
Living in Idle

Ace was turned into a human patty by the great Truck-kun, met ROB, got some wishes, and went on his own merry way. Slaying beasts, dragons, crystal beasts, making pincushions? Piloting overpowered Mechas, battling with Beyblades, and more!

DareMeNot · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 2: Adventure Starts – Experimenting

Previously on Living in Idle...

ROB: "So, the only thing that I'm gonna change here is the GoB. I'll be removing all the existing weapons there, and for the AoE, I'll leave it like that, take it as a compensation for taking all of those weapons. Other than that, your wishes are granted. Have fun in your new life, Ace."

Hearing this, it made Ace think for a moment then arrived at a conclusion. So what if those weapons dissappear, not like he even have any use for all of them, and he have little to know knowledge of them, wasn't really a fan of FATE, but just chose the ability 'cause it's cool, and besides, he knows quite a few weapons that are broken in their own rights.

Ace: "I don't mind those changes so no problems there, and I will. But one last question. Will there be other reincarnators there aside from me and Touya?"

ROB: "Oh, fear not. There won't be, I'll I'll make sure of that. Now go, and live your new life."

Ace: "I see. Thank you for this opportunity. Oh! And send my regards to Truck-kun too!"

He said and immediately vanished into pixelated motes of light, leaving Rob alone with himself chuckling in amusement before taking a phone from Rob-knows-where and began dialing Truck-kun's number.

---Line break---

Ace surveyed his surroundings and deeply noted the almost endless expanse of the grassland that he's currently on. Far into the distance, he was able to make out the silhouette of high and towering mountains and the large patches of greens. On another direction, he could vaguely make up the silhouette of an enormous city, that if compared to those of Earth, then would be as big as five big cities combined. It was surrounded by high walls in all directions, with the form of a castle right in the middle, surrounded by a wide mote the whole castle grounds and is connected by three bridges on both sides and the main gate. Fortunately, the place he landed have such a high elevation, so he was able to see it. Such a grand sight it was.

This is definitely the Capital of a kingdom, but he just doesn't know which one for now. But from what he saw, it's definitely not Belfast, as the usual enormous lake at the back of the castle is absent.

But enough of that, the first thing he'll have to do before he even think of making his way over there is to familiarize with his new body and his powers.

"Hm... I don't have any idea of the full capabilities of the original Gil, aside from being a demigod and possessing immense strength. So I guess I'll just have to do my own experiments and develop my own abilities from then on... Yup, I'll do just that. So first, let's try magic..."

Ace sat down cross-legged as what was indicated in the novels he often reads in his previous life. They already set it as an example, so why not just follow it instead of stubbornly trying to find another way through the process? Yeah, that would be just wasted effort, a dumb move.

With that said, Ace meditated, which went far smoothly than how he had originally thought.

He already felt his mana running through his body since earlier as if on instinct, so now he's trying to find a clue or something that may indicate his elements.

After a few minutes in his meditation, Ace came into contact with the unique mana in his body. Different from the normal mana that is all flowing and gives the impression of being smooth and stable like a calm river, this mana have the characteristics of being fierce and wild, with the crimson and orange coloration and the slight burning sensation coming from it, he could assume that it's related to fire, right? So that's good. A fire elemental affinity is great to have in his arsenal. Moving his 'inner sight' to another direction, he found a raging purple mana which gives off an untamed aura like it wants to smite everything in its path, its safe to assume that it of the lightning element. Ace was delighted upon learning this. Not only does this element posses an immense destructive capability like fire, it also greatly caters to speed. From just these two elements, Ace was already satisfied so when he looked around for some more and finding nothing, it didn't discourage him even a little, so he retracted his consciousness and turned his consciousness back to his body and opened his eyes.

"Welp, two elemental affinities is good, and they're my favorites too so I have no complains~! Now, let's test my physical attributes next."

Ace performed exercises one after another, trying to find his limits as he did so. After a few hours, Ace arrived at a conclusion. He's on Captain America's level at his peak. Honestly, Ace expected more considering he got Gil's body template, but he thinks that it's because of him not being matured enough, and will eventually reach that level in the future, well, not that he'll wait, he already has a plan on further strengthening himself, but have to wait for a bit more.

"Okay! Now that those are all done, let's try my two abilities~."

Ace said with a wide face splitting grin on his face a he rubs both his hands together then willed his mind with a single thought.

A golden ripple appeared in front of him as it formed a portal, but nothing came out. Well, that's to be expected because it's empty. So, he willed it to get bigger that is enough for him to enter, and so he did. As soon as the ripple reached the size he wanted, he entered without hesitation.

What greeted him was an empty world of gold and white that stretched to all eternity, maybe. He thought that only because he couldn't see its end. Well, at least it's bright inside and not gloomy.

"Hm, it needs quite a bit of renovation, but nothing that can't be done for another time, so let's head back for now..."

He said and willed another portal and exited the empty space for the time being, he still have to test his last ability after all.

As he thought on how to use his AoE, a series of information surged into his mind about its general instructions, which made him grateful and thanked ROB in his heart.

Ace thought for a moment then brought his hands forward in front of him. He decided to try something simple first then move to the complicated once later after he's done.

So, he first materialized some iron ingots, then comes gold, diamonds, and other precious ores that he could think of. Then, he moved on to try to materialize something a bit more complex, so he started creating weapons like swords and spears, yeah, just that, he isn't really interest in any other forms of weapons. Oh, wait, he actually is, so he willed some daggers with Solo Leveling as his reference then moved to guns which came out perfectly with no complications and works perfectly. Though, he did regretted it when he tried and fired it, because it was so goddamned loud!

Anyway. After that, he moved on with technologies. From smartphones to appliances, which were perfectly working just like the guns. He tested his ability for a bit more and arrived at another conclusion, as long as he knows how it looks and how it generally works, then his magic will take care of the rest, given that he has got enough mana, which he got plenty of because of him now being a demigod. It's nearly endless, well, could be considered endless as not even a second after spending a huge amount of mana it already started recovering at a super fast speed! Just how crazy was that? It's basically like Touya's, so can't complain there as it especially complements his AoE, making him able to cope with its rate of energy consumption.

For the last test, Ace tried making all of his creations vanish. Well, he just did this for his own curiosity, but it actually is possible. All of those that he materialized broke into pixelated motes of golden light then scattered around the surroundings in the form of pure mana. Well, his wasted mana didn't return to him, which was a bit of a downer, but oh well, still not that big of a deal, anyway.
