
Living to live

CONTINUING IN FEBRUARY 2024! you know the drill this story is my take on the magical apocalypse with a decent person as the main character. I've gotten sick of these stories with interesting premises and characters, having edge lord and sometimes perverted MCs that make decisions I struggle to comprehend so I decided to throw my gauntlet in the race and try and create something I like. not everyone will like this story and honestly I don't care if you don't like it write your own like I am, I don't promise excellent writing or steady updates but I promise to give my best and try my best to give a story worth putting in your collection. premise description: Julio is not an orphan he just hates his parents he was born in a militaristic state the story starts 3 months after the beginning of the magical awakening where every person was given a system. an influx of new creatures and evolving animals along with a breakdown of established hierarchical structures has led to an apocalyptic scenario. the story starts picking up and getting more action around chapter 6. character review: Julio is not sociopathic or generally a horrible person he cares for those close to him and himself just because he isn't a paragon of virtue doesn't mean he is a cynical idiot. that being said he can be absolutely brutal to anyone and everyone who gets on his bad side if this was an enemies to lovers the lover would be dead because Julio is so petty. I didn't give him any cheats except immaculate plot armour lol. other: romance, no harem (having 2 love interests/partners doesn't make something a harem), no mpreg(no males getting pregnant anyway), not erotica but later there will probably be very descriptive 'adult' scenes. this story is not suitable for young eyes granted it will probably not be that intense from chapter to chapter but if you care about content warnings this is it I'm not going to shy away from things.

_Jacky_writer · Fantasy
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9 Chs

patrol nightmare

The duck waddled away and we continued walking around the we came across a monster.

It was the size of a 8 year old and had green skin it had four arms and five eyes that's when the girl spoke.

"You're up new guy go show us what you can do"

I pointed to myself and asked a question.

"Me? I'm not exactly a fighter I don't even know what that thing is"

The girl clicked her tongue and spoke.

"I don't care, we call it a goblin, now hurry up and kill it!"

I sighed I was really bad at fighting but I could probably at least kill that thing all of her yelling made it aware of us so instead of wasting time I ran towards it.

I swung my metal pole straight at its head leaving a dent in its head instantly killing it and spraying blood everywhere.

I looked back and they were gone it was a shock they left? Wait... if they wanted to test me this thing is a bit small for that... ITS A TRAP!

I braced myself and suddenly I felt my world shift around me and felt pain all over my body especially my right side.

I looked back to where I was and I saw a two metre tall green creature with four arms and five eyes it's body was covered in muscle and it held a wooden club.

I was winded if I hadn't braced I'm sure there would of been worse damage those fucks they betrayed me.

The green creature rushed towards me but I managed to dodge its attack I was definitely not as strong it was way taller than me and had more muscle than I had flesh on my body.

Fighting this thing would basically be suicide I have to-

It attacked but I managed to just barely dodge again it seemed to be getting more and more pissed as time passed.

I looked around and I found something I that could help 8 metres away to my right Is a open house window.

If I could get in a house I could at least use it to my advantage but then the goblin recovered from missing me.

10 seconds I can get in that house in 10 seconds everything should be fine I started running towards the window.

1 I started bolting towards the window, 2 the monster started chasing me, 3 I felt like I was getting close, 4 the monster threw its club, 5 the club hit my knee making me topple over.

6 I rolled with my fall forcing myself to run with my hands and good leg, 7 the goblin was catching up, 8 I jumped towards the window, 9 I made it inside 10 I closed the window and started running.

I heard a shattering behind me just as I left the room so I hid myself behind a door.

Any human would expect this but I am hinging all my bets that a monster like that thing wouldn't expect this.

I sung my metal pole with all my might as the monster walked in the new room but the feeling at the end of my strike made my heart sink.

The goblin had caught the club with its hand the it kicked me in my stomach sending me flying back into a wall.

It rushed towards me and started strangling me I wasn't strong enough to fight it off I was starting to regret not working out.

It's five green eyes were focused on killing me my vision started to fade and I started thinking about how wasteful it was.

I only survived for three months thanks to my class mates and now they are all dead and when I die all those memories I made in the last three months would be gone.

The only period in my life I felt fear the only time I ever made friends...

I couldn't see anymore I had stopped struggling but then I felt something warm fall on my face.

I felt the hands around my neck loosen and I regained my sight to see the monster with a knife through its neck.

As it fell I sat up coughing and gasping fed air I could of sworn that was going to be it for me.

I stood up the best I could with what I think is a broken leg and looked around for my saviour but I felt my eyes fall back to look down.

A kid had a knife in his hand he looked pretty young he had light brown hair and hazel eyes but he was covered in dirt and his clothes were all torn.

I wasn't in much Better shape but it was weird for me to see an actual child in that state even the youngest person in Nil's place looked at least 14.

I look him in hid eyes and spoke.

"I'm Julio thank you for saving me what Is your name?"

He spoke while grabbing my hand.

"I'm Grey we need to move start walking now!"

He basically dragged me though I could of fought back I felt like I should listen to him.

The pain in my right leg was excruciating but I still made sure to keep up with him.

It seemed it was an apartment building he looked around before turning corners and eventually we entered a room with the number 334.

The inside had pictures of him and a woman with a military outfit the floor was littered with food and filth.

He sat me down on a weirdly damp couch looked me straight in the eyes and spoke.

"Make me a sandwich"