
Lioness Cub

While fetching water by the river, Mareoleona's ears perked up as she heard the cries of a nearby baby, catching her attention instantly. Driven by instinct, Mareoleona immediately pursued the source of the baby's cries and discovered an infant nestled in a basket, snugly wrapped in a blanket. "Eh? So you're abandoned, huh?" Mareoleona, filled with concern, decided to investigate further. She carefully examined the basket and noticed a handkerchief with the name "Asher" embroidered on it, catching her attention. "Asher... Interesting. Well, taking care of a brat is not bad, right?"

SALTANDPEPPER_1 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Asher Cried! The Super Cool Big Sister to The Rescue

Asher stretched out his hand, his palms open, directing it towards the man before him. His intention was clear: to make this individual understand the anguish that had been inflicted upon the innocent children.

Upon witnessing Asher's gesture, a smirk formed on the man's face as he tauntingly spoke to him, "Even if you were to end my life in this very moment, nothing would alter. You would still be nothing more than a cowardly child, incapable of rescuing anyone."

With a cold tone, Asher responded to the man's mocking statement, "Die."

Inferno Blaze Magic: Demon's Lair

The man's senses were immediately assaulted as his surroundings underwent a terrifying transformation. The once familiar scenery darkened, casting an eerie shadow over everything. The ground beneath his feet trembled and cracked, as if the very earth itself was succumbing to an overwhelming force. Suddenly, bursts of flames erupted from the ground, consuming everything in their path.

In an instant, the man found himself encircled by a relentless inferno. The flames danced with an unholy intensity, licking at the air and casting sinister shadows. The heat was suffocating, searing against his skin, as if the very essence of hell had been unleashed upon him. The flickering light revealed glimpses of a chaotic realm, where chaos and destruction reigned supreme.

Trapped within this burning domain, the man's every instinct screamed for escape. The once mocking smirk was now replaced by a genuine fear, as he comprehended the magnitude of the power he had provoked.

"What is happening?! What did you do?!" The guy looked at Asher in horror.

Asher's voice turned devoid of emotion, as if his very soul had been hollowed out. His words were filled with a chilling indifference as he uttered, "Die, Just die."

Asher's eyes, void of any trace of humanity or compassion, bore into the man with an unwavering intensity. In their soulless depths, a darkness seemed to reside, suffusing the atmosphere with an aura of dread. The man could feel the weight of Asher's gaze, penetrating deep into his core, unsettling his very being.

As if consumed by a wrathful inferno, the man was engulfed in flames, subjected to an indescribable torment that surpassed the bounds of imagination. The searing heat seeped into every pore, inflicting intense anguish upon him, while the flames greedily devoured his surroundings. Yet, to his astonishment, death did not claim him swiftly; instead, he remained unscathed, untouched by any visible injuries. Despite the absence of physical wounds, his body was wracked with an unrelenting agony, a pure and unadulterated pain that seemed to transcend the realms of the physical, leaving him trapped in a state of excruciating torment.

With desperation gripping his voice, the man's plea erupted from deep within him, his words filled with anguish and despair. "Stop! I beg you, please stop! I surrender! Just end my life! Please, end my suffering!"

His hands tightly clutched his head, as if trying to contain the unbearable pain, while his bloodshot eyes revealed the depths of his torment.

Within the confines of the Demon's Lair, an overwhelming spectacle unfolded, shrouding the man in a nightmarish realm of fire and torment. Flames danced and consumed him while agony enveloped every fiber of his being. However, unbeknownst to him, it was all a cruel deception, a mirage crafted by Asher's magic powers. In the actual world, the man writhed on the ground, his body convulsing and his hands clutching his head as he cried out in despair, his pleas echoing through the air, desperately imploring Asher to end his life.

With deliberate and measured steps, Asher advanced toward the man; his soulless eyes remained fixed on the man. Even if he ends the man's life, his soul will continue to suffer. As he raised his hand, a surge of raw energy gathered, forming a sizable sphere of blazing fire within his palm. The fiery ball pulsated with intense heat, representing more than just a physical manifestation of destruction.

In an eerie and emotionless tone that seemed detached from his own will, Asher spoke words devoid of mercy or compassion. "Die. You deserve to die. It is what you deserve."

His voice carried a chilling emptiness, as if he were a vessel, controlled by an unseen force that dictated his words and actions. The chilling detachment in his voice only intensified the gravity of his proclamation, as if the very essence of darkness had taken hold of him.

Just as Asher's hand began its descent, poised to unleash the devastating power contained within, a sudden presence disrupted his intentions. Startled, he felt the unexpected embrace of another person, their arms enveloping him in a comforting hug and their gentle touch caressing the back of his head. In that tender moment, a wave of solace washed over Asher, as if the weight of his burden had momentarily been lifted.

A warm and soothing voice resonated in Asher's ears, calling out to him by name. "Asher-kun, this is not who you are. Cease your actions. Do not allow darkness to consume your pure heart." The voice carried an unmistakable sense of familiarity, bringing with it a comforting presence that sought to guide Asher back to his true self.

As Asher gradually regained his senses, the ball of fire held within his hand dissipated, fading away into nothingness. The man's consciousness faded away, as foam began to froth and trickle from his mouth.

In the embrace of Dorothy, Asher's voice trembled with remorse and sorrow. "I... I'm sorry," he choked out, tears streaming down his face, carrying the weight of his regrets. Overwhelmed by emotions and the toll of his actions, Asher's consciousness slipped away, finding solace in Dorothy's comforting presence, as darkness gently claimed him into a temporary respite.

With utmost tenderness, Dorothy's touch delicately caressed Asher's head, her eyes filled with a profound sadness. In that moment, she couldn't help but ponder the cruel twist of fate that had befallen someone as inherently pure-hearted as Asher. Despite never explicitly expressing his affections for others, his actions spoke volumes. He consistently demonstrated his unwavering presence and willingness to lend a hand to those in need. His compassionate nature was evident in every selfless act, leaving an indelible impression on those who crossed his path. As Dorothy gazed upon his unconscious form, her heart swelled with a mixture of admiration and sorrow, questioning why someone who embodied such kindness had to endure such harrowing experiences.

Nozel, having witnessed the events unfold, approached Asher and Dorothy. "Is he alright?" he asked, his footsteps carrying him closer. The profound change in Asher's demeanor had shocked Nozel to the core, leaving him bewildered and shaken by the extent of this transformation.

"Yes, I suppose. Mereoleona-san needs to know this. She knows Asher the best," Dorothy said to Nozel.

Nozel sighs and says to Dorothy, "Let's go and report. The mission was accomplished successfully."

"Right, I will just bring Asher-kun to my glamour world. I can monitor him there," Dorothy said, and Nozel just nodded.