye as he spoke.

"Have you ever seen a bear monster?"

I was a bit taken aback by the question and i replied.

"No this is all from what the patrol group called a goblin they made me kill a small one and when I looked back for them they were gone"

Nil looked back at them and even though I couldn't see Nil's expression the faces of the patrol group paled.

Nil looked back at me and then to the little boy holding my hand and he spoke.

"I thought I said no more people?"

I looked back and gave him the bag of food as I spoke.

"Would this suffice as an apology for breaking your rule?"

He looked inside then smiled giddily and spoke.

"Absolutely but this is the one exception and he is under your care I don't want collecting little kids to be a habit especially when we barely have enough for ourselves"

I gasp in pain half acting half actual pain and spoke.

"Umm do we have a healer?"

He looked at me deviously and spoke.

"Yes, yes we do hehe"

Suddenly I felt very afraid.