
Living to live

CONTINUING IN FEBRUARY 2024! you know the drill this story is my take on the magical apocalypse with a decent person as the main character. I've gotten sick of these stories with interesting premises and characters, having edge lord and sometimes perverted MCs that make decisions I struggle to comprehend so I decided to throw my gauntlet in the race and try and create something I like. not everyone will like this story and honestly I don't care if you don't like it write your own like I am, I don't promise excellent writing or steady updates but I promise to give my best and try my best to give a story worth putting in your collection. premise description: Julio is not an orphan he just hates his parents he was born in a militaristic state the story starts 3 months after the beginning of the magical awakening where every person was given a system. an influx of new creatures and evolving animals along with a breakdown of established hierarchical structures has led to an apocalyptic scenario. the story starts picking up and getting more action around chapter 6. character review: Julio is not sociopathic or generally a horrible person he cares for those close to him and himself just because he isn't a paragon of virtue doesn't mean he is a cynical idiot. that being said he can be absolutely brutal to anyone and everyone who gets on his bad side if this was an enemies to lovers the lover would be dead because Julio is so petty. I didn't give him any cheats except immaculate plot armour lol. other: romance, no harem (having 2 love interests/partners doesn't make something a harem), no mpreg(no males getting pregnant anyway), not erotica but later there will probably be very descriptive 'adult' scenes. this story is not suitable for young eyes granted it will probably not be that intense from chapter to chapter but if you care about content warnings this is it I'm not going to shy away from things.

_Jacky_writer · Fantasy
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9 Chs

how sweet revenge is

I was brought to a woman who looked to be in her mid twenties and as I got closer I examined her more closely.

Neon pink dyed hair, blue eyes, a medusa tattoo on her neck and a nose ring she even wore a leather jacket and had ripped jeans she was so alternative it made her look mainstream.

I got put in a plastic chair she cracked her knuckles and spoke.

"Okay I'm Isa my class is medic I'm going to heal you but it will be painful do you understand?"

I nodded then closed my eyes and braced myself but unexpectedly I didn't feel anything so I looked down.

Small branches of flesh and bone were protruding from her hands and as soon as one touched my leg I screamed in agony.

It felt like a parasite was crawling inside me and eating the inside of my leg and the worst part was that it didn't end for half an hour.

She retracted her hands and I saw that my leg was completely better without a single scratch then Isa spoke.

"Sorry about that we actually don't have a healer class person it seems that they are pretty prone to dying early so I'm the only one here with a healing skill"

I wiped away the small tears at the edges of my eyes then I waved my hand as I spoke.

"Don't worry about it I certainly cannot say I expected it but it's better than having am injured leg"

Isa smiled then I was tapped on my shoulder by Nil who had Grey next to him and he started speaking.

"So I understand what happened a bit better now this is the first time something like this has happened so what do you think would be an appropriate punishment compared to your experience?"

I went into deep thought then I stifled a smile as I put up two fingers and spoke.

"They have to hunt two giant wolves each"

Nil looked shocked and spoke.

"Each?! That's basically a death sentence infact even finding those things is hard because they normally find you"

I put on a calm face and spoke.

"They gave me a test beyond my capabilities they should do a test beyond theirs"

Nil seemed to be in thought for a moment then spoke.

"Okay that seems fine I was just going to exile them anyway but now they can return if they hunt well enough, please follow me"

I followed Nil and Grey followed behind me and we stopped infront of the group the Nil spoke pointing to the girl with brown hair.

"Valerie this is a hard time for everyone but you made this harder a light bringer is a very rare class that I find more useful than a single hunter... collect two giant wolf bodies"

He said a similar thing to each person then he spoke again.

"Oh and I don't believe I need to tell any of you what would happen if you return without the corpses? Wouldn't want a repeat of Jared would we?"

Suddenly they looked even more terrified then when Nil told them the requirement to come back.

The expressions on their faces was priceless and I savoured the sight, oh how sweet revenge is.

We followed them outside and they walked away into the distance then I looked at Nil and he was crying, as in a puddle on the ground meltdown crying.

It was only me, Grey, Nil and two lookouts and he isn't showing ant sign of stopping so I asked a question.

"Why are you crying?

As he wiped away his tears he began to speak.

"I've tried so hard but then something like this happens and I feel like I'm useless just a pretty face on a small body who people like to be around"

I heard a ding sound then Nil spoke.

"That was oddly personal for some reason why did I tell you that? Is it your hope skill?"

I was also confused so I checked my status.

{Name Julio Merryman:

Exp: 100/300

Class: light bringer

Class skills: Hope lvl 3

Level: 3

Body grade: H+

Special skills: truth keeper lvl 1/5}

I spoke.

"It's not my hope skill I just got a special skill"

Nil suddenly stopped crying and spoke.

"What no one has gotten a special skill yet we have no idea how they work what is It can you show me?"

I saw no harm in it so I thought about mentally letting Nil see my skill as I read the description.

{Truth Keeper lvl 1/5: you naturally influence people to be truthful and you can tell apart truth and deception better. Each level you become more influential and better at telling the difference between truth and lies. At level 5 you gain the ability to create a zone of truth and always know if someone is lying to you directly}

It is insane it basically means that once I get to level five in the skill then it becomes completely impossible to lie to me.

Nil looked amazed and spoke.

"It's amazing I still have no idea what made you get it but the fact it has a level cap is pretty weird"

Nil was right the level cap is very weird it means that at some point there will be no progression but despite that it's an awesome skill.

but there is still a problem... I still don't have a single offensive, defensive, or healing skill I'm basically useless!

Suddenly I felt a tug on my pants and looked down at Grey and heard his voice.

"Your leg is better can we find my mum now?"

Oh fuck.