
Living to live

CONTINUING IN FEBRUARY 2024! you know the drill this story is my take on the magical apocalypse with a decent person as the main character. I've gotten sick of these stories with interesting premises and characters, having edge lord and sometimes perverted MCs that make decisions I struggle to comprehend so I decided to throw my gauntlet in the race and try and create something I like. not everyone will like this story and honestly I don't care if you don't like it write your own like I am, I don't promise excellent writing or steady updates but I promise to give my best and try my best to give a story worth putting in your collection. premise description: Julio is not an orphan he just hates his parents he was born in a militaristic state the story starts 3 months after the beginning of the magical awakening where every person was given a system. an influx of new creatures and evolving animals along with a breakdown of established hierarchical structures has led to an apocalyptic scenario. the story starts picking up and getting more action around chapter 6. character review: Julio is not sociopathic or generally a horrible person he cares for those close to him and himself just because he isn't a paragon of virtue doesn't mean he is a cynical idiot. that being said he can be absolutely brutal to anyone and everyone who gets on his bad side if this was an enemies to lovers the lover would be dead because Julio is so petty. I didn't give him any cheats except immaculate plot armour lol. other: romance, no harem (having 2 love interests/partners doesn't make something a harem), no mpreg(no males getting pregnant anyway), not erotica but later there will probably be very descriptive 'adult' scenes. this story is not suitable for young eyes granted it will probably not be that intense from chapter to chapter but if you care about content warnings this is it I'm not going to shy away from things.

_Jacky_writer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


I looked at Grey and took a deep breathe as I spoke.

"Give me two days and I promise we will try to find her"

Grey jumped up and down as a whine came out of his mouth.

"But you said when your leg was all better!"

I nodded and spoke.

"Yes but I need to stay here for two days to earn our keep otherwise they might kick me out because I have only been a drain on resources so far, you can go by yourself if you really want to"

He looked conflicted but he calmed down and started playing with his teddy bear it was actually adorable.

First I had to ask around about where that division would be, then I have to inform Nil and I will try to level up or at least level up one skill.

I always keep my word but I do need to actually contribute here since it seems like a pretty good group despite the psychopathic hunters.

Step one figure out where Grey's mother would be, step two prepare and contribute, step 3 find his mother, step four drop him off, step five return,

Pretty simple plan if I do say so myself and it's also pretty realistic I'm sure someone here knows about the military divisions...that old Neeve woman!

I looked around and located her I had Grey put his teddy bear away and come with me.

Neeve was standing back on the wall for a woman who looked in her fifties she was actually super cool looking her piercing grey eyes and aged brown hair gave her a ~vibe~.

I walked up and started talking to her.

"Hey Neeve do you know where B-345 second division is I want to return this kid there apparentlyhis mother works there"

Neeve appeared shocked for a second but then replied.

"No but the B indicates the base I know where B-344 and B-347 are, this city has ten bases so Base 345 is probably..."

She walked off suddenly and I was at a loss for words but she came back pretty fast and in her hands was a map book.

She spoke as she flipped pages.

"Millitary bases are usually circular in formation to protect a city so it should be here"

I looked at where her finger was pointing and I was shocked she also looked amazed and spoke.

"Of course I didn't know where it was no one uses it's base name, it's the stadium"

I sighed in relief and spoke.

"That's not that far from here even if we sneak through the city I was worried I would have to be gone for a while"

Neeve shook her head and spoke.

"Monsters seem to target large groups, from what I've heard the area around the stadium is a war zone and even if you manage to reach it they don't ley you in"

I sighed and spoke.

"Yeah I've heard but I do have a pretty unique class and Grey's mother apparently works there I was already planning on coming back so if they turn us away it's no big deal"

Then a new voice chimed into the conversation.

"IDIOT! You barely survived a goblin! How the fuck do you think you could ever make it there an back live?!"

It was Wade his bandages still covering his body as he had his cloth wrapped head turned must slightly left of me as he continued speaking.

"You might be having a dandy ass time but guess what, this is real life and it's fucked like your idealistic head, there is no way you make it there or back just tell the kid your a liar"

I felt something inside of me snap as I looked at him and spoke.

"I know my limits I can do it just because your squad was destroyed doesn't mean I haven't survived just as much as you or anyone else here, so why don't you stop your whining and get the fuck over yourself"

An audible gasp was created by the surrounding people and Wade stood up and took off his eye bandages to reveal one missing eye and one eye almost covered by scared skin.

His mouth was moving as fast as his legs as he started running towards me.

"You little fuck the hell do you think you are? I might not see well but I can hear the shit coming out your dirty mouth"

His fist was heading straight for my face but I was able to avoid it by moving to the side then I countered by kicking his knee making him fall to the ground.

I brushed myself off and spoke to Neeve

"Thanks Neeve i will head to the stadium in a few days but do you know where Nil is I would like to talk to him about my work schedule"

She nodded.

"Yeah I actually do, he will probably see you when you wake up"

I looked at her and asked a question confused at the way she said that.

"What do you mean when I wake up? I'm not asleep"

Neeve looked at me and spoke.


I was actually a bit scared and she spoke again.


I looked where she was looking and behind me was Wade then she spoke again.


Strangly no pain reached me but instead I felt my body falling before I collapsed and the floor slowly loosing conciousness and I could only squeeze out two words from my mouth before going unconscious.