
Live Streaming: Starting as a Door-to-Door Salesman for Coffins!

Disclaimer: *This is Not an original story.* *I don't own this story and the book cover.* For those interested, this is the original name of this novel: 直播上门推销,请问要棺材吗 Kindly, Please Note that: 1) This is an Edited MTL. 2) I'm not a translator. I don't understand the Chinese language. I don't even know a single character of it. 3) I don't have any previous Editing experience. 4) However, I do have a decade worth of experience in reading translated chinese web-novels. 5) Leave a review, or comment if you like my work. Thanks! Synopsis: Han Haocheng activated the system, "Live life to it's fullest while you're still alive." As long as he completed tasks, he would get rewards. It seemed simple and easy. Alas... He couldn't have been any more wrong. He had to complete livestreaming tasks like: [Knock on any house's door and sell coffins seriously!] [Go to any company for a job interview and ask the interviewer, are you recruiting a chairman?] [Find the fiercest and strongest looking person in the Internet cafe, and turn off the power while he is playing a team battle in the game!] [Talk to a lady, beautiful as a fairy, on the street. Get her WeChat account and seriously sell her a coffin. After she agrees or refuses, Allow her to bargain for a lower price.] Han Haocheng: "..." Netizens after watching Han Haocheng's live broadcast: "Is this something a carbon-based organism really thought of???"

Roronoa_0007 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 19: [Damn! These Curves, She is The Ultimate Beauty!]

"666, just seeing this title made me laugh!"

"Oh my God, anchor, are you sure you're not afraid of getting beaten?"


"Sure enough, this streamer is still ruthless, he is outdoing himself each time, hahahahahaha!"

"Indeed, the host's audacity keeps escalating, it's hilarious!"

"This broadcaster is so fearless, messing around like that in reality!"

"I wonder if this streamer has been through something traumatic; otherwise, how could he come up with such an inhuman 'job'?"

Bullet comments kept being fired in the live broadcast room. As those who joined the live stream room spotted the outrageous title and started having fun immediately.

Soon, the live broadcast room's viewership skyrocketed to ten thousand online.

Furthermore, it was increasing visibly with each passing moment.

Han Haocheng was well aware of his surging popularity. Merely minutes after the broadcast began, he had already reached ten thousand viewers.

This was something Han Haocheng would never have dared to think about in the past.

It must be acknowledged that in the present-day society, there is certainly no shortage of people seeking entertainment on the internet.


'I have to complete the mission quickly. Otherwise, more and more viewers will join.'

Having thought so, Han Haocheng paid no further attention to the comment barrage. Instead, he focused on finding his target as he roamed the area.

In no time at all, the live broadcast camera focused on a couple as Han Haocheng walked over slowly.

At the sight of this, the audience in the live broadcast room boiled over with excitement. 

For a few moments, the barrage of comments kept pouring in:

"My God, the anchor's awesome! is he starting this right off the bat?"

"Damn, this host's amazing! A real man who keeps his word! If he says he will do it, then he definitely will!"

"Brother Haocheng, please let me call you big brother! From now on, you will be my eldest senior brother!"

"I admire you host. It's quite daring of you to attempt this! If it were me, I absolutely wouldn't dare do it!"

"The key is that this host doesn't ask for gifts, doesn't sell or promote products, and doesn't talk nonsense. He just gets started right away. He is simply the most conscientious streamer on the entire internet. Like it!"

"I won't say more; I'm sending planes right away. Anchor, please accept them!"

"I'll send a rocket; consider it a ticket for your show, conscientious host, you deserve it!"


The live broadcast landscape was rife with sensational headlines. Many streamers tricked the audience under the guise of giving gifts or intriguing stunts, only to divert attention and promote other products.

As a result, most viewers ran out of patience. Only a few fortunate broadcasters received benefits. The majority of the audience simply went through the broadcasts perfunctorily.

There were too many streamers who claimed to be up to something interesting but didn't actually do anything. They rambled on for hours, trying to gain attention and gifts. In the end, it was all talk but no show. Various fraudulent cases like these existed.

However, Han Haocheng was different. He was genuine in his approach. A real man of action, who treated his words with unwavering commitment.

Furthermore, his live broadcast was packed with captivating and legitimate content, featuring audacious challenges that no sane person would dare to attempt. 

As a result, his live broadcast room left a profound impression on many viewers and quite a few sent gifts during this wave of comments.


Looking at the screen, Han Haocheng realised that he had received over ten thousand in gifts, so he thanked the fans:

"Thanks to 'Ye Ye Dang Lang' for the rocket! You're too kind."

"Thanks to 'candy in your pocket' for the plane, you're too kind."


"You're welcome, host, you deserve it!"

"Yes, I will support such a conscientious anchor!"

"Damn it, last time I saw a live broadcast where the title said they'd do somersaults live, but the anchor rambled on for half an hour and didn't do a single somersault. It was so infuriating!"

"I saw something similar as well. The title said that they were selling a refrigerator for one yuan. They sold one and talked about selling more for an hour but never actually sold another piece. Although, they did sell a lot of other stuff by the end!"

"Haha, the one above, this behaviour in the live broadcasting industry is called 'hoarding orders.' It's actually just click-bait, trying to gain more traffic and gifts."

"Yes, it's very annoying to watch. I've even blocked some of them, but this streamer is the real deal!"

"So true, I'm almost not used to someone being genuine like this. Is it starting now?"

Of course, it is true that Han Haocheng didn't want to sell anything. The content of his live broadcast is so socially suicidal!

Therefore, Han Haocheng was eager to finish the task quickly and reap the rewards. He had no desire to 'hoard orders' or accumulate gifts, and most definitely, he had no interest in increasing his viewership.

"What do you think of this couple? Should I go for it?"

As he spoke, the camera closed in on the couple and their faces became clear.

From a distance, Han Haocheng had only seen their backs and presumed they were quite stylish.

However, as he got closer, Han Haocheng realized they were not exactly suitable.

So, he turned to the audience for their opinions.


After the viewers had clearly seen the couple, they immediately expressed their opinions:

"This couple is totally unacceptable, they are too old!"

"Oh my, they must be in their fifties! That's so not exciting. Let's find someone else."

"I didn't expect them to be this old; it won't work. At least choose a younger couple, host!"

"Exactly! Let me make be clear, this woman isn't attractive and the man's not intimidating. So, change to a different couple. Haha!"

"The one above, why are you fixating on whether the man is intimidating or not? Do you want the streamer to be beaten to death?"


Han Haocheng wasn't picky, as he was simply trying to complete the mission.

Therefore, attractiveness didn't matter to him.

However, the task requirements were clear: find a 'couple with outstanding figures.'

After taking a closer look, as expected, the system prompted:

[This couple does not meet the requirements, please choose other targets]

So, Han Haocheng had no choice but to leave reluctantly and search for a another couple.

He continued walking along the street.

Soon, he came across two elderly people, supporting each other. The system scanned the pair, and rightly so, they didn't meet the requirements.

But at this time, the audience shouted:

"Anchor, anchor, why don't you give these old folks a try?"

"Go for it, host, these two are fine, I support it!"

"Hurry up and begin, streamer. I want to see this old man's reaction after being forced into a corner when you hit on his wife. Do it and I'll send you a plane right away!"

"I will get the fireworks started, host.(E.N: the special effect of giving gifts) Let these two be the one, no need to change to others! With this pair, it will certainly be a unique experience!"


Until Han Haocheng noticed the audience's enthusiastic comments, with some even starting to send him gifts, he hadn't planned to speak.

However, upon realizing that these gifts were worth two to three thousand dollars, he ultimately decided to say a few words, considering the money they had spent:

"Brothers, be human. Isn't this taste too heavy? These two seem to be in their nineties, if not seventies. Are you guys really into this? You leave me speechless!"

As Han Haocheng displayed his bewildered look, the viewers in the live broadcast room started grinning, and the comments kept coming:

"Haha, even the anchor can be stunned speechless! I suddenly feel a sense of accomplishment."

"This streamer still has a conscience, although it's not much!"

"You guys are so perverted, even the host is stupefied!"


Han Haocheng continued exploring the area, passing by several couples who didn't quite fit the criteria, until he reached a park.

In the camera frame, the back of a supremely captivating figure suddenly appeared, instantly capturing the attention of both Han Haocheng and the viewers in the live broadcast room.

The woman stood at 168 centimetres, donning a white hip-hugging skirt that accentuated her curves. White stockings wrapped around her long, fair legs, and as she walked, her graceful posture made her resemble a model.

Most importantly, her poised demeanour instantly elevated her temperament by several levels.

"Damn! These curves, she is the ultimate beauty!"

They only managed to see her back but many viewers involuntarily gasped with amazement.

I apologize to those looking forward to the chapters, My speed has dwindled a lot since I broke my phone.

A lot's going on and it's so hard to find time to use a laptop.

I think it might stay this way until the 18th/19th of this month. Well, hopefully.

I'll try to post as much as I can. Once again, sorry for the inconvenience.

Roronoa_0007creators' thoughts