
Lioness Cub

While fetching water by the river, Mareoleona's ears perked up as she heard the cries of a nearby baby, catching her attention instantly. Driven by instinct, Mareoleona immediately pursued the source of the baby's cries and discovered an infant nestled in a basket, snugly wrapped in a blanket. "Eh? So you're abandoned, huh?" Mareoleona, filled with concern, decided to investigate further. She carefully examined the basket and noticed a handkerchief with the name "Asher" embroidered on it, catching her attention. "Asher... Interesting. Well, taking care of a brat is not bad, right?"

SALTANDPEPPER_1 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Dorothy Meets Papa And Mama 

"Could those two individuals from my dreams be Asher's parents?" Her gaze fixated on the vast expanse of stars above as she delved into profound contemplation.

During a brief slumber, Mereoleona was visited by two enigmatic figures in her dream. One was a man with white hair and pointed ears, while the other was a woman whose hair bore a striking resemblance to Asher's. Now, her mind was consumed by the question of Asher's true parentage. Despite encountering these individuals in her dreams, their faces remained elusive, leaving Mereoleona unable to definitively identify them.

Mereoleona felt an intense need to delve deeper into the identities of those two individuals, particularly because it directly intertwined with uncovering Asher's true origins.


Fuegoleon's eyes landed on Asher's motionless body resting on the bed as he let out a sigh.

"So that's what happened," he murmured, a mix of understanding and concern evident in his voice.

Fuegoleon's brows furrowed in deep contemplation as he observed Asher's unconscious state, realizing that he had been completely unaware of the struggles his nephew had endured. Reflecting on their relationship, he couldn't help but feel a sense of perplexity; his sister, who shared a close bond with Asher, had never mentioned any of these to him. Asher possessed a remarkably secretive nature, rarely divulging details about his personal life, leaving much of his inner turmoil hidden from the outside world.

"I'm going to leave; tell me if he wakes up," Nozel said, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

Expressing his gratitude, Fuegoleon nodded towards Nozel. "Alright, thank you for bringing Asher here," he said sincerely, conveying his thanks.

"No need for thanks; it's simply the right thing to do," Nozel replied. He departed from the room, leaving Fuegoleon and Dorothy to tend to Asher.

"I'll stay here for a while, Fuegoleon-san; I think Asher will wake up anytime. I want to talk to him about something," Dorothy said.

Fuegoleon offered his reassurance to Dorothy, extending an open invitation. "Feel free to stay here whenever you need to. Just inform me or anyone else here if there's anything you need," he kindly expressed, making it clear that she was welcome to seek assistance or support at any time.

With that, Fuegoleon also bids his farewell to Dorothy because he still has some work to take care of. The award ceremony is coming closer, which is why he's overloaded with paperwork.

As Fuegoleon departed, a rare seriousness washed over Dorothy's typically cheerful countenance, highlighting the significance of her thoughts. Her mind brimmed with peculiar notions concerning Asher, sensing an enigmatic quality about him that surpassed that of an ordinary human. Though lacking concrete evidence, her intuition persistently nags at her, casting suspicion on Asher's true origins. Furthermore, when Asher was in the glamour world, she perceived the presence of two sealed souls in his body, quietly existing within him like dormant entities awaiting their time to awaken.

A resolute determination settled within Dorothy's heart, compelling her to uncover the identities of the two enigmatic souls residing within Asher. Uncertain of whether their presence bodes well for him, she felt a pressing need to delve into the depths of this mystery. If their influence proved detrimental to Asher's well-being, she needed to get rid of them before any irreversible consequences transpired.

In a tired and feeble voice, Asher weakly muttered, "C-Captain Dorothy," his eyes slowly fluttering open. The events that transpired earlier had not only drained him physically but had also taken a toll on his mental well-being, leaving him profoundly exhausted.

Hearing Asher, Dorothy immediately changed her expression and looked at him with great concern.

"Are you alright, Asher-kun? Are you experiencing any pain in your body? Is there anything you need?" Dorothy exclaimed, gently assisting Asher as he sat up in the bed.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you for asking; what happened to the mission?" Asher inquired.

"Asher-kun, there's no need to worry. The villagers are safe, and we successfully completed the mission," Dorothy reassured him, emphasizing the positive outcome. "Right now, all you need to do is focus on resting and recuperating."

"I appreciate your care, Captain Dorothy. I feel like I'm burdening you." Asher expressed his gratitude, acknowledging the support she had provided him.

"Come now, Asher-kun, don't say that. Just think of me as your big sister. Isn't it amazing to have a super captain like me as your big sister?" Dorothy beamed warmly at Asher.

Asher sighs and says, "Right... big sister Dorothy, thank you."

"It isn't bad, right? By the way, Asher-kun, I want to ask you a question," Dorothy said.

Asher looked directly at Dorothy before responding with a nod, showing his willingness to entertain her question. "Of course, as long as I can provide an answer,"

"Excellent! Have you sensed any unusual sensations within your body? Do you feel as though someone is residing within you?" Dorothy inquired, her curiosity focused on unraveling the mystery that surrounded Asher's being.

Upon hearing Dorothy's question, Asher fell into deep contemplation, his mind delving into introspection. After a moment of reflection, he shook his head and responded, "I don't perceive anything out of the ordinary within my body. Why do you ask, big sister? Can I know the reason?" His curiosity piqued, Asher sought to understand the reason behind Dorothy's inquiries.

Dorothy let out a sigh, a mixture of concern and seriousness clouding her expression. "Since it is your body, you have the right to know. I sensed the presence of two sealed souls residing within you,"

Confusion flickered across Asher's face as he tilted his head, absorbing Dorothy's revelation. "Two souls sealed within me? I have no knowledge of such a thing. If what you say is true, we need to know whether it's a bad or a good thing."

"I share the same thoughts, Asher-kun. Would you mind if I investigate this further within my glamour world?" Dorothy requested Asher's permission, recognizing the need to delve deeper into this enigma that resided within him.

Asher shook his head and replied, "No, I don't mind at all. I would appreciate it if you could proceed with the investigation." His trust in Dorothy's abilities and her genuine concern for his well-being prompted him to grant her permission.

"Alright, let's proceed then," Dorothy affirmed. Opening her grimoire, she invoked her magic, transporting both herself and Asher to the glamour world.


As Asher lay sound asleep on the bed, Dorothy delved into her work, determined to uncover the mysteries surrounding the two souls residing within him. With closed eyes, she focused her concentration, trying to summon the presence of these concealed souls. However, she braced herself for the possibility that they might resist or possess negative intentions, readying herself to confront any potential challenges that arose.

"Open your eyes; we're here." Startled by the unexpected intrusion of a soft and gentle voice, she quickly opened her eyes, only to be met with a sight that left her utterly astonished.

Before Dorothy stood a woman bearing a striking resemblance to Asher, alongside a man with white hair and pointed ears. As Dorothy levitated Asher's bed and positioned it behind her, her instinctual guard was raised, her gaze shifting between the two individuals with a mix of caution and curiosity. She remained vigilant, prepared for any potential encounters or revelations that lay ahead.

Observing Dorothy's guarded demeanor, the woman let out a gentle chuckle and spoke soothingly, aiming to alleviate any concerns. "Fear not, we harbor no ill intentions," she reassured, her voice carrying a calming tone.

Dorothy, casting a doubtful glance at the two individuals, asked, "Why should I trust you? Who are you? And what's the reason for your presence inside Asher-kun?"

The man standing next to the woman spoke out, reassuringly saying, "There's no reason to be concerned. We'll provide you with all the information you need, and we won't cause any harm. After all, we are his parents."

I don't know if Dorothy can really do all of that with her magic, but in this fanfic, she can.

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