
Living in Idle

Ace was turned into a human patty by the great Truck-kun, met ROB, got some wishes, and went on his own merry way. Slaying beasts, dragons, crystal beasts, making pincushions? Piloting overpowered Mechas, battling with Beyblades, and more!

DareMeNot · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 3: Arriving in the Capital of...(?)

Previously on Living in Idle...

After that, he moved on with technologies. From smartphones to appliances, which were perfectly working just like the guns. He tested his ability for a bit more and arrived at another conclusion, as long as he knows how it looks and how it generally works, then his magic will take care of the rest, given that he has got enough mana, which he got plenty of because of him now being a demigod. It's nearly endless, well, could be considered endless as not even a second after spending a huge amount of mana it already starts recovering at a super fast speed! Just how crazy was that? It's basically like Touya's, so can't complain there as it especially complements his AoE, making him able to cope with its rate of energy consumption.

For the last test, Ace tried making all of his creations vanish. Well, he just did this for his own curiosity, but it actually is possible. All of those that he materialized broke into pixelated motes of golden light then scattered around the surroundings in the form of pure mana. Well, his wasted mana didn't return to him, which was a bit of a downer, but oh well, still not that big of a deal, anyway.

---Line break---

The time has come. As long as he succeeded, then his future travelling and transportation means would be a breeze. But first, Ace will have to focus on the task at hand for this to be a reality. He still doesn't know up to what extent his AoE is capable of, even though ROB did already say that he'll leave it as is, he's still a little worried that it wouldn't work as he have wished it would.

Taking a deep breath, Ace closed his eyes for added concentration as he pictured what he wanted and added the details that was needed.

And... He did it! It was actually possible!

Ace's delight shot through the roof as he looked at the golden goblet in his hands full of bluish, mystical liquid. Without further hesitation, he downed it to the last drop.

Ace waited and put the goblet down to his side. Not long after, he felt it taking effect.

Ace grinned.

What Ace just materialized was a serum that will give him the capabilities of a Kryptonian. Not all, but only those that he have selected. Solar radiation absorption, super strength, super senses, super speed, and most importantly, super flight!

To hell with shooting lasers from your eyes! He is sure that he can shoot gigantic fireballs with the size of a town in the future!

Arctic breath? To hell with it... It would just melt in front of his flames!

As for weakness that might have come along with this? Hah! They're nonexistent~!

Not long later, as soon Ace was able to familiarize with the changes in his body, he was already summersaulting through the air!

He already gained a decent control of his strength and speed to the degree that he can move wantonly without breaking anything, as long as he doesn't use his powers consciously.

One thing that Ace was really thankful for though, is that he doesn't have motion sickness. Because if he did, then from those stunts that he tried pulling off in the air while flying would have resulted in him puking his guts out.

By the time that he was done playing around with his powers, it was already reaching mid-noon, basing it from the position of the sun which Ace deduced to still be accurate and the same as Earth.

Shaking his head from distracting thoughts and calming himself and settling his adrenaline, Ace finally decided to head towards the capital.

So, without a single thought of hesitation, he levitated up in the air and shot to the direction of the Capital, while leaving a sonic boom behind him. Fortunately, he didn't use his full speed when he shot off. Who new what would have resulted from that?

Currently, his speed at his limit is reaching Mach 10, still far inferior to the speed of Mach 20 that his GoB shoots at, but its still incredibly fast! And he have no doubt that he'll be able to reach that kind of speed in the future and even beyond it. And besides, from just his current capabilities, he's already extremely overpowered in just his physical aspect. What more if he starts developing in his magical aspect? He'd be a broken character by that time. Not to mention that he also have an overpowered cannon going by the name of GoB.

After flying for a few minutes, Ace reached the gates where a few people are already entering with guards with weapons on their person standing straight in attention. Well, they should be called Knights since this is a fantasy world and all, right?

As Ace was observing the people down below as he approaches, people also noticed him already and started pointing.

Some were amazed, some were curious, and some were just gawking at him. But the Knights got their weapons on the ready as one who seem to be of a higher ranking stepped forward with a stern look on his face.

Ace landed on the ground with a smile on his face and approached the gate, where the knight up ahead blocked his path.

"Halt. State your business and your intentions in this capital. Oh, and one more thing, where's your shirt?"

The knight said with a stern voice, but when he said the last part, his became a little awkward.

Ace was a little stumped and his mind blanked out for a moment. Then he slowly looked down and was met with the sight of his bare upper body...

Ace: "Gah! Where's my shirt?!"

He asked in panic an started looking around.

Knight: "You- That's exactly what I've asked!"

The knight snapped back.

Ace: "Eh? It is? Hm, let me think... Oh, right. I forgot to put one on. Hehe... Sorry?"

Ace said with a sheepish look as he looked at the knight awkwardly while scratching the back of his head.

Hearing this, the knight sighed and massaged his eyebrows.

Knight: "Hais. Just put some clothes on."

Ace: "Right..."

With just a thought, Ace materialized a pure white v-neck shirt and put it on.

'Hmmm... This is quite comfy, and the texture is nice too...'

When the people around who got drawn by the slight commotion saw what happened, their mouths just hang open. Who wouldn't be?

'Did he just make that out of nothing?' Or, 'Is it some kind of null magic?'

So were the thoughts of the onlookers.

The knight just blinked his eyes at the spectacle and didn't bother himself anymore to ask what just happened. He's already tired enough from the long shift, so why bother?

Knight: "Hais... That's better I guess. So let's get back to my earlier question. What's your business and intention in this capital?"

Ace: "Oh, I'm a traveller and wanted to settle down on one place and buy a home. By the way, is there an Adventurer's Guild here?"

Knight: "Hm, I see. That wouldn't be a problem. There are a lot of nice plots of land currently available so you might be able to find a good deal. And yes, there's a Guild here. Why? Planning to become an Adventurer?"

Ace: "Well, that's nice to know. And yes, I am planning to be one."

Ace answered with his usual smile.

Knight: "Haha! That's great! We really have a shortage of capable Adventurers right now. Oh, and be prepared if you want to buy a property here, especially in the middle sections. They ain't cheap."

The knight said, gone were his stern expression and was replaced with a friendly smile. Well, guess he already deduced that Ace isn't a threat.

Knight: "Anyway. I apologize for the trouble. Now, I formally welcome you to the Capital of the Knight Kingdom Lestia, Lestein. Oh, and... Can you not fly around without permission?"

Ace: "Eh~. It's fine, no trouble at all. And thank you for the welcome. About flying though, can't promise you on that~!"

With that, Ace threaded forward into the city with a smile on his face and excitement through his eyes as he waved back at the knight.

Seeing this, the knight just shook his head in helplessness.

Knight: "Hais... This kid. I can already say that he'll be the cause of most of the troubles and commotions that will be happening around here. Well, at least it wouldn't be boring anymore *chuckle*..."

He said to himself and went back to his work.


"Lestein, capital of Lestia huh... I wonder if the princess already met Touya? If not, then... I'm sorry for him, because I'm gonna take her. After all, from the whole series of the novel, she's the girl that I like the most..."

Ace got out of his musings and continued forward. For now, he'll put these thoughts at the back of his mind. First on his list, he'll have to find information as to which time line he's in.

Ace spent a few minutes walking around and listening to the people talking and was able to gather a bit of information.

So, he's currently still in the Market District, then slightly deeper is the Residential District , then the Noble District, and finally the middle, the Royal District where the Palace is situated.

To reach there, the easiest and fastest way of transportation is through a carriage. But this capital is goddamned big, so it would take hours for a person to reach one destination by walking, days even if you're getting from one side of the Capital to another.

"Heh. Fortunately, I didn't promise to not fly inside the city~..."

With his smile turned into a smirk and kicked off the ground and launched himself into the air. Which immediately gathered attention and caused quite a commotion.

"Heh~. Why hide what you can do and act like a normie? Aside from some people, it's not like I can't crush just practically anyone, right?"

Ace said this not out of arrogance, but out of confidence.
