
Living Singularity | Remake | Male x MHA Harem

(Possible Remake of Living Singularity) Neo Sekai the Gravity User in the world of MHA, will he be able to change 「Fate」itself , will he found out who or what he is, and will he find out why the world is different from what he knew? 「A Singularity Has Appeared」

DarkTheLibrarian · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Season 0 - Chapter 3 - Controlled Fate

It's really been 8 days already?

Sorry about another late upload, had to get a tooth pulled and started working. Working in a factory now and my body just wasn't used to the physical labor yet, plus I had my older sisters birthday, busy week is all.


3rd POV

"Would it be an option to kill him", this comment immediately takes everyones attention, all eyes falling on Kikaru Obara.

The discussions starts off strong, it's only natural when discussing events that have heavily altered the world.

Since the room is only comprised of high-end individuals, and a 'to be punished' prisoner there was no need to hold back with solutions, though it wasn't like no one else had the same thought, it was an option they'd all thought off, even if in passing.

"Should we kill children who accidentally kill others, kill heroes who when saving others couldn't make it in time to save more, or kill innocents simply because they didn't stop someone choking three miles away?"

For the first time the twenty-three year old man, Yokumiru Mera spoke up, light bags under his eyes.

"What are you trying to say", the director is quick to lean into an explanation, it was obvious she's was pushing towards a non-lethal answer with this move.

"They're a child, no a baby, right? Do you kill people for breathing in air which could've gone to a dying man that needed it? Somethings happen that are out of our control, same goes with the boy. Whether a god, demon, or something else entirely brought him here, fact is, he's a living, breathing, and thinking individual. One who couldn't have controlled themself nor stop themself."

Despite his normally tired self, Mera seems completely awake, if you ignore his droopy eyes.

"And yet 'it' killed thousands, I don't think you can apply the rule of 'doing something accidentally' here. Whether it meant to or not, many lives have been lost, and we don't know if it will do it again. Who's to say Musutafu isn't leveled next?"

Yuichi Oyama is quick to but in, despite his harsh words, his face is calm, almost unbothered by his own words.

"It? Last time I checked they're a sentient and have a human body. Even then, who's to say killing him won't cause it to happen again?"


Mera turns his bagged-eyes, his gaze falling on the director, "Huh?"

Releasing a sigh she click a couple buttons on the built-in screen connected to her desk, the coffee table in the middle of the room glowing as a file is pulled up.

[Research and Development Medical Examintion Document 1.3C

Researcher and Doctor - Mita Toshiyuki, Co-Head Researcher 

Examination Room 7 - Run by: Kenta Goda, Head Quirk Researcher

Examination Results: Following the discovery of Gravitational Energy found around Neo Sekai, of which was discovered through a quirk user and the natural detection of said Fundemental Force through Spatial Intereference, EM, Strong Force, and Weak Force being altered, as well as several other natural occurences that are being messed with. We quickly wanted to take notes on how this was affecting the body, since pre-examinations were focused on heealth instead little data was readily available. 

A finding was hastily made, the once baby like body has already accelerated to the age of 2, skipping roughly 17 months years of the childs lifespan. 

Though this seems to have zero negative effects, the mind even seems to have taken in information as if 2 years had passed in real time, this was originally presumed to be a byproduct of the Black Hole like object causing gravity to lighten so much time acclerated the childs life, but it was quickly discovered that it was nothing like this. Instead the child seems to possess an accelerated aging process, the body seems to want to develop to a physical prime as soon as it can, but it's also trying to extent and make the body superior, due to this the two sides are fighting. One accelerating and the other deccelerating the age, taking into account time, age, the rate of pushing and pullling, and a couple other factors we've determined that the bodies age will reach to be at bare minimum 180 years old, though this is asssuming the body stops decelerating at the prime age of 23. 

Thankfully due to both sides repelling the boy should age at a properish pace, by the time the body has been alive for 15 years they should look 17, though they'd technically be 17 due to the first acceleration, the acceleration and decceleration will mainly affect muscle and mental growth, making both rapidly expand, this will also lead to a physical superiority to natural humans.]

"A fluctuating aging process? This could lead to the discovery of immortality, extent the life expectancy, make certain individuails like All-Might live longer! Oh I could live for a long time~"

"So first death now experimentation?"

"Not experimentiation darling, at least not on the boys proper body. A couple blood draws shouldn't hurt his body, not like it's the worst thing done before by us."

"Us? Funny."

Glaring, Mera's eyes meet the uncaring woman, her eyes filled with delight at the prospect of gaining access to the blood of Midas.

"Hm... the general populace may be mad if only a certain minority gets access to it, but if we deem it a limited source, with the proper funding, and right backers, it shouldn't end up being a problem to get outside help in the creation. It's possible to get the assistance David Shield if we can get All-Mights assistance, or enough influence."

Goda releases a light laugh, seeing his friends 'show business' attitude, something they'd gotten used to, whether in public or private talks he was always looking to show the next big thing.

"Enough, we're not here to discuss that. Obara, although it seems we've ruled killing off the table, you weren't aiming for that, were you?"

"No, like I said it's a threat, but how many times have we turned threats into promising items. I say we take it in, turn it into a weapon, we already lost Nagant, though her fate is still undecided. That new one, Keigo Takami was it, although he will act as a replacement, it can't hurt to have more, maybe use Keigo to keep it in check?"

Keigo, the boy Endeavour saved a couple months back, a new promising figure to help keep those we can't naturally prim and proper, sometimes they meet accidents, sometimes they catch a break and find a nice 'vacation', and sometimes, the lucky ones, find entrance to Tartarus. 

"Turning him into a weapon? While I must stay unbiased to the best of my ability, I do agree we need a way to keep him in check. A way to mediate his power, make sure he doesn't go critical. It seems we've found most our cards. My father always said know your cards before you play them. Option one, we take him in, turn him into a hero in the future like we did Nagant, we can have him kill or be an insider for us. Option two, we send him out, probably to an orphanage, we've given help to, and bulked up, the one in Musutafu, with our connections it should be easy to watch him there, if we want him to live a 'normal' life... or", for a moment she pauses, the light in her eyes changing, gears turning, and thoughts running.

"Nagant how'd you like to be re-employed".

"Huh? You sure, you know what she did right?"

Mera is quick to question her thought process, though her raised hand stops him, Goda standing up and removing her mouth cover.

"Fuck you, like hell I'll do your dirty work again", her voice shreds through the air like a saw, her eyes holding an unfettering raging ember, a puppet once held by strings, no longer strung up, now free to express itself, having bitten at the wooded cross that once held the strings.

(Felt like a poet for a bit)

"Dirty work? So you want us to raise two children to do your job for you, who's to say what we'll do to them", the Director was quick poke her buttons, the right ones quickly pressed.

Tsutsumi flinched, she'd still remembered the time that led her to break, those kids, their faces, the blood dripping from her hand. The past and present blending in that one instance.

She could still feel the fire, the torent of flames that spread through her body, the prickly skin, the hasitly expanding lungs. 

It all still haunted her and her she was being given another chance, one to possibly save and protect two kids, and if she couldn't save them, she could make sure they werren't made to be monsters like her, she could at least protect what was still there.

After all, they were discussing possible experimentation, one who killed so many on accident, they didn't even possess a choice did they? A deadly weapon with a strong quirk, a unique body, one they wouldn't hesitate to exploit.

But... Could she so quickly return to them, it was two kids she could protect, but what they did to her. It was a hard decision.

"...What would I be doing"

Letting a light small appear on her face the Director lays back in her chair.

"It's simple, for now, you'll watch, waiting until they both reached acceptable 'appraching range'. Takami will be taught for the next months, possibly a year or two, then you'll be able to approach him and assist him, maybe circumstances may allow you to approach him before hand. As for Sekai, if we decide to keep him here, you will watch him, make sure he doesn't become unstable. How you go about this? I don't particularly care, as long as it isn't a threat to us or the people do what you have to, even if it means getting your hands bloody. If we don't decide to keep him here, you may be tasked with watching him on occasion, from afar."

For a moment the room goes quite, Tsutsumi once again left in contemplation.

She'd already broke once, her mental state having fractured from the trauma of killing over and over again. Having to see the smile on childrens faces just to be reminded of the bloody scenes she's forced to paint.

It was this or Tarturus, they wouldn't kill her afterall, she was almost sure of it. It was how they operated, those who were benificial at least got lucky in being graced with the niceties of the walls of Tarturus, it was atleast better than being killed.


Although still reluctant, it was both a way to help these kids, and to keep her out of prison, plus if she needed she could always kill the Director, if need be, she'd already done it once, she could do it again.

"Well now that Tsutsumi has had her fate decided, we should decide Sekais' fate? Let's put it to a vote, here, or an orphanage.

"I vote we take it in?"


"He deserves a good life, he's already going to go through a lot if he finds out."


"Hm~ While an increased age sounds fun, he still is dangerous. Letting him go through the system could lead to bad mentality, and all though he may not get a childish life here, it will be better for the people ie he's controlled"


"I'll have to vote we keep him, although I wouldn't mind sending him out, his DNA is very unique. Although he has a human body, his birth, quirk, unique DNA, and the odd fact that he is detectable by mutation based quirks interest me greatly, plus who knows what an accelerated mind could do."


"So it seems we've found our answer, then I'll end this meeting here. As of now Neo Sekai, Codename Perses, will be staying with the HPSC. Kaina Tsutsumi, Hero Name Lady Nagant, will be watching over the development of Keigo Takami, and possibly train him later, as well as protect and 'take care of' Neo Sekai in the event he goes out of control."

And with that, their fates were sealed.


Welp, chapter over, it may have felt weird at the end as I'm tired and I've got work in the morning, I'm only gonna probably get like 5 hours of sleep, though I did sleep extra long today so hopefully it works out.

I'll still try to produce chapters as I go, I've also decided to add a new little segment for all my books, a little 'What's happening next' thing, it'll essentially just be me saying what my next chapter I'm gonna work on is, it'll make sense when you see it.

Question Of The Chapter: Favorite book read in class? It's an odd question, it's gotta be a book you've read in class outloud, maybe slowly throughout the year or something but for me it's probably a Box Car Children Book, Hatchet, or Fahrenheit 451.

Questions About the Book

Currently Working On: Chapter 3 of Duality System AsiAndDark

(Small Note, this isn't concrete, it may change depending on how I'm feeling)