
Live Streaming: Starting as a Door-to-Door Salesman for Coffins!

Disclaimer: *This is Not an original story.* *I don't own this story and the book cover.* For those interested, this is the original name of this novel: 直播上门推销,请问要棺材吗 Kindly, Please Note that: 1) This is an Edited MTL. 2) I'm not a translator. I don't understand the Chinese language. I don't even know a single character of it. 3) I don't have any previous Editing experience. 4) However, I do have a decade worth of experience in reading translated chinese web-novels. 5) Leave a review, or comment if you like my work. Thanks! Synopsis: Han Haocheng activated the system, "Live life to it's fullest while you're still alive." As long as he completed tasks, he would get rewards. It seemed simple and easy. Alas... He couldn't have been any more wrong. He had to complete livestreaming tasks like: [Knock on any house's door and sell coffins seriously!] [Go to any company for a job interview and ask the interviewer, are you recruiting a chairman?] [Find the fiercest and strongest looking person in the Internet cafe, and turn off the power while he is playing a team battle in the game!] [Talk to a lady, beautiful as a fairy, on the street. Get her WeChat account and seriously sell her a coffin. After she agrees or refuses, Allow her to bargain for a lower price.] Han Haocheng: "..." Netizens after watching Han Haocheng's live broadcast: "Is this something a carbon-based organism really thought of???"

Roronoa_0007 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 18: [This Streamer is Really Not Afraid of Death! How Audacious to Ask a Man for His Girlfriend in Public?]

Upon hearing the words 'very good,' Tang Jiaqing couldn't help but smile; her joy was evident.

She hadn't had time to be happy yet...

She heard Han Haocheng continue, 'but you'd better not do it in the future.'

Tang Jiaqing's smile instantly vanished, replaced by a look of resentment. She stood there, glaring at Han Haocheng with a mix of anger and disappointment.

"Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap!"

All she could see were Han Haocheng's nimble fingers dancing across the keyboard, expertly controlling his in-game hero and executing powerful moves.

After waiting for dozens of tension-filled seconds, Han Haocheng remained engrossed in the game. He didn't even turn his head to offer a few consoling words; he was completely oblivious to Tang Jiaqing's distress, highlighting his sheer lack of consideration.

"Are you really that into gaming?"

Tang Jiaqing inquired in a frosty voice.

With a grin, Han Haocheng replied:

"Oh yeah, absolutely. I love playing games. They bring me lots of happiness."

As Han Haocheng spoke, he executed a powerful move in the game, swiftly killing the opponent's in-game character. Immediately, the corner of his lips curled upwards with elation.

"Well then, you can just keep playing."

Tang Jiaqing retorted tersely before turning to leave. When she reached the door, she paused, as if expecting something.

Sure enough, as she hoped, a voice came from behind:

"Okay, walk slowly, don't forget to close the door, girl!"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Jiaqing's defences crumbled and she stamped her foot angrily:

"Hmph! I'll close the door when I feel like it!"

After saying so, she slammed the door shut and stormed out. She couldn't quite understand why she became so worked up.

Han Haocheng kept focusing on his game until he finally finished the team battle.

Then he started eating the braised pork that Tang Jiaqing had brought..

However, he realised that in addition to the dishes he ordered, there were actually two more heart-shaped omelettes on the table. He wondered if the other party had made a mistake.

So he took a photo on WeChat and sent it:

"These two omelettes are not what I want. Did you get my order confused with someone else's?"

Soon, he received a reply from Tang Jiaqing's id, 'Jiaqing is a little fairy':

"No, those two omelettes are for you. Try them, do you like them?"

Han Haocheng responded:

"Oh, alright, please thank your mother for me. I'll have a taste then."

"Uh, well, it seems like there's too much salt added, so I can't finish these. Isn't your mother's skill usually great? These eggs are too disappointing!"

Hearing this criticism, Tang Jiaqing, who was on the other end of the phone, turned red with embarrassment and her breathing becoming irregular.

After eating his fill, Han Haocheng had no particular plans. He had completed his work for the day. So, he left his rental place and decided to take an after-meal walk.

Soon he arrived at the entrance of the small convenience store. So, he politely said to the shop owner:

"Thank you for the omelettes. They were a bit salty, though. Next time, could you please use less salt?"

"Thank you for the omelette? What omelette?" The lady boss was puzzled.

"The ones that came with the braised pork I bought today." Han Haocheng explained.

"I gave them to you? When did I sent you omelettes?"

Halfway through her words, Tang Jiaqing's sweet voice came from the back room:

"Mom, come quick, help me out, hurry!"

Hearing her daughter's voice, the landlady had no choice but to walk into the back room, leaving Han Haocheng standing there, perplexed.

'The shop owner doesn't appear to be very old, so how could her memory be so unreliable? She has forgotten something she had just sent this morning?'

Without dwelling on it too much, Han Haocheng took a walk in a park nearby.

He dined out for lunch, and in the afternoon, continued surfing the internet leisurely.

The day passed uneventfully like this.

With financial stability, Han Haocheng's anxiety had disappeared entirely. His sleep quality had also significantly improved, allowing him to rest soundly until ten o'clock the next morning.


After Han Haocheng woke up again, the first thing he did was check today's mission.

Sure enough, as soon as he woke up, the system's voice sounded on cue:

[Today's task: Find an attractive couple, with the female having an exceptionally amazing figure. Approach the male and establish a friendly rapport with him. Then, sincerely request that he shares his girlfriend's WeChat account with you.]

Upon seeing this mission, Han Haocheng's mouth involuntarily opened wide.

'Good Lord!'

Finding a couple, initiating a conversation with the male partner, and becoming friends with him were manageable parts of the tasks.

However, The most terrifying thing about the mission is the part after becoming friends with the man.

Ask this man to push his girlfriend to him?

This mission was truly on another level!

The corners of Han Haocheng's mouth twitched a few times, and his scalp was numb from shock.

'Do you want me to ask a man to give me his girlfriend in public? This is too ruthless!'

'Forget it, let's take a look at the rewards first.'

Han Haocheng gritted his teeth and continued to look down:

[Mission rewards:]

[1: Cash 110,000 yuan.]

[2: Professional-level guitar playing and singing skills.]

[3: Improved physical fitness.]

[Note: In order to successfully complete any of the given daily missions, you must not express or imply to the opposite party that 'this is a game.' It is essential to convey your seriousness and sincerity to the individuals involved as much as possible. Failure to do so may result in it being considered cheating, leading to mission failure.]

Upon glimpsing the mission's staggering reward, Han Haocheng felt a lump form in his throat.

Here was another task dangling a six-figure reward before him—this time, a substantial 110,000 yuan.

For this kind of income, let alone trying to poach someone's girlfriend in public, even if Han Haocheng were asked to eat shit in public, Han Haocheng would be willing to do so.

Besides the cash reward, there was also the professional-level guitar playing and singing skill. Not only does he gets the ability to play guitar, but he could also sing. That's essentially two rewards in one.

Add to that the improvement of physical fitness, whose exact enhancement method he didn't understand, but he knew that better physical fitness was invaluable.


The greater the reward, the braver he becomes; he is such a man.

Facing such a generous reward, Han Haocheng didn't hesitate any further and made his decision:

"Let's do it!"

After a simple breakfast, Han Haocheng immediately headed out and turned on the live broadcast. He changed the live-stream room's title to:

[Finding a good-looking couple, then sincerely requesting the man to give his girlfriend's WeChat to me!]

After changing the title, Han Haocheng also checked his number of followers.

He nearly jumped in surprise. When had he reached a hundred thousand followers?

Previously, he had been streaming for half a month and only had a few hundred followers.

Even after the time when he live streamed selling coffins door-to-door, he barely crossed the ten thousand number.

How & why had his followers suddenly surged to a hundred thousand?

He didn't need to think too hard; it was undoubtedly due to yesterday's mission, which must have once again gone viral.

After a brief look at the hot searches, he saw the news about his smallest-size condom buying live-stream. Surprisingly, the news was still trending.

With this tremendous hype and the continuous growth of his followers, when Han Haocheng opened his live stream, a large number of fans flooded in.

The comment section immediately came alive:

"The streamer is here, Finally!"

"While waiting for you, I turned into a withered flower.. You're a bit late today compared to yesterday."

"Seriously, I've been refreshing the host's homepage frequently since I woke up today, just to watch your live broadcast!"

"Anchor, so what's the plan today? Do you come up with something better to cause chaos? "

"Holy cr*p! Look at the title, hahaha!"

When the viewers saw the live stream title, smiles appeared on their faces.

In no time, the comments started rolling in:

"Man, this is insane!"

"This streamer is really not afraid of death! How audacious to ask a man for his girlfriend in public?"